Registered Senior Member, the lies you tell are actually very much intentional. Typical Russian internet shitlording., the lies you tell are actually very much intentional. Typical Russian internet shitlording.
It seems to me Assad is responsible for the deaths his regime has inflicted.Consider that you have 12 million refugees and over 500,000 dead in Syria alone, the vast majority caused by the Assad regime and its allies, which would not have been possible without the massive Iranian intervention to rescue him (they sent in over 100,000 foreign Shiite militants and confiscated homes for many of them to settle long term). In Iraq the Sunni communities and Kurds have faced a string of massacres and ethnic cleansing that follows after Iranian operations ostensibly directed against ISIS, their communities are being systematically uprooted. During the US occupation of Iraq I believe the stats were something like 2,000,000 Iraqi dead from conflict, of whom only 200,000 or so were attributed directly to US action. In Yemen the Iranian-backed Houthis allied with an ousted dictator to seize control of parliament from the newly elected president and have since played a major role in imposing the ongoing humanitarian crisis. In Lebanon Hezbollah has repeatedly used its Iran-supplied military to force increased concessions and power within the government, which has currently led the country to the standstill it now finds itself in with risks of major debt default and economic collapse, thousands have died from its actions there and millions more are at risk.
We will find intentional ignorance, or at least claims of intentional ignorance, supporting falsehoods.You will not find any intentional lies.
I have never posted about what you "probably think". I have reminded you of what you have actually posted, and where it came from.Different from iceaura I will not speculate about you probably think
Right, so this guy's knee-deep in doo doo and his involvement with Russian lobbyists is just one small part of his overall rap sheet. That just shows how much concern there should be over the fact that Trump was taking millions of dollars from this guy while he was busy making deals with the UAE and Putin and discussing them with Trump's transition team, and here's Schmelzer telling us all along that it's just a Democrat witch hunt.
So the first enquiry to get the goods on Trump didn't because it relied on dubious people but they proved Russian interference
while Trump gets crucified for doing in an official capacity what Biden did on camera?
All inquiries into Trump's doings will involve gathering evidence from dubious people - there are no other kinds of people anywhere near Trump.So the first enquiry to get the goods on Trump didn't because it relied on dubious people but they proved Russian interference
Discarding the silly bs regarding Biden: one can only hope Trump gets "crucified" (as the drama queens of the US authoritarian right describe the kid glove treatment they receive from ordinary law enforcement).while Trump gets crucified for doing in an official capacity what Biden did on camera?
It should be "vice president", and the "on camera" should be in the first sentence. (The second is simply BS.) The video of Biden proudly saying that he will withhold a billion or so dollars if Shokin will not be fired immediately is. I think, well-known, too lazy to search it. Same for the evidence that a short time before this, a lot of property of the chief of that Burisma where Hunter "worked" has been seized because of those corruption and that all this ended in nothing after Shokin was fired.You mean Biden used his powers as president of the US to withhold security aid to a foreign country for his own personal benefit? Or do you mean how Biden spoke on camera about grabbing women by the pussy?
So do you agree that your complaint concerning Iranian influence could just as easilly be levied against the USA or not?
It seems to me Assad is responsible for the deaths his regime has inflicted.
I must admit, though, I was not aware of this ethnic cleansing (I presume you must mean religious cleansing, as there is no ethnic difference) in Iraq. Can you direct me to a source for that?
Fair enough.... however that is not what I was asking...No I don't agree. Yes I believe the US and other western powers have done plenty of things to complain about over the last half century, none of it involves ethnic cleansing on the scales we're currently seeing in Syria and Iraq, or the ethnic chaos Iran is deliberately creating in Lebanon and Yemen. If there's a bully who goes around school intimidating people into cooperating with them, and meanwhile there's another bully who goes around smashing peoples' heads in including women and other people half their size, the two individuals cannot be said to be "equally bad".
He would be replaced by some other person, probably a military. The population would support him as well as they now support Assad because this would be the only hope for peace.Open questions:
What do you think would happen to the majority of Syrian civilians if Assad was assassinated in a USA drone strike?
What would happen to the stability of Syria?
When would the Syrian people find stability again?