Wheel of Fortune esp moment

What about it suggests ESP to you? Is the letter board channeling the information to the contestant?

It's a coincident. That's the nature of a coincident (it doesn't happen often). Someone wins the lottery. It seems amazing but someone has to win and that person can be you and yet no ESP is involved.

Savants don't have ESP ability either. Read one of the books by Daniel Tammet who is one of the few "savants" who aren't "idiot savants" and who is therefore able to discuss how his mind (and other's) works.

Their brains generally are "cross-wired" slightly different than ours which is helpful in some ways (their savant abilities) and unhelpful in other ways (their idiot ways).

Many are good with numbers. They don't do computations super fast, they just "see" the answers without effort. This is because they have more associations with numbers than we do (such as colors, patterns, etc).

In his case however he has a hard time recognizing different peoples faces much like an animal may (one who only identifies its owner by smell or habits). This is a skill that we take for granted and do easily because we have many associations to help us.

We don't have many associations with numbers and just have to memorize them. He sees numbers as colors, different shapes, different patterns so working with numbers is easier.

ESP isn't involved.
95% accurate? Did you keep proper records? Did you write down all the times you thought "Oh, that'll probably be Mom" and it wasn't?

Maybe you aren't called by a lot of people. Or maybe you have a few people who call you a lot more regularly than other people. In that case, it wouldn't be too hard to guess who was calling.

But I think the most important thing there is that you're likely to remember the hits and forget the misses.
Years ago... sometimes when the phone woud ring i woud be about 95% accurate on who was callin.!!!
Is it your opinion that your phone was telepathically communicating with you? Did you know that those people were going to call before the phone rang?

Was this a period of time in which only one person called you 95% of the time :)
Is it your opinion that your phone was telepathically communicating with you? Did you know that those people were going to call before the phone rang?

Was this a period of time in which only one person called you 95% of the time :)

In no particular order... my answrs to you'r questons is yes... yes... no.!!!

As a test of you'r ESP... which queston of your's does my "no" answr apply to.???
95% accurate? Did you keep proper records? Did you write down all the times you thought "Oh, that'll probably be Mom" and it wasn't?

No proper records... the 95% is best estimate.!!!

Maybe you aren't called by a lot of people. Or maybe you have a few people who call you a lot more regularly than other people. In that case, it wouldn't be too hard to guess who was calling.

Not so hard... especially for someone who has ESP abilities (an may not even realize it).!!!

But I think the most important thing there is that you're likely to remember the hits and forget the misses.

Thats understandable... but im perty sure that my 95% figure is wit-in a 4.3% tolerance.!!!

I had the same experience. But it was most likely just the fact that I knew generally when people were going to call.

Note to Seattle:::
Do not read the "Spoiler" until you have posted the answr to you'r ESP test or it will spoil it.!!!

A queston to James R;;; have you ever been tested for ESP.???

To billvon an James R...
Yes... almost ever Sunday between 7 an 7:30 i woud get a call from the same person... an James R might have ESP abilities sinse he named the person who made those calls... my mom :smile:

A 2 part ESP test for James R... how many fangers am i holdin up... an which fanger is it :D
A queston to James R;;; have you ever been tested for ESP.???
Yes. As a kid, I was very interested in ESP and believed it might be real. Then, when I got a bit older I learned some science and some critical thinking skills, so that I now appreciate that there's no good evidence for the existence of ESP. It's a pity, but we can't choose the world we live in.
My ESP is telling me the "No" is in response to the first question...
OMG... you'r right... kinda spooky huh :biggrin:

Yes. As a kid, I was very interested in ESP and believed it might be real. Then, when I got a bit older I learned some science and some critical thinking skills, so that I now appreciate that there's no good evidence for the existence of ESP.

Prolly most kids have tryed ESP type stuff... the results is a good learnin experience.!!!

Prolly saw it done on tv (telekinesis)... an i thank i was around 13 when i balanced a toothpick horizontally so that it woud move wit the slightest effort... an then try an use my mind to make it move... but that fugger woudnt budge... a bit disapointed :(

I thank it was in the mid 70's... i was washin dishes an listenin to the news on tv... an he started talkin about Crop Circles... how they apeared over night but woud have been imposible to make in such a short time... an ther was speculation about UFO's... but that turned out to be just anuther disapontment.!!!

BTW--- That was my little fanger i was holdin up... did you guess right :D
In no particular order... my answrs to you'r questons is yes... yes... no.!!!

As a test of you'r ESP... which queston of your's does my "no" answr apply to.???

The "no" must be for "Is it your opinion that your phone was telepathically communicating with you?"
Unless it was a Psi-phone.