Magical Realist:
Here's where you started this thread:
What are the odds of this happening? Simply amazing!
The answer is: this is an unusual occurrence, but not one with astronomical odds against it.
The evidence for that includes:
1. Other people (even some on this forum) did the same thing.
2. There are a number of other examples of the same kind of thing happening on other game shows.
3. Having a flash of inspiration on something like this is a common enough human experience that we should all be able to relate to.
I'd be extremely surprised if you, personally, have never had the answer to an obscure question just "come to you", seemingly out of the blue. Then again, with your usual magical thinking you probably put that down to your own personal ESP.
She said she had a hunch. Like the whole phrase came to her at once. That's either esp, or some kind of subconscious computational ability we all may have.Savants display this in amazing cases.
You've never had a hunch yourself?
As for "some kind of subconscious computation ability we all may have", there's a
lot of evidence that, indeed, we all do have an ability to do some complex processing of information subconsciously. In fact, try to work out how, exactly, it is that you can recall
anything. What was the name of the first man on the moon? There. Did that require a conscious thought process, or did the answer just pop into your head, seemingly out of nowhere?
Savants show heightened ability to do certain types of mental computation, but this seems to be an exaggeration of abilities that we all have to a lesser extent. And usually, savant-like ability comes at the cost of other brain activities.
Hindsight is 20/20. So after all that figuring, which probably would take you what maybe 5 minutes?, were you able to guess the phrase?
It took me 5 minutes to write the post, but the reasoning was there when I first watched the video (first 35 seconds).
As a matter of fact, I
didn't work out the whole phrase from the clues - only the "I've got a ..." part. But, I'm Australian and that phrase is probably not in as common use where I live as it is where the TV show was made.
Let's imagine that there was a 1 in 20 chance that somebody would put the pieces together like the woman in the video. Then, you wouldn't expect me to do it, based on the probability. But you'd expect that
somebody reading this thread would repeat the feat, and look what happened - Kittamaru did it in quick time.
Even the experienced game show host was amazed by this. Ofcourse it's extraordinary.
It's an unusual occurrence, but not extraordinary.
I realise that mundane explanations involving chance are not as fun as conspiracy theories and miracles. You think you live in a magical world where you like to believe that miracles happen regularly. But in fact you live in a non-magical world where chance and statistics rule.