BackIf it means something like what I think it means, then I think you have a(nother) problem. Simultaneity is relative, so the "now" moment for one observer is necessarily different than the "now" moment for a relatively-moving observer.
A view of the totality of the Universe would see every action occuring at a single NOW
Our view (from inside the Universe) is to be always be looking into history (looking at stuff, from the tip of your nose to the edge of the Universe)
The distances involved (tip of nose - small --- edge of Universe - vast) plus the finite speed of light means it cannot be otherwise
However, just because the sight of the tip of your nose arrives within a miniscule time frame and edge of Universe in a longer time frame does NOT mean they occurred within different NOWs
Again the finite speed of light and separation distances involved do prevent the two different NOWs being SEEN at the same moment but does not prevent two different NOWs OCCURING at the same moment
Coffee time