Was life on Earth created by an evil designer?

It was your assertion that you know the truth.

I made several attempts to show how this must be flawed. You do not see it the same way. That's fine.

Let's back up a bit to your assertion. Explain how you know this truth.
There are no aspects to struggle with.
Ah, you've resorted to the "hand over the ears and claiming you can't hear" defense, I see.
How very noble of you, Jan.
I must remember to do the same to you if for no other reason than to highlight your pathetic attitude in these so-called discussions you reduce things to.
Is it true I asserted that I know the truth?

As a casual observer I certainly get the impression you presented such that it would be reasonable to assume that you believe you know the truth.
My impression is that you believe there is a God and that is a truth that somehow humans must know as if that knowledge is somewhat instinctual.
Without commiting yourself totally to my proposition would you agree that so far I am reasonably close to understanding your belief?
What I do not understand is why you engage in these arguments that do not achieve anything.
Is it that you enjoy arguing.
I have moved past my position since the last time we chatted such that I now find it somewhat offensive to argue in public about ones belief or disbelief.
I do enjoy the games you play but the realisation has come to me that what you do gives the impression thesists are deceiptful and manipulative which has been my personal experience sadly, and so my view of what you do may be coloured by my other personal experience.

I think Jones had a way with words and was deceiptful and manipulative and played upon peoples belief of this truth you allude to and using that lever convinced them to take their lives, whole families, mothers fathers grand parents and of course innocent children. What truth can we find in that horror certainly no truth that God is in everyone's heart.
Remember Jones town.
Ah, you've resorted to the "hand over the ears and claiming you can't hear" defense, I see.
How very noble of you, Jan.
I must remember to do the same to you if for no other reason than to highlight your pathetic attitude in these so-called discussions you reduce things to.

Don't you get tired of your brazen prejudice, especially in a place where it seems to be okay to be prejudice against theists?

As a casual observer I certainly get the impression you presented such that it would be reasonable to assume that you believe you know the truth.

So is it true that you got the impression that it would be reasonable to assume that I believe I know the truth?

Without commiting yourself totally to my proposition would you agree that so far I am reasonably close to understanding your belief?

I believe in God. What more is there to know?

I do enjoy the games you play but the realisation has come to me that what you do gives the impression thesists are deceiptful and manipulative which has been my personal experience sadly, and so my view of what you do may be coloured by my other personal experience.

I get the feeling you get that impression regardless of my input or not. Or at the very least it is a position you are prepared to take on board, where the situation arises.
Is it the question I pose, that has created the situation whereby you can draw that card?

I think Jones had a way with words and was deceiptful and manipulative and played upon peoples belief of this truth you allude to and using that lever convinced them to take their lives, whole families, mothers fathers grand parents and of course innocent children. What truth can we find in that horror certainly no truth that God is in everyone's heart.
Remember Jones town.

Yes. Another athiest who had no understanding of God.

But is it true?
Please don't play games.
Oh the irony.

You are notorious and well-known for avoiding answers by simply asking more questions.

(And that doesn't even include the big one: 'What is your definition of God - using well-formed grammatical sentences and concepts.')

Play games indeed.
Don't you get tired of your brazen prejudice, especially in a place where it seems to be okay to be prejudice against theists?
I have no prejudice against theists, and mostly I see no prejudice against theists in these forums.
What I do see is people who raise questions, even criticism, against points that are not raised logically, or honestly, and questions when alternative conclusions appear irrational to them.
What I also see is people who prefer discussion with those who engage in it honestly, and a general calling-out of those who don't.
If you see that as prejudice, even prejudice against theists, then so be it.
Oh the irony.

You are notorious and well-known for avoiding answers by simply asking more questions.

(And that doesn't even include the big one: 'What is your definition of God - using well-formed grammatical sentences and concepts.')

Play games indeed.

Is it true?

Oh the irony.

You are notorious and well-known for avoiding answers by simply asking more questions.

(And that doesn't even include the big one: 'What is your definition of God - using well-formed grammatical sentences and concepts.')

Play games indeed.

You're following a strawman construct, a get ot of anwering questions clause.
You asked me a question. and I presented as my answer a question. which if answered honestly, will answer your question. But you are evading the question. Why? It is a simple straightforward question.

What are you afraid of?

Yet this man presented as a believer for years, he had a church a congregation declared he believed in God ...yet an atheist you say. Such nonsence statements Jan cements my opinion.

Yes, he was, and had those things, yet he was a self-confessed (agnostic) atheist.

It's one thing to profess belief, to openly show grand gestures, but it is another thing to actually believe.
That is what you cannot comprehend, which why you are atheist (without God).
If you are without something, you do not know what it is to be with that something. You simply offer ideas, and concepts of what you think it is like.

I'm talking nonsense you say?
Put this link in your pipe and smoke it...

...Jim Jones - Marxist, atheist cult leader. Jim Jones' The Peoples Temple became a place where atheism was blended with seeing Jones as a Christ-like figure.[13] Under his direction, his followers committed mass suicide (see: Atheism and suicide).

"I was an atheist even then, and at that funeral parlor they held me up to look at her, and when I got down, I was bitter." - Jim Jones

"So on down the road, I became even more alienated by that event. I decided, how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church." - Jim Jones


Well in Jan's favour most theists have more answers than questions.

I have answers too.
The answers will reveal themselves when and if you tackle those questions. That way you realise the answer for yourself, rather than being told. A good indicator of denial is when that person openly evades the question, because they already know what the answer is, but choose to ignore it, and stay in their position.
