What is Magnetism?

I think in the direction of a). As in Di-electric (imaginary capacitor) potential can be discharged into electric flow, so the dielectric potential and magnetic/electric field are in resonance, continually oscillating.
I think we've reached the point where you should request this thread be moved to either the "pseudoscience" or "alternative theories" section of this forum.
Yep, your final word is calling me worthless now. Thank you. You Im certain, you are most valuable. The world seems to work for you, I am glad. Dont go so harsh on everyone... they dont deserve it.
Yep, your final word is calling me worthless now.
No, I'm not. I'm at most calling into question how good a scientist you can be, if you're not open to criticism. Please don't twist my words.

Thank you. You Im certain, you are most valuable. The world seems to work for you, I am glad. Dont go so harsh on everyone... they dont deserve it.
People also deserve to know when their ideas are incompatible with mainstream science, especially if they post them for discussion in the science-section on a science forum.
I only ask for one single thing: Help me explain the toroidal symmetry of permanent magnet viewed through ferrocell, the opposed spins (static) and why its inverse symmetry to iron filings.
Any help appreciated
I only ask for one single thing: Help me explain the toroidal symmetry of permanent magnet viewed through ferrocell, the opposed spins (static) and why its inverse symmetry to iron filings.
No, you came in here with a link to your website. A website that (unless you start explaining yourself) seems to be filled to the brim with unscientific conjectures and other misunderstandings. You pretty much admitted you can't do the maths related to Maxwell's equations, let alone the QED route. How can you expect anybody to explain the toroidal symmetry to you, if you are unable to comprehend even the most basic scientific theories about it?

Any help appreciated
I already provided help, but you seem to have rejected it.
The thread is called: What is magnetism. We see something below ferrocell, that no one can explain. Science asks questions, this is science, and our math doesnt work (yet). Explanation for this inverse symmetry are required. You know how much the understanding of electromagnetism brought humanity. So this component here has some explosive potential, once understood, and I wish you could open your eye and understand yourself, that here is the unknown to be explored which is great fun.
The iron filings arrange 90° phase-related to the pattern of the toroidal field of magnet viewed through ferrocell using light. Why is that?
The thread is called: What is magnetism.
Right, so you didn't ask for help only with "the toroidal symmetry of permanent magnet viewed through ferrocell", which was my point.

We see something below ferrocell, that no one can explain.
Please show evidence that this has not been explained.

Science asks questions, this is science, and our math doesnt work (yet).
Please show evidence that our math (which you pretty much admitted you can't do anyway) doesn't work (yet).

Explanation for this inverse symmetry are required.
And they are given through the Maxwell equations. All you have to do is derive them from there.

You know how much the understanding of electromagnetism brought humanity. So this component here has some explosive potential, once understood,
Does not follow. That it brought much understanding in the past doesn't mean it will automatically bring much understanding in the future.

and I wish you could open your eye and understand yourself, that here is the unknown to be explored which is great fun.
I agree, except that I only want to explore reality, and learn true things. This involves critically looking at things, and understanding them fully before accepting them as truth.

An open mind is a wonderful thing, but you need to make sure you mind isn't too open; it'll fall out.

How can an point-inverse symmetry be electromagnetically explained?
Just plug your specific situation into the Maxwell equations, and derive the symmetry from there.

The iron filings arrange 90° phase-related to the pattern of the toroidal field of magnet viewed through ferrocell using light. Why is that?
Just plug your specific situation into the Maxwell equations, and derive the pattern from there.
My mind wont fall out, enough with the many compliments. We dont fly space & time, nor do we understand conciousness, which is made from atoms... We dont know 96%, yet you say we know it all. Maxwell is godmode. No need to worry, who does not search, will not find. Have a nice evening.
My mind wont fall out, enough with the many compliments.
Then why are you talking about "divine symmetry" and "fractal mathematics" as if they have anything to do with magnetism in your slides?

We dont fly space & time, nor do we understand conciousness, which is made from atoms...
Don't "fly space & time"? What do you mean?

Consciousness is not made from atoms.

We dont know 96%,
As I pointed out earlier, we do know about dark matter, so that's "only" 75%. And, you are talking about the energy content of the universe, not electromagnetism. We know pretty much 100% of that (classically).

yet you say we know it all. Maxwell is godmode.
In classical electromagnetics, it pretty much is.

No need to worry, who does not search, will not find.
But don't go looking for a problem where there is none. Don't make your mind fall out!

Have a nice evening.
You too!
Looking forward to your ideas of how to explain what to see when a magnet is put below a ferrocell
What is a ferrocell? I've had a quick look on the web but can't seem to find a good description.

I think I can explain why iron filings align along the "field lines", but perhaps that is not what you are talking about.
What is a ferrocell? I've had a quick look on the web but can't seem to find a good description.

I think I can explain why iron filings align along the "field lines", but perhaps that is not what you are talking about.
Apparently it is a thin layer of mineral oil and ferrofluid between 2 layers of glass illuminated by LEDs. The ferrofluid which is dark lines up with the magnetic field so as you move move the ferrocell through the field it will show different patterns. Sounds kinda fun....
If it conforms with Maxwell's equations, it's correct, and if it doesn't, it isn't. One thing I do know is that there only is one type of magnetic field: the electromagnetic field. It describes all known static and dynamic situations perfectly.
Does that also include "ferromagnetism"?

A "horseshoe magnet" made of alnico, an iron alloy. The magnet, made in the shape of a horseshoe, has the two magnetic poles close together. This shape creates a strong magnetic field between the poles, allowing the magnet to pick up a heavy piece of iron.
A permanent magnet is an object made from a material that is magnetizedand creates its own persistent magnetic field.

This woulld still seems to produce internal or closed circular (toroid) effect?
(That is Just for my information)

Pascal has already indicated that he is talking about a) in post 38. If I understand correctly he is talking about a
Feedback loop
The behavior of the electromagnetic field can be divided into four different parts of a loop:
  • the electric and magnetic fields are generated by electric charges,
  • the electric and magnetic fields interact with each other,
  • the electric and magnetic fields produce forces on electric charges,
  • the electric charges move in space.
Which produces a toroidal shape by the loops themselves. Is this what you are wanting to discuss, Pascal?
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Does that also include "ferromagnetism"?
Yes. To the best of my knowledge, Maxwell's equations describe everything about magnetism (classically), which would include ferromagnetism.

It appears your link has gone bad; that section doesn't exist anymore?

This woulld still seems to produce internal or closed circular (toroid) effect?
(That is Just for my information)
What do you mean by "internal or closed circular (toroid) effect"?

Pascal has already indicated that he is talking about a) in post 38. If I understand correctly he is talking about a
Which produces a toroidal shape by the loops themselves. Is this what you are wanting to discuss, Pascal?
(All of which is perfectly described by Maxwell's equations, by the way.)
Yes. To the best of my knowledge, Maxwell's equations describe everything about magnetism (classically), which would include ferromagnetism.
OK, I accept your word for it.
It appears your link has gone bad; that section doesn't exist anymore?
Hmmmm, I tried it and it came up immediately.
What do you mean by "internal or closed circular (toroid) effect"?
As I undersatnd it, taking the earth as an example, the earth's magnetic field surrounds (curves) from pole to pole. To me this presents as a toroidal magnetic field.

The "integral form" of the original Ampère's circuital law[1] is a line integral of the magnetic field around any closed curveC (This closed curve is arbitrary but it must be closed, meaning that it has no endpoints). The curve C bounds both a surfaceS, and any current which pierces that surface is said to be enclosed by the surface. The line integral of the magnetic B-field (in tesla, T) around closed curve C is proportional to the total current Iencpassing through a surface S(enclosed by C):
Maxwell's correction term (displacement current)[edit]
This equation might is not generally valid if a time-dependent electric field is present
, as was discovered by James Clerk Maxwell, who added the displacement current term to Ampere's law around 1861.[2][3] The need for this extra term can be seen in the figure to the right. The diagram shows a capacitor being charged by current {\displaystyle I\,}
flowing through a wire, which creates a magnetic field {\displaystyle \mathbf {B} \,}
around it. The magnetic field is found from Ampere's law:
(All of which is perfectly described by Maxwell's equations, by the way.)
Yes, after further reading, I see that magnetism always has an electric component to it.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention.