Mirror yourself said the blind man to himself
It's useless because it doesn't aid us in any way
You refer to yourself when you say 'us'? Or do you refer to me in a position of an outsider?
Do you acspect something only to be usefull if it is benificial or helps you? What if it helps others? Could you settle with that knowlegde? Bearing that in mind?
Tell me in what way you expect me to help you and I will,...I have a good idear tough. But it's not helpfull to ask help just to deny and neclect it afterwards,...by stating that you didn't want someone to give you some answers: He who seeks must not be surprised when there are answers presented to him/her. the seeker will find his quest, to solve the quest, one must be questionable,suseptible and sceptical, ect,...
It is not my intension nor my mission however to impose any threat to anyone,...my proper funtion is also not to lecture you on how to comprehend the vastness of the universe,...my job also does not exists out of telling you what you already know,...(I hope)
It is also not my aim to discuss this hereby,...(don't fight)
Altough I do agree to some height with your conclusions, I must also state that there are more sides to look at, and more perspectives to dis-engage of then you presume. (come to the point=yourself)
Personally, I find most of NASA to be a complete waste of money
Now NASA has some aspects that are mutual beneficial,...for NASA and for 'us' and hereby I don't mean just the states,...but the world. How much money would you spend on research if you knew that this could give an ANSWER to every single dissease,...(for expl.) that would end the suffering for thousands of people thoughout the world,... This actually is not a real aim hence it would counter-act the actual steps taken to control birth/deathrates trough the acutal manipulation of disseases. (like making war spreading disseases basically killing people, esspecially poor people) Until there is a change in mentallity (pro-human instead of contra-human) there wil always be this exploitation of the peoples of this world, yes,...And If I overhear you,....then you don't sound like as if you can imagine how to make a change.
How much does the U.S. government spend on NASA, billions a year?
Here's: the exact info on the info you request, just open from location.
As not being American I should not probably be patriotic or something like it but I'm just being positive here: altough I now that there's a lot going on in evil minds and black buget funded programs ect,...and all WE get to see is
this: It's no wonder that people tend to be reluctant to see what the world (not only Americans) is paying for.
NASA is basically a cold war left over
Now that's not entirely true,...
Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space.
NASA technology also has been adapted for many non-aerospace uses by the private sector.
NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general.
Perhaps more importantly, The exploration of space has helped some people to view the Earth, themselves, and the universe in a new way.
While the tremendous technical and scientific accomplishments of NASA demonstrate vividly that humans (not only Americans) can achieve previously inconceivable feats, we also are humbled by the realization that Earth is just a tiny "blue marble" in the cosmos.
(And it can be destructed just as easally as Mars was by the explosion and then the impact of a planet killer, wich is in the unconsious realm of human beings, but in order to supres this people devised history at their wil, and not to reality.)
a cold war left over like the CIA
Now don't mix up those two so easely as you do,...they may be founded by the same nation,...and they surely serve unilateral purpousses. But nowadays these institutes can not be regarded as leftovers,.... That would be the same as stating that (it's just a way of looking at things differently) you are a 'genetical left over' of your antcesters. (your genes hold also some cultural and behavioral aspects of their lives,...)
No,...we humans (altough I do tend to look at earth as an alien) adopt ourselves to any given situation and circumstance we encounter,...or else suffer the consecuences (we all in fact do suffer from stupid decisions made over our heads wich we are made to believe we cannot change.
Because we all have the power to tap into or to direct ourselves to other experiances if we want,...(or if nessesary) so that in our turn we may give birth to this vision we endorsed troughout our lives. Do not believe the misconception that there is nothing to change,...esspecially: don't be fatalistic: don't say: "I can't help it, it's in my genes" because you can help, you can change,....this world, now,....in this life,....
If it takes us trillions of dollars to discover time travel, would that aid humanity more than if we'd spend that money towards eliminating homelessness?
Here's a culprit: The system is aimed at profit,...a system that is aimed at profit at all costs,...thus: people are not the goal in the first place,...they are merely instuments devised, educated ect,... by this system to aid the system in achieving the system's goal: profit. If the system is telling you that it's actually in service of people: then sure as hell it's aiming at the people who are at the end of the money-line.
Did Jesus pose the questions or did he held the answers? and do you not suppose the answer is already (or at least a part of) the answer? Are the teachings of Boudha maby familiar by you? thoughs really CAN be comprehended,...it's just difficult to explain,...or is it just devised to sustain a level of re-action,...on your behalf,...do you find yourself lectured by many people? Or is it just you who want to lecture others? did you come here to read or just to spread some mayhem and discontent? Do I offend you or did I do so in any way? Are you never angry with yourself? And : great questioning this contribute to nothingness,...by you,....any more idears that help you?
And I do NOT fail to see what all this has to do in particular with this thread: NOTHING