Understanding Depression

being different is not the same thing as being sick. it's absolutely normal to be abnormal.

of course because most things in school are boring, stupid, wrong and pointless. who could concentrate on something they don't even like?

you didnt even answer the questions, and most things in school are not boring and stupid, since when is reading stupid? they use computers which both my boys love to do. they were not only very very active at school but also at home, when my youngest child was just 4yrs old he smashed a wide screen TV, he has smashed windows, he has attacked me with a knife, he will run out in the middle of the road, i have been banned from using buses with him because he keeps ringing the emergency bell, i had to have special transport for him to go to and fro school. all that was before the medication, and you didnt even answer the question do you think ADHD/ADD doesnt exsist? and why are you so quick along with the uneducated moron to blame the perants of these children?

unless you live with children that are ADHD/ADD then you ahve no idea what it is like, you cannot just punish them and smack them they do not respond to that
lucifers angel said:
and you didnt even answer the question do you think ADHD/ADD doesnt exsist? and why are you so quick along with the uneducated moron to blame the perants of these children?

I have no choice but to do what I do because not only do I have the disorder... I AM the disorder called life. The universe is the disorder and death is the order/cure which does not exist (because it means nonexistence)

Nobody has a choice because the disorder (life) makes them do what they do.
I have no choice but to do what I do because not only do I have the disorder... I AM the disorder called life. The universe is the disorder and death is the order/cure which does not exist (because it means nonexistence)

Nobody has a choice because the disorder (life) makes them do what they do.

your a fool!! i dont normaly call people names but you have just pushed it, are you honestly telling me that the only cure for ADHD/ADD/Depression is death?