Yes, I see how that might work.
Suppose we give free rein to MR to just keep cutting and pasting youtube video after youtube video, with no commentary, analysis or brain activity involved. Then, perhaps you'd have what you say you want: this thread chock full of UFO cases for you to analyse to your little heart's content. But MR will have achieved one of the things he set out to do - to overwhelm the skeptics here and to prevent any sensible and focussed discussion of UAP cases. MR would desperately like to Gish Gallop his way through this thread. Indeed, when the leash is loosened, that is what he resorts to, every time, without fail.
You want that? Good for you. I don't. And I'm the moderator. So.
Or, just maybe, you can apply some good ol' common sense to the situation?
1. Let MR post to his heart's content, "no commentary, analysis or brain activity involved". This thread becomes a repository, of sort.
2. People can comment if they wish, especially if "Oh, it's a watermark", and MR is free to say how we're dismissing anecdotal evidence. But, here's the trick, people
ignore MR's comments, or take that meta-discussion of the heirarchy and strength of evidence, to another thread. Which leads me to:
3. A meta-discussion thread is set up so that people like you can feel better about yourself as you point fingers at the likes of MR and laugh about how you're glad you're not like him (well, that's the way such meta-discussions would likely turn out), and another to discuss the heirarchy of evidence etc. If there are other such meta-issues, set up other threads.
4. In the meantime, as has been done in the past, interesting cases are extracted to their own threads and analysed more deeply.
Result: activity! MR gets to post his cases en masse, we get to analyse individual cases more deeply if we so wish in their own threads, and grown-up discussions can be had in their own threads without the need to string someone up as a punchbag every time there's a lull in one thread. No, the analogy is not as a hostage, just a punchbag everytime they walk through the door. Sure, they can choose not to walk through the door (and why MR chooses to come back is for him to assess), but what image do you think you portray for this site when you allow people to stay just so you can throw punches at them?
I think it's quite appropriate to keep it all in the same place. After all, the behaviour helps explain the general pathology of the presentation.
Sure, what's the point of the meta-discussion if the... oh, right, it's not a meta-discussion you're after, is it, but just a desire to throw punches under the guise of "a warning for all!" A warning that noone will actually see.

You said your "agenda" is to advocate for critical thinking and promote rational discourse, yet pretty much everything you do here is anathema to that.
No, I'm not duty bound to post anything. Thanks for asking. How about you?
You really do need to learn to spot rhetorical questions.
Which rules am I not following?
The ones you don't want to. I've already pointed out one, and MR has added some others.
A lull in the forum is a bad thing. People come here to be engaged and to engage in conversation. If they come here and there's nothing new to read, they don't stick around for long. You must surely be aware of this from your own perspective? Or do you like boredom?
Why do you knowingly argue a strawman (and it's not the first time!)? I referred to a lull in a "thread" and you argue against a lull in a "forum". Why? Do you have no counter to what I have said about a lull in the thread?
Your loaded rhetorical questions are becoming tiresome.
The rhetorical questions you reply to, you mean?
If you want to ask me something, ask it.
I did, but you're struggling to spot the difference between rhetorical and non-rhetorical questions. Have another go.
If you already think you have all the answers, don't bother.
I don't think I do. And even if I did, there's nothing wrong in asking so as to be sure, is there?
I don't really need or value your opinion.
Clearly. And you have to wonder why this site is in the mess it is, with the low activity it has. You keeping MR around as a punchbag is a symptom of a much larger problem here. Stick your head in the sand all you want, up until the point your alone on your deserted island. At least it will be an "
island of rationality in the vast internet seas of stupidity, politics and vested interests."
And you complain about straw men!
There's no strawman here, JamesR. Your desire for post-count and activity on threads might go some way to explaining your desire to keep letting MR through the door to be a punchbag.
Really, grow up, Sarkus. You used to be better than this.
No, JamesR, I am better than I was, because now I am not only more aware of people's hypocrisy and patheticness, but also now more willing to point it out to them.
Call it a hobby of mine. I'm something of a student of human behaviours, include the ugly ones.
Whether you think it a hobby of yours is irrelevant. It is hypocrisy on your part to tell people to "you do you" when you can't stop "doing them", so to speak. And while you may "study", you really don't seem to be learning much.
You're making an interesting spectacle of yourself as we speak.
Spectacle, as in wanting my points to be noticed, sure. Is being a spectacle relevant to what I'm saying, though? No. But, hey, whatever it takes for you to ignore the points, right!
I wonder how long you'll do that for.
I wonder how long you'll continue to be a pompous and pathetic poster who really only posts to try to make themselves look better than others, and to blow their own trumpet. "Look at me! Look how great I am! Look how much better I am than him, and him!". I guess we'll both have to continue watching this space to find out, eh?
Is this making you feel better about yourself?
I'd have thought all posts make us feel better about ourselves. That's surely why we post. It would be an odd person indeed who posted because it
didn't make them feel better.
You didn't look hard enough. Helpfully, Magical Realist has linked to a relevant thread, from 2016. Take a look. It's a slow start on the first few pages, but stick with it. It's a ripper of a read.
No, it really isn't. Certainly not the "
illuminating tutorial on how to conduct a UFO investigation properly" (but rather 16 pages of inanity punctuated by the occasional pertinent bit of analysis) which is possibly why I overlooked it, but then it's not recorded as being started by you, either. Seriously, the one DaveC linked to was the one I thought you meant as that really was a good bit of analysis. Not by you, of course, as your only real involvement was, once again, to throw punches at MR, but analysis by DaveC in particular. But since you also didn't start that one I didn't assume you meant that, either.
No doubt you'll fail to address the issues, once again simply respond to a summary of what you think they are, and in doing so create a strawman, or at least fail to grasp the actual points.
But, yeah. Whatever.