That is exactly what a troll would say.
You can go ahead and do your own homework - and state your position in some positive sense - if you want me to care about your assertions. Continued empty condescension will be written off as a pathetic attempt at trolling. As it stands, I am comfortable with my position as stated.
So, again: is it your contention that the governments of Iraq, Libya and Egypt do not have democratically elected civilian governments? If so, what is the basis for that assertion?
Are you going to actually contribute something substantive here, or just take hollow pot-shots at me?
You know full-well how it works - YOU made the original claim here so it's up to YOU to prove YOUR assertions, not me.
But it's moot now since Chipz shot you down in flames! Pay particular attention to his final statement PLUS the fact that *rigged* elections hardly are a mark of a true democratic government.