UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Let's start with what I consider a rather shocking admission of shameful behavious on your part:
You might well ask why I haven't just permabanned MR by now. He is incorrigible, after all. If I was Tiassa, probably he'd be gone by now. But I believe there is value to be had in showing how this sort of person operates. Like I said, he is an excellent example.
So you have strung him up as a punching bag. You let him exist here so you can constantly take punches at him, to assert your superiority over him, and so you can show others just how superior you are to him. Wow. It had been stated by others that this is how you behave, and have behaved, but I never thought you'd actually admit it quite so openly. Just... wow. Certainly not behaviour I'd expect from a moderator. Frankly, given your clear prejudice and agenda as far as MR is concerned, should you really be allowed to moderate him any further, and should you not instead pass any moderation of his behaviour to the others?
Meh. Whatever.

As to the rest...
Or whether he thinks...
Like it or not, MR is the main source of "new" UFO cases in this thread.
Irrelevant to my point, but hey, whatever.
I am not about to waste my time trawling through the UFO faniverse looking for a moderately-puzzling case. That's like searching for a needle in a huge messy haystack.
Noone's asking you to. So thanks for the strawman. Maybe you can build a new and tidier haystack with the straw instead?
But MR assures us that he is filtering out only the very best of the best cases and presenting them for our consideration. Now, I think that's bullshit, since MR has no filtering skills to speak of.
What you think about it is, frankly, irrelevant. Just another example of you throwing punches against your punchbag. The fact is that a case is put forward. It doesn't matter who, or why, or whether they are the "very best of the best cases" or just some watermark on a photo or video. The case put forward is all that matters.
But still, I do find some of the cases he presents to be a moderately-diverting puzzle-solving challenge. They are a way to pass some time and exercise the skeptical brain cells.
That wouldn't be nearly as much fun. MR provides an excellent and instructive example, I find, for just how badly a religion-like faith can cause one to fail, over and over again. I enjoy pointing that out to interested readers - particularly ones who might be on the fence about the "reality" of alien visitation etc.
So it's clear you're more interested in the meta-discussion than the actual cases. So, why not set up a thread to discuss the meta issues? Why derail an existing thread for a tangential discussion that you use for nothing but throwing punches. Oh, that's right, the thread's in a lull! :rolleyes:
I have examined many of the cases he has put forward. I have stated my tentative conclusions in many cases.
As have many of us. That's what this thread is actually useful for.
I don't expect MR to change. That train left the station years ago. There are other people here who have open minds, however.
Then discuss with them and don't bother discussing with those you know won't change and don't have the open minds you want. Unfortunately you can't help yourself: you see the punchbag you have hoisted, and so you feel you have to throw the punches.
You seem to have this perception that we'd all be busily solving UFO cases if it wasn't for me making an example of MR and his nonsenses.
No, I have no such perception, and nothing I have said should lead to that conclusion. Have another go.
But maybe, just maybe, if MR, by your own admission by far the main person who puts forth any cases, isn't constantly trying to defend himself from your punches, he might post some more. See how that might work?
You wouldn't be. You're not out there on the interwebs tracking down UFO reports, any more than I am. You're only commenting on the cases MR brings to the table, same as me.
Indeed, I wouldn't be. So what?
What's going on here, mostly, is that MR posts a "new" case and it is almost immediately dealt with by yourself and others. Almost invariably, significant holes in the evidence and claims are uncovered by the competent people here almost immediately. Since nobody on the UFO fanboy team ever has a good argument in defence of the alien hypothesis (or whatever), most cases are quickly dealt with and left as dubious (even if not definitely "solved") and unconvincing. Then, you have to wait until MR's careful (!) curation of youtube throws up the next doubtful UFO example.
Yep, that's about it, and that's what this thread seems to be for, not the effluence of the meta-discussion which is clearly nothing but an excuse to punch your MR-bag, the one you have hoisted so as to make an example of him. If you honestly want to have that meta-discussion, which could genuinely be an interesting discussion, rather than it being an excuse to have a go at your punch-bag, then set up a thread for it. You might even get 2 active threads for the price of 1.
This means there's quite a lot of dead time in this thread.
So what? Are you duty-bound to fill the lulls in threads with tangential issues that you only raise to throw punches at your bag? After all, the 3rd rule when posting: "Post on-topic. Avoid going off on a tangent - if you have to, start a new thread." Meta-discussion is a tangent. Start a new thread for it.
Since MR is useless for counter-arguments and practically useless at making any sort of case in support of whatever it is he actually believes about UFOs, that "waiting time" tends to get filled with meta-discussion about, for example, just why MR is so terrible an advocate for his own beliefs.
I.e. a tangent. Which your rules state should be avoided, or moved to a new thread. You can even call it "Punching the MR-punchbag" thread if you want.
This is not off-topic. The question of why, in an educated western nation like the United States, so many people are so bad at critical thinking, so ready to be sucked into various conspiracy vortices, so distrustful of their own governors, etc., is very relevant to the UFO topic. MR, being perhaps the only hard-core UFO fanboy here, makes an excellent subject for study.
It's possibly an interesting discussion but is clearly tangential to this thread. So start a new thread for it, if you honestly want to have that discussion. But that clearly doesn't suit your agenda, your bias, your personal issues with MR. So, well, yeah. Whatever.
Actually, we have rules against that here.
We do have rules here. Maybe you should follow them?
You might be interested to know....
No, not really.


Maybe you should think about what you could do to make it all that you wish it to be. Mostly, it looks to me like you're just reactive, like the rest of us. Also, see what's happening in this latest lull? Even you have opted for the meta-discussion, while you wait for MR's next Q drop.
I am not oblivious to the irony, JamesR, but sometimes one needs to join the fray to end it. WW2 would have been a different affair if all those wanting peace stayed at home, right?
But for some reason you seem to think that a lull in a thread is a bad thing. Are you that desperate for post count and activity that you just fill lulls in a thread with effluence? You'd get the same activity by setting up another thread to have that meta-discussion, but then it might probably not be so obvious that you're throwing punches at MR, right? It might not be so obvious that there is a target for people, that you've strung up for that very purpose?
Heck, by creating a separate thread for such meta-discussion, you might actually get 2 active threads for the price of 1. Now there would be a thing!!
You don't have a very good grasp of my motivations. Maybe you should do you. Just a thought.
Oh, wow. The irony is strong with this one, the one who simply can't help himself in trying to psychoanalyse people's motivations, littering their posts with such efforts. Probably lost on you, though. Whatever.
I don't want to.
It was rhetorical. :rolleyes:
Actually, now that you mention it, a while back I started a nice little discussion about a rather famous historical UFO case, which I investigated reasonably extensively at the time (I had some spare time). My thread on that case made for an illuminating tutorial on how to conduct a UFO investigation properly, and my conclusions in that case are persuasive. You might like to search it up. It's a great read.
How long back is "a while back"? You don't seem to have started any threads in this forum for the past 7 years, for example. You started one back in 2014 about the Phoenix Lights case, but I do hope you're not referring to that one as it is hardly an "illuminating tutorial" on anything, and certainly not a "proper" investigation. (Also, note that it is not conclusions that are persuasive, but arguments. Conclusions are just statements.) So maybe you were referencing a different thread? Please can you indicate which it is, and provide a link?
Why would he lie?

Not sure if I’d say he’s willfully lying, but he may suffer from hallucinations or an illness that causes them/delusional thinking. He’s extremely bright and knows a lot about astronomy for his age, so I wonder if people are merely awestruck by that, and believe everything else he’s claiming.

I don’t believe he’s a Martian.
James R said: "Actually, now that you mention it, a while back I started a nice little discussion about a rather famous historical UFO case, which I investigated reasonably extensively at the time (I had some spare time). My thread on that case made for an illuminating tutorial on how to conduct a UFO investigation properly, and my conclusions in that case are persuasive. You might like to search it up. It's a great read."

Sarkus said: "How long back is "a while back"? You don't seem to have started any threads in this forum for the past 7 years, for example."

James must be referring to this thread from 2016 where he concluded after much mental gymnastics and confirmation bias that the object witnessed was the planet Venus, then a meteorite, and then a deflating weather balloon. A trifecta of coincidental mundane causes seen by multiple eyewitnesses!:rolleyes:

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How many times do I need to say it, wegs? My mind really isn't made up. I'm very happy to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.

MR doesn't provide convincing enough evidence. He has never provided convincing enough evidence. If he had done so, this thread would have long ago moved on from where it's stuck. Yes, MR is convinced, but he was convinced long before he saw any evidence at all. Nothing he has said has convinced anybody else here that there's an advanced aquatic species making tic tacs at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. (Are you convinced of that? Of course you aren't.)

If you insist on trying to estimate the a priori likelihood that a given UFO will turn out to be a weather balloon, as opposed to a super-advanced alien from the bottom of the Atlantic, then any fair analysis (given our current state of knowledge) would put the weather balloon as thousands of times more likely than the alien spaceship. But here's the thing: it doesn't matter. We don't need to try to estimate probabilities. We can concentrate, instead, on what we know from the available evidence. Does the evidence we have in any way point to a super-advanced aquatic civilisation? Clearly, it does not. Therefore, to claim that "the explanation" is a super-advanced aquatic civilisation is to take a random flight of fancy for no supportable reason. Again, this is not to say that some convincing evidence of a super-advanced aquatic civilisation could not possibly be discovered tomorrow, or next week, or 10 years from now. When and if that happens, then we might need to revise our working hypothesis that the UFO will probably turn out to be mundane.

Some "biases" are more defensible than others. If every swan you've ever seen is white, it is sensible to tentatively assume that the next swan you see will very probably be white, too. This bias is based on the available evidence and an assumption that the universe displays regularities. On the other hand, it would not be at all sensible, for a number of reasons, to think that the next swan you see will very likely be purple with yellow polka-dots.

Again (since it seems necessary to say this every time), this doesn't mean that it is impossible that we'll see a purple polka-dotted swan at some time in the future. In fact, there are lots of black swans along with the white ones - a fact that was not recognised, especially in the Northern hemisphere, for quite some time. But it still wasn't wrong to expect that the next swan would probably be white. The science of swan colours quickly self-corrected to admit the idea of black swans just as soon as there was sufficient evidence to confirm their existence, beyond reasonable doubt.

Note, also, there was never a conspiracy of swan skeptics to suppress knowledge of the existence of black swans. There was no secret government agency going around collecting black swans and locking them away in a swan equivalent of Area 51, because the knowledge of black swans was considered too dangerous for ordinary mortal men to cope with. Also, there weren't any scientists who were terrified by the idea that a black swan might possibly exist. Nobody was afraid his comfortable scientific world view would undergo catastrophic collapse if ever somebody produced a reliable photograph of a black swan.

But.......maybe MR isn't trying to convince you or anyone, though? I think MR posts things, he states why he believes what he does, you vehemently disagree - rinse and repeat. For the record, I understand why you feel the way you do. You are passionate that this site doesn't become a woo outlet. I do get that, but why can't this section have a simple disclaimer like ''this section and the comments therein, aren't representative of sci-forums.''

I'm just guessing, but I think(?) what troubles you about MR is that you believe he is converting minds with his posts and that somehow, this will turn off regulars or potential, new members who are lurking. That you need to keep this subforum controlled and centered, lest it becomes a dumpster for all kinds of crazy theories. If MR posted pet theories about UFOs in the astronomy subforum for example, and continued to do so despite warnings, infracting and banning him would make sense. But this section could be laxer, in my opinion.

This is off topic, but here's a site feedback suggestion - why not keep this section only visible to those who are logged in members? Other sites have certain sections blocked from the general public (who aren't members or are logged out). Just food for thought.
So you have strung him up as a punching bag.
No. Magical Realist chooses to keep coming here. He chooses what he posts. He is free to come or go as he pleases. He is not a hostage.
You let him exist here so you can constantly take punches at him, to assert your superiority over him, and so you can show others just how superior you are to him.
No. Like I said, you have a rather poor grasp on my motivations - even after I took time to carefully explain them to you, in part. Strange, that.

It's almost like you're looking for an excuse to pick a fight. Or to continue one you haven't got over yet.
Frankly, given your clear prejudice and agenda as far as MR is concerned, should you really be allowed to moderate him any further, and should you not instead pass any moderation of his behaviour to the others?
My "agenda" here has always been to advocate for critical thinking and rational discussion, with respect for scientific methods. I really have very few other agendas, when it comes to this place. I also hope to keep sciforums something of an island of rationality in the vast internet seas of stupidity, politics and vested interests.

The time for prejudice about MR is long past. You have more than sufficient data to draw evidence-based conclusions about him. Maybe you ought to think about that.
Noone's asking you to.
You did. You didn't mean to? Okay, then. No worries.
What you think about it is, frankly, irrelevant.
Strange. You address me directly with criticisms and commentary and questions, but when I politely answer you all of a sudden you no longer want to know what I think.

Why did you bother addressing me? If you don't want to talk with me, don't talk with me. Simple! It sounds like you've already got your mind made up about a whole lot of things, anyway. Since you believe you already know everything, why ask for my input?
So it's clear you're more interested in the meta-discussion than the actual cases.
You may draw your own conclusions, of course.
So, why not set up a thread to discuss the meta issues? Why derail an existing thread for a tangential discussion that you use for nothing but throwing punches. Oh, that's right, the thread's in a lull! :rolleyes:
I haven't derailed discussion. The "meta" discussion you refer to is on topic, for reasons I explained in my previous post.

You don't like it? Don't participate!
No, I have no such perception, and nothing I have said should lead to that conclusion.
Clearly, something you said led me that conclusion, at least. Why are you so dismissive? If you already believe you know everything and have all the answers, why ask any questions? You apparently have everything work out. What's the point of this, then? Trying to set up your own punching bag, perhaps? Projection, much? You seem very focussed on the whole punching bag concept.
But maybe, just maybe, if MR, by your own admission by far the main person who puts forth any cases, isn't constantly trying to defend himself from your punches, he might post some more. See how that might work?
Yes, I see how that might work.

Suppose we give free rein to MR to just keep cutting and pasting youtube video after youtube video, with no commentary, analysis or brain activity involved. Then, perhaps you'd have what you say you want: this thread chock full of UFO cases for you to analyse to your little heart's content. But MR will have achieved one of the things he set out to do - to overwhelm the skeptics here and to prevent any sensible and focussed discussion of UAP cases. MR would desperately like to Gish Gallop his way through this thread. Indeed, when the leash is loosened, that is what he resorts to, every time, without fail.

You want that? Good for you. I don't. And I'm the moderator. So.
If you honestly want to have that meta-discussion, which could genuinely be an interesting discussion, rather than it being an excuse to have a go at your punch-bag, then set up a thread for it.
I think it's quite appropriate to keep it all in the same place. After all, the behaviour helps explain the general pathology of the presentation.
So what? Are you duty-bound to fill the lulls in threads with tangential issues that you only raise to throw punches at your bag?
No, I'm not duty bound to post anything. Thanks for asking. How about you?
We do have rules here. Maybe you should follow them?
Which rules am I not following?
But for some reason you seem to think that a lull in a thread is a bad thing.
A lull in the forum is a bad thing. People come here to be engaged and to engage in conversation. If they come here and there's nothing new to read, they don't stick around for long. You must surely be aware of this from your own perspective? Or do you like boredom?
Are you that desperate for post count and activity that you just fill lulls in a thread with effluence?
Your loaded rhetorical questions are becoming tiresome.

If you want to ask me something, ask it. If you already think you have all the answers, don't bother. I don't really need or value your opinion. And you complain about straw men! Really, grow up, Sarkus. You used to be better than this.
Oh, wow. The irony is strong with this one, the one who simply can't help himself in trying to psychoanalyse people's motivations, littering their posts with such efforts.
Call it a hobby of mine. I'm something of a student of human behaviours, include the ugly ones. You're making an interesting spectacle of yourself as we speak. I wonder how long you'll do that for. Is this making you feel better about yourself?
How long back is "a while back"? You don't seem to have started any threads in this forum for the past 7 years, for example.
You didn't look hard enough. Helpfully, Magical Realist has linked to a relevant thread, from 2016. Take a look. It's a slow start on the first few pages, but stick with it. It's a ripper of a read.
You started one back in 2014 about the Phoenix Lights case, but I do hope you're not referring to that one as it is hardly an "illuminating tutorial" on anything, and certainly not a "proper" investigation.
Your hopes and personal opinions are noted, again. Thanks for the feedback, Sarkus!
James must be referring to this thread from 2016 where he concluded after much mental gymnastics and confirmation bias that the object witnessed was the planet Venus, then a meteorite, and then a deflating weather balloon. A trifecta of coincidental mundane causes seen by multiple eyewitnesses!:rolleyes:

Thanks for providing your readers with that link, Magical Realist! I'm very happy for you to keep promoting that thread.

I understand that "mental gymnastics" (I like to call it "critical thinking") is something that never really clicked with you. I understand why you might struggle to follow careful and rational analysis. After all, that's something completely alien to the way you are used to operating.
James said: "Which rules am I not following?

Sci Forum rules: Netiquette

  • Abide by basic standards of good manners and courtesy. Remember the human who is reading your post.
  • Do not insult or harass other members.
  • Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.
  • Beware of the potential for discussions to become heated - particularly religious and political discussions.
  • Do not flame other members.
  • Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack the argument, not the person).
But.......maybe MR isn't trying to convince you or anyone, though?
He's trying to convince himself, first and foremost.

MR posts too coherently to actually be the functional idiot whose role he assumes on this forum. In the years he has been here, I think it is virtually impossible that the ideas of critical thinking that have been taught to him have had zero impact on him.

These days, I think that, truth be told, MR is fighting a rear-guard action against the better angels of his own nature. For reasons that are no doubt complex and emotional, he feels a desperate need to cling on to the vestiges of his paranormal religion. But the seeds have been sown, and they are working away below the surface, even as he rants and rails and clutches at straws to try to preserve the faith.

Notice how desperately he hits the "like" button on every post that even hints at some level of agreement with his wild ideas. He wants affirmation. He is ready and willing to lie for his faith. But it's an internal battle he may be gradually losing.
I think MR posts things, he states why he believes what he does, you vehemently disagree - rinse and repeat. For the record, I understand why you feel the way you do. You are passionate that this site doesn't become a woo outlet. I do get that, but why can't this section have a simple disclaimer like ''this section and the comments therein, aren't representative of sci-forums.''
My feelings about MR aren't the most relevant thing, I think, even though for some reason people seem keen to read in lots of things about my feelings about MR.

It's not just that I vehemently disagree with MR's thesis that UFOs are paranormal, as if that idea is somehow an affront to my delicate feelings. I vehemently disagree with him because the evidence in support of his thesis is so weak. Actually, that's just why I disagree with him. The vehemence is more a result of observing MR's mendacity in promoting his belief system. I don't like liars. I never have. MR knows he lies, but he does it anyway. I'm very happy to point that out, where and when it happens. I tend to do that bluntly. Some people don't like that. Some people think I bully poor MR, and that it's not really his fault, and that he needs to be treated with kid gloves because he seems like a bit of a fragile flower. But, believe it or not, he's actually a grown man. He probably has real-life responsibilities. He's probably treated like an adult by most people. So, I find it rather strange that some people here want to protect him from the big nasty moderator.

As for sciforums being a woo outlet, that ship also sailed quite a while ago. The simple fact is, we have a whole set of subforums - here by popular demand - entirely dedicated to discussion of "woo". We provide a platform and an invitation for people to come here and share their woo, in a wide variety of forms. We're searchable on the internet. Sometimes, people who are looking for woo are going to stumble in here.

What I am passionate about is that sciforums does not just become a woo outlet. I have always liked and promoted the idea that, while woo has a place here, it is invariably met with counter-arguments and rational analysis. I have also always believed that there is value in having a forum in which woo can sit, but not sit unchallenged as it does on other sites too numerous to count.

There is no need for a disclaimer. What happens in this thread is representative of sciforums, in both the best and worst ways. I take no issue with that. It's a feature, not a bug.
I'm just guessing, but I think(?) what troubles you about MR is that you believe he is converting minds with his posts and that somehow, this will turn off regulars or potential, new members who are lurking.
If MR has converted any minds, it will have been completely by accident, because he has never posted anything that ought to convince anybody of anything.

I am well aware that the world has no shortage of people who are uneducated and/or easily swayed to believe all kinds of things that aren't true. All we can do is to present an alternative to irrationality and hope that some people are willing to put in the time and effort that is necessary to progress to operating at a more sophisticated intellectual level than the one they might be accustomed to.

As far as this thread goes in attracting or repelling potential new members, I really couldn't say. It's not like sciforums is attracting a deluge of new members, with or without this thread. It could work either way, conceivably.
That you need to keep this subforum controlled and centered, lest it becomes a dumpster for all kinds of crazy theories.
There are two facets to my participation in this thread. One is that I post here as a regular member of sciforums. I contribute to the discussion. I try to counter bad arguments with better ones. That is no different than what a lot of other members do.

The second facet is that I am a moderator. However, you should have noticed that I take a light hand in moderating this thread (and, as it happens, sciforums more generally). I'm always a bit puzzled about the perception that some members have that I "control" things. Mostly, people here are free to post what they like; it is quite rare that posts are disallowed. We do have posting guidelines, of course, and I do step in from time to time to enforce them, especially in cases of blatant abuse. That is certainly a form of "control". I think the forum is better for it, not worse. Some will no doubt disagree.
If MR posted pet theories about UFOs in the astronomy subforum for example, and continued to do so despite warnings, infracting and banning him would make sense. But this section could be laxer, in my opinion.
It is more lax. We need some kind of dividing line between actual science and the Fringe subforums. It is very important, in my opinion, to distinguish actual science and legitimate enquiry about actual science, from crazy and/or just bad pseudoscientific crap. We have a place for discussing and correcting the pseudoscientific nonsense, too.
This is off topic, but here's a site feedback suggestion - why not keep this section only visible to those who are logged in members?
I don't think there's any good reason to do so. Personally, I want sciforums to attract people who are interested enough to search for "UFOs" but who are open-minded enough to be interested in reading a discussion in which a skeptic viewpoint sits alongside the standard run-of-the-mill woo that can be found in so many other places on the internet.
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Sci Forum rules: Netiquette
  • Abide by basic standards of good manners and courtesy. Remember the human who is reading your post.
  • Do not insult or harass other members.
  • Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.
  • Beware of the potential for discussions to become heated - particularly religious and political discussions.
  • Do not flame other members.
  • Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack the argument, not the person).
Thanks for the reminder, Magical Realist! All members should bear these guidelines in mind.

You claim I have not followed these rules. I assume this relates to my interactions with you. Let us discuss, then, and clear the air.

Do you feel that I have forgotten you are a human being with feelings?
Do you feel like I have not treated you fairly in our interactions? (Please feel free to detail examples, if you have any.)
Do you feel like I have insulted and/or harassed you? (Again, specific examples will be useful, rather than vague accusations about hurt feelings.)
Do you feel like our discussions have become over-heated? Are you feeling pressured by me? Have I made you uncomfortable?
Do you feel like I have flamed you? (Examples?)
You do feel like I have attacked you, rather than attacking your arguments? (Examples?)

I hope we can resolve any unfortunate personal differences we might have.

Are you aware that if you tell lies and behave badly people will tend to call you out for your own bad behaviour? Can you think of any instances where that has happened in this thread? Would you perhaps like to apologise to your readers for something?

It would be great to start with a clean slate. I'm glad you're open to having this honest discussion about our respective posting behaviours and habits in this thread. Thanks for starting the ball rolling, MR!

Oh, and thanks for helping Sarkus out! I'm sure he appreciates your assistance.
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No. Magical Realist chooses to keep coming here. He chooses what he posts. He is free to come or go as he pleases. He is not a hostage.
So being a hostage is the one thing you take from the analogy, is it? Not that you use him as a punchbag? Well, that speaks volumes, doesn't it. Abhorrent behaviour for a mod. Truly.
Sure, why MR chooses to keep coming back is for him to reconcile, but, well, whatever.
No. Like I said, you have a rather poor grasp on my motivations - even after I took time to carefully explain them to you, in part. Strange, that.
No, what is strange is that you're incapable of recognising your own motivations. You said: "But I believe there is value to be had in showing how this sort of person operates. Like I said, he is an excellent example." This is your motivation, as you have stated it, word for word. To show how "this sort of person operates" requires you dissecting it to highlight it - aka his posts are nothing but a punchbag for you. You only do this because you think his is the example not to follow - hence you want to show how superior you are than him.
Stop me when it's getting too confusing for you.
It's almost like you're looking for an excuse to pick a fight. Or to continue one you haven't got over yet.
And again with the irony. Will you never learn. It's almost as if you're too stupid to recognise it in yourself. Or too stupid to stop yourself from doing it. And yes, I am being deliberately ironic in parrotting your approach. If you're also referring to your pathetic and weasily lack of apology for calling me a bigot, no, I haven't forgotten, but it is not influencing my posts.
My "agenda" here has always been to advocate for critical thinking and rational discussion, with respect for scientific methods.
And using MR as a punchbag to do so. I get it. Thanks. It's abhorrent behaviour for a mod to keep someone around for that.
I really have very few other agendas, when it comes to this place. I also hope to keep sciforums something of an island of rationality in the vast internet seas of stupidity, politics and vested interests.
You don't do that by continually throwing punches at someone, someone you have kept around just for that purpose. All you really end up doing is show how pathetic you are.
The time for prejudice about MR is long past. You have more than sufficient data to draw evidence-based conclusions about him. Maybe you ought to think about that.
I have thought about that, thanks. Prejudiced in that, by your own admissions, you treat him differently because you want him around to make a point for you about how not to act on this site, so you can continue to throw punches at him. Tell you what, JamesR, you do you, eh! :rolleyes:
You did. You didn't mean to? Okay, then. No worries.
Where did you think I asked you to? Perhaps you're referring to where I said that "if you want to put up cases, no noone is stopping you"? That is not asking you to, is it. So, please, where did I ask you?
Strange. You address me directly with criticisms and commentary and questions, but when I politely answer you all of a sudden you no longer want to know what I think.
What is relevant is that he puts forward cases, not the quality of them. What is relevant is that we analyse those cases that he does put forward, not whether those cases represent the "best of the best". What you said, therefore, about your thoughts of MR's filtering, is irrelevant. Again, stop me if I'm going too fast for you.
Why did you bother addressing me? If you don't want to talk with me, don't talk with me. Simple! It sounds like you've already got your mind made up about a whole lot of things, anyway. Since you believe you already know everything, why ask for my input?
:rolleyes: Whatever, JamesR. Whatever. Does your patheticness know no limits?
You may draw your own conclusions, of course.
When given 2+2, I am of course free to conclude that the answer is 4. If you're trying to claim now, though, that you didn't mean to imply what you did, and that the conclusions I have drawn aren't the ones you intended, well, that's another matter. As it is, you have implied that you are more interested in the meta-discussions.
I haven't derailed discussion. The "meta" discussion you refer to is on topic, for reasons I explained in my previous post.
On topic, yes. But tangential. I suggest you re-read the site rules.
You don't like it? Don't participate!
If you don't like what MR says, don't engage with him!! Moderate him, yes, but don't engage with him! See how that works, yet?
My point regarding the meta-discussion is to move it to another thread! It has derailed this one. It is tangential, and should, per site-rules, be moved. So please move it, and all the accompanying posts from this thread.
Clearly, something you said led me that conclusion, at least.
Well, I'm not accusing you of deliberately lying, so yes, it is obvious that something I have said has led you to that conclusion since it is a conclusion you have reached regarding what I have said. What that something is, however, is really only for you to establish, as I am not privy to where your mistake has been made. Or are you trying to lay your mistake at my door. But you reaching incorrect conclusions is not unusual.
Why are you so dismissive?
Of you reaching wrong conclusions of what someone has said? Because wrong conclusions are irrelevant to what was said, perhaps?
If you already believe you know everything and have all the answers, why ask any questions?
I don't believe I know everything or have all the answers, JamesR. That is just you coming up with an ad hominem to avoid having to address the issues, a pathetic attempt to try to argue the person rather than what has been said.
You apparently have everything work out.
Oh, I wish I did. But no, I don't, although thank you for thinking it seems like that. :rolleyes:
What's the point of this, then?
It should be bleeding obvious to anyone with a reasonable grasp of English, JamesR. But your comprehension is demonstrably lacking, given the number of incorrect conclusions you've already reached. But let's see if you get it, eventually, shall we...
Trying to set up your own punching bag, perhaps? Projection, much?
Well, you're starting to. Although you still only glance at it, and by way of trying to throw another punch. But you're getting warmer...
You seem very focussed on the whole punching bag concept.
Why do you think that might be?
Yes, I see how that might work.

Suppose we give free rein to MR to just keep cutting and pasting youtube video after youtube video, with no commentary, analysis or brain activity involved. Then, perhaps you'd have what you say you want: this thread chock full of UFO cases for you to analyse to your little heart's content. But MR will have achieved one of the things he set out to do - to overwhelm the skeptics here and to prevent any sensible and focussed discussion of UAP cases. MR would desperately like to Gish Gallop his way through this thread. Indeed, when the leash is loosened, that is what he resorts to, every time, without fail.

You want that? Good for you. I don't. And I'm the moderator. So.
Or, just maybe, you can apply some good ol' common sense to the situation?
1. Let MR post to his heart's content, "no commentary, analysis or brain activity involved". This thread becomes a repository, of sort.
2. People can comment if they wish, especially if "Oh, it's a watermark", and MR is free to say how we're dismissing anecdotal evidence. But, here's the trick, people ignore MR's comments, or take that meta-discussion of the heirarchy and strength of evidence, to another thread. Which leads me to:
3. A meta-discussion thread is set up so that people like you can feel better about yourself as you point fingers at the likes of MR and laugh about how you're glad you're not like him (well, that's the way such meta-discussions would likely turn out), and another to discuss the heirarchy of evidence etc. If there are other such meta-issues, set up other threads.
4. In the meantime, as has been done in the past, interesting cases are extracted to their own threads and analysed more deeply.

Result: activity! MR gets to post his cases en masse, we get to analyse individual cases more deeply if we so wish in their own threads, and grown-up discussions can be had in their own threads without the need to string someone up as a punchbag every time there's a lull in one thread. No, the analogy is not as a hostage, just a punchbag everytime they walk through the door. Sure, they can choose not to walk through the door (and why MR chooses to come back is for him to assess), but what image do you think you portray for this site when you allow people to stay just so you can throw punches at them?
I think it's quite appropriate to keep it all in the same place. After all, the behaviour helps explain the general pathology of the presentation.
Sure, what's the point of the meta-discussion if the... oh, right, it's not a meta-discussion you're after, is it, but just a desire to throw punches under the guise of "a warning for all!" A warning that noone will actually see. :rolleyes:
You said your "agenda" is to advocate for critical thinking and promote rational discourse, yet pretty much everything you do here is anathema to that.
No, I'm not duty bound to post anything. Thanks for asking. How about you?
You really do need to learn to spot rhetorical questions.
Which rules am I not following?
The ones you don't want to. I've already pointed out one, and MR has added some others.
A lull in the forum is a bad thing. People come here to be engaged and to engage in conversation. If they come here and there's nothing new to read, they don't stick around for long. You must surely be aware of this from your own perspective? Or do you like boredom?
Why do you knowingly argue a strawman (and it's not the first time!)? I referred to a lull in a "thread" and you argue against a lull in a "forum". Why? Do you have no counter to what I have said about a lull in the thread?
Your loaded rhetorical questions are becoming tiresome.
The rhetorical questions you reply to, you mean? :rolleyes:
If you want to ask me something, ask it.
I did, but you're struggling to spot the difference between rhetorical and non-rhetorical questions. Have another go.
If you already think you have all the answers, don't bother.
I don't think I do. And even if I did, there's nothing wrong in asking so as to be sure, is there?
I don't really need or value your opinion.
Clearly. And you have to wonder why this site is in the mess it is, with the low activity it has. You keeping MR around as a punchbag is a symptom of a much larger problem here. Stick your head in the sand all you want, up until the point your alone on your deserted island. At least it will be an "island of rationality in the vast internet seas of stupidity, politics and vested interests."
And you complain about straw men!
There's no strawman here, JamesR. Your desire for post-count and activity on threads might go some way to explaining your desire to keep letting MR through the door to be a punchbag.
Really, grow up, Sarkus. You used to be better than this.
No, JamesR, I am better than I was, because now I am not only more aware of people's hypocrisy and patheticness, but also now more willing to point it out to them.
Call it a hobby of mine. I'm something of a student of human behaviours, include the ugly ones.
Whether you think it a hobby of yours is irrelevant. It is hypocrisy on your part to tell people to "you do you" when you can't stop "doing them", so to speak. And while you may "study", you really don't seem to be learning much.
You're making an interesting spectacle of yourself as we speak.
Spectacle, as in wanting my points to be noticed, sure. Is being a spectacle relevant to what I'm saying, though? No. But, hey, whatever it takes for you to ignore the points, right! :rolleyes:
I wonder how long you'll do that for.
I wonder how long you'll continue to be a pompous and pathetic poster who really only posts to try to make themselves look better than others, and to blow their own trumpet. "Look at me! Look how great I am! Look how much better I am than him, and him!". I guess we'll both have to continue watching this space to find out, eh? :rolleyes:
Is this making you feel better about yourself?
I'd have thought all posts make us feel better about ourselves. That's surely why we post. It would be an odd person indeed who posted because it didn't make them feel better.
You didn't look hard enough. Helpfully, Magical Realist has linked to a relevant thread, from 2016. Take a look. It's a slow start on the first few pages, but stick with it. It's a ripper of a read.
No, it really isn't. Certainly not the "illuminating tutorial on how to conduct a UFO investigation properly" (but rather 16 pages of inanity punctuated by the occasional pertinent bit of analysis) which is possibly why I overlooked it, but then it's not recorded as being started by you, either. Seriously, the one DaveC linked to was the one I thought you meant as that really was a good bit of analysis. Not by you, of course, as your only real involvement was, once again, to throw punches at MR, but analysis by DaveC in particular. But since you also didn't start that one I didn't assume you meant that, either.

No doubt you'll fail to address the issues, once again simply respond to a summary of what you think they are, and in doing so create a strawman, or at least fail to grasp the actual points.
But, yeah. Whatever.
As I've said before, it only appears like I haven't analyzed these uap cases I post here. In fact, because I choose the cases of uaps that seem to me most convincing of an otherworldly origin, I have already analyzed them and considered the mundane causes that skeptics are so intent on reducing them to. I will try to remain open to more analysis in the future.

I think that Sarkus has a point on that score. Assuming that your goal here is to convince other people of something (what?) you probably should post more about what your analysis was and what conclusions you reached. Otherwise whatever others you hope to convince aren't going to be convinced.