Vitamin D Deficiency

Could be, but the connection is based on the fact that a majority of people with MS are vitamin D deficient. Of course, the majority of people are vitamin D deficient, so thats not saying much.

And those who have MS are probably kept indoors a lot.
And those who have MS are probably kept indoors a lot.

Most people with MS are still mobile. That is, getting around by themselves.

Not quite at the "kept" stage. Also, they just tend to absorb D less well than myelin-normal folks like you and me. Kthnxbye.
It didn't. Why do you think chronic diseases are a problem now?

We're living long enough to get them.
I was diagnosed the same about three months ago, and the doc put me on a Vitamin D bomb (50,000 IU) once a week for two months and then once a month after. My level was at 7 when I was tested. A lot of people are D deficient, more than people realize because it's not a normal test.

Take the Rx, I have never felt better in my life. No aches and pains like I used to have, I'm not so tired in the evenings, I have an easier time getting up in the morning and generally I feel healthier. I haven't caught the three viruses people have been passing around and I feel like I am thinking more clearly and have more motivation.

It was my endocrinologist that prescribed mine. I would suggest getting tested after those two months and seeing what your levels are then. If it's still way down, you might have bigger issues. I am still on the 50k once a month, but I take 1000 IU in the morning and evening now.

This sounds exactly like my situation. I've started the Rx yesterday - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units 1 per week for 2 months.

I am hoping to get the same results you got. Right now I am sore after gardening, but not after walking (why?). I'm easily tired, and some days almost not able to get up for work. I thought I was going crazy!

I have luckily not gotten any viruses, but did have a case of vertigo in Jan. :shrug:

As a side note, I took the test because the MD I work for has been testing some his patients for low levels of vitamin D. He's a cardiologist who specializes in the treatment of elevated cholesterol. He sometimes prescribes statins to his patients. He decided to test his patients that had a history of extreme muscle aches with statin use. He said it has been found that there maybe a correlation between extreme muscle aches, statins use and low Vit D levels.

So, the office staff decided to be tested to. Out of us 3 girls who took the test, 2 were deficient & needed replacement therapy, and one wasn't that low. She decided to take an over the counter maintenance dose.

I also made an appt. with a General MD, just to follow up with everything. I'm really glad I had the lab test.
I know they still come through on a cloudy day, but I wondered if you would have to be out a lot longer then the 15 mins. I see that you don't agree that 15 mins is long enough anyway. Does it also matter how much of your skin is exposed? is your hands and face even good enough?

Yeah well here in Canada we had +12 and sunny on Sunday and Monday back to friggen freezing rain, blowing snow and a crazy wind that won't let up. :eek:

"The factors that affect UV radiation exposure and research to date on the amount of sun exposure needed to maintain adequate vitamin D levels make it difficult to provide general guidelines. It has been suggested by some vitamin D researchers, for example, that approximately 5-30 minutes of sun exposure between 10 AM and 3 PM at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen usually lead to sufficient vitamin D synthesis and that the moderate use of commercial tanning beds that emit 2-6% UVB radiation is also effective [11,28]. Individuals with limited sun exposure need to include good sources of vitamin D in their diet or take a supplement."

Shorty, Here's something that is really informative. I would take a supplement if I were trying for maintenance vs. sun exposure. (not enough time)
I'm pretty short, and small boned and concerned with osteoporosis, so after I get to optimum levels, I'll add a supplement to my daily routine.;)
there maybe a correlation between extreme muscle aches, statins use and low Vit D levels.

I heard the same thing from a doctor at a poster session. He treated his older patients with vitamin D supplements and found that their episodes of muscle soreness were reduced. Also their sarcopenia [muscle loss].

There is some preliminary work that suggests a role for vitamin D in muscle metabolism. Its still in the early stages.
I heard the same thing from a doctor at a poster session. He treated his older patients with vitamin D supplements and found that their episodes of muscle soreness were reduced. Also their sarcopenia [muscle loss].

There is some preliminary work that suggests a role for vitamin D in muscle metabolism. Its still in the early stages.

I know I had huge leg and arm muscle aches periodically. And the other girl had leg cramps at night.
Remember, vitamin D synthesis is the most likely explanation for why humans lost melanin as they moved to northern latitudes. Since I don't consume as much vitamin D fortified dairy as I used to, I've been buying the D fortified orange juice. But since I've been cycling more (better weather, daylight saving time, longer days), I probably get all I need that way.
Remember, vitamin D synthesis is the most likely explanation for why humans lost melanin as they moved to northern latitudes. Since I don't consume as much vitamin D fortified dairy as I used to, I've been buying the D fortified orange juice. But since I've been cycling more (better weather, daylight saving time, longer days), I probably get all I need that way.

Maybe, but how would you know if you weren't? It's a simple lab test that could be included in a yearly check up. If your getting older, maybe you should get it checked. Vit D def. is linked to a lot of symptoms that affect quality of life. It's just a thought:) Though, it sounds like your fit and healthy.
wha?? Why? Are they sun sensitive so they can't go outside?

Well, their mobility depends on how far the MS has progressed. And if it is advanced enough, then these people depend on others to regularly take them to sunbaths.
Orleander, my ex couldn't really regulate his body temp because of brain/spinal damage, so he was sensitive to both.
I know they still come through on a cloudy day, but I wondered if you would have to be out a lot longer then the 15 mins. I see that you don't agree that 15 mins is long enough anyway. Does it also matter how much of your skin is exposed? is your hands and face even good enough?

Yeah well here in Canada we had +12 and sunny on Sunday and Monday back to friggen freezing rain, blowing snow and a crazy wind that won't let up. :eek:

Hah I know I'm down in Calgary :cool:
Well they say 15 minutes naked. If that were long enough for the Canadian sun then nobody here would have deficiencies. I mean, who doesn't get at least 15 minutes of sun?

As far as I know, the more skin you have exposed, the more vit D you can make. But then your scalp and eyes have more vitamin D receptors than anywhere else on your body.. so its not all equal.