UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Below is a good article by Kevin Knuth about why we as scientists and science-minded people should take seriously reports of ufos. Knuth is a physicist and former NASA researcher who argues that blanket skepticism on this issue does us a disservice and seems almost like a religion at some point. I myself have observed this fanatical and overemotional reaction of many skeptics to posted ufo evidence, wondering just why the prospect of ufos existing is so upsetting to them. I can only surmise that the ufo phenomenon threatens their view of a rational and law-abiding universe, where nothing happens that isn't explainable as a result of mundane causes and scientific principles. THAT in fact is an article of faith, as nobody really knows for sure that the universe always behaves in accord with human rationality. There is simply too much that we don't know to rule out immediately the reality of ufos without at least looking into them.

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Below is a good article by Kevin Knuth about why we as scientists and science-minded people should take seriously reports of ufos. Knuth is a physicist and former NASA researcher who argues that blanket skepticism on this issue does us a disservice and seems almost like a religion at some point. I myself have observed this fanatical and overemotional reaction of many skeptics to posted ufo evidence, wondering just why the prospect of ufos existing is so upsetting to them. I can only surmise that the ufo phenomenon threatens their view of a rational and law-abiding universe, where nothing happens that isn't explainable as a result of mundane causes and scientific principles. THAT in fact is an article of faith, as nobody really knows for sure that the universe always behaves in accord with human rationality. There is simply too much that we don't know to rule out immediately the reality of ufos without at least looking into them.
Nothing new here...Most scientists accept the likelyhood of ETL, in this big wide wonderful universe, but just as readily, they also require convincing evidence for its existence, and/or any Earth visitations. Obviously neither has been forthcoming.
The problem with you MR and river, is that you are unable to accept any criticism opposed to your own mythical views on UFO's, supernatural and paranormal scenarios. Obviously then the problem is yours. Skeptical appraisal of the blanket acceptance of such associated nonsense coupled with your Alien UFO beliefs is well deserved and required particularly on a science forum.
You do your mythical, nonsensical cause no favours by misconstruing what this scientist has said.
Nothing new here...Most scientists accept the likelyhood of ETL, in this big wide wonderful universe, but just as readily, they also require convincing evidence for its existence, and/or any Earth visitations. Obviously neither has been forthcoming.
The problem with you MR and river, is that you are unable to accept any criticism opposed to your own mythical views on UFO's, supernatural and paranormal scenarios. Obviously then the problem is yours. Skeptical appraisal of the blanket acceptance of such associated nonsense coupled with your Alien UFO beliefs is well deserved and required particularly on a science forum.
You do your mythical, nonsensical cause no favours by misconstruing what this scientist has said.

From the linked article:

"With July 2 being World UFO Day, it is a good time for society to address the unsettling and refreshing fact we may not be alone. I believe we need to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar – and there’s plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings."---- https://cosmosmagazine.com/space/why-we-should-take-ufo-sightings-seriously
"With July 2 being World UFO Day, it is a good time for society to address the unsettling and refreshing fact we may not be alone.
I often address that possibility. But it isn't upsetting to me in the least. The problem exists of course which you wisely inferred, is that we as yet do not have any confirmation or firm evidence of life off this Earth.

I believe we need to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar – and there’s plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings."----
The few unexplained ones that have so far defied explanation, are by definition unknown, and could still be attributed to any number of causes/events/disturbances etc...Yes, even that remote possibility of being visitors from afar. And it would be enlightening and refreshing if we could one day know that for certain.
I can only surmise that the ufo phenomenon threatens their view of a rational and law-abiding universe, where nothing happens that isn't explainable as a result of mundane causes and scientific principles. THAT in fact is an article of faith, as nobody really knows for sure that the universe always behaves in accord with human rationality.
I don't believe that is true. The BB is overwhelmingly accepted for the evolution of the universe, but as yet we cannot say why or how....We do not know why we feel spacetime geometry as gravity...or why mass should affect this geometry....or what is at the singularity of a BH, and what form the mass of the BH is actually at....why the universe is expanding, the nature of DM and DE. So why would scientists or anyone else be threatened by the possibility of life elsewhere....particularly when most do accept that possibility.
There is simply too much that we don't know to rule out immediately the reality of ufos without at least looking into them.
While the vast majority of sightings have been adequately explained, the few remaining are unknown. I'm sure if Something extraordinary does present itself pointing to Alien craft, it will be accepted with open arms, joy and relief by most scientists. To claim otherwise is a furphy.
Below is a good article by Kevin Knuth about why we as scientists and science-minded people should take seriously reports of ufos.
We do. That's why we're so skeptical.

You don't. You post any old crap without distinguishing it from good stuff.

Knuth is a physicist and former NASA researcher who argues that blanket skepticism on this issue does us a disservice
Absolutely true.
Which is why we don't do that. We look at specific cases at length, and pick them apart in minute detail - while you complain about "Gestapo-style" questioning.

The other side of the coin is just as damaging: blanket kool-aid-drinking. If you think everything that isn't nailed down is a UFO then it has no analytical teeth.
We look at specific cases at length, and pick them apart in minute detail - while you complain about "Gestapo-style" questioning.

Your use of the collective pronoun "we" or "us" is confusing you. When I complained about Gestapo style interrogation, it was specifically about James R's long barrage of questions which from experience never can be answered because every answer will only inspire more questions from him ad nauseum. I speak here from experience. I have no patience with that sort of intellectual dishonesty. And it had nothing to do with answering posters' honest questions one at a time.
When I complained about Gestapo style interrogation, it was specifically about James R's long barrage of questions which from experience never can be answered because every answer will only inspire more questions from him ad nauseum. I speak here from experience. I have no patience with that...
Yes. God forbid anybody should ask questions in a discussion about analyzing something.

You consider asking questions during an analysis to be...
... intellectual dishonesty.

You always have an excuse not to answer the hard questions.

That's fine, but don't be hypocritical about it - if you don't want to provide answers - for whatever personal reason you see fit - let the rest of us analyze the evidence without your repeated assertions about what "is" and "isn't".
That's fine, but don't be hypocritical about it - if you don't want to provide answers - for whatever personal reason you see fit - let the rest of us analyze the evidence without your repeated assertions about what "is" and "isn't".

At this point you should probably just give up trying to control what I post and when I post. I will continue to assert the reality of ufos since that is what I accept based on the evidence. I will also continue to defend the evidence that I have chosen to post...And I will ignore questions that I feel are irrelevant to the topic of the ufo being discussed.
You're not ignoring JamesR's posts. You keep cluttering up the thread with your complaints.
Have the courage of your claims.

You brought up the gestapo comment. I merely answered you. And yes I am too ignoring James R posts by not replying to them. That's what ignore means in the online discussion forum world.
I will continue to assert the reality of ufos since that is what I accept based on the evidence. I will also continue to defend the evidence that I have chosen to post...And I will ignore questions that I feel are irrelevant to the topic of the ufo being discussed.

Yeah, that's pretty much the pattern of all cranks and kooks.
Never mind the report is 40 years old - that webpage is fifteen years old!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting this is dismissible simply because it's almost 40 years old. But, in the intervening 4 decades, it has shed no further knowledge about this or any other unsolved cases.
Yep, another example of more Aliens flittering in and flittering out again, just out of idle curiosity, never making official contact...Dem dere Aliens are a weird bunch!

Good. Then move on. Nobody's making you look at the evidence I'm presenting here.

I have no patience with that sort of intellectual dishonesty. And it had nothing to do with answering posters' honest questions one at a time.
Ignoring posts isn't telling people what to post. It is just ignoring posts.
You mean ignoring anything that may cast doubt on your own questionable interpretations?
And that includes your totally ridiculious summations of scientists that you claim only simply give a blanket type skepticism over your claims.Or do you want to list the only questions that you see as relevant? That's a total lie MR.
Below is a good article by Kevin Knuth about why we as scientists and science-minded people should take seriously reports of ufos. Knuth is a physicist and former NASA researcher who argues that blanket skepticism on this issue does us a disservice and seems almost like a religion at some point. I myself have observed this fanatical and overemotional reaction of many skeptics to posted ufo evidence, wondering just why the prospect of ufos existing is so upsetting to them. I can only surmise that the ufo phenomenon threatens their view of a rational and law-abiding universe, where nothing happens that isn't explainable as a result of mundane causes and scientific principles. THAT in fact is an article of faith, as nobody really knows for sure that the universe always behaves in accord with human rationality. There is simply too much that we don't know to rule out immediately the reality of ufos without at least looking into them.

Nice article only marred imo by a binary limitation - if not mundane inclusive of experimental craft, then humanoid aliens from another solar system.
And the local troll skeptics reaction here is as given there - ignore or ridicule or raise irrelevant mostly ad hominem issues. Pick the perceived weakest point and home in on that to the exclusion of any stronger points. Always conforming to the Official Position is a safety-in-numbers craving just too strong to break.
Everything that needs to be said has been said in relation to the nonsense that is pushed in this and the conspiracy threads.
A couple of wise quotes in summation......

"Before he died, as a parting shot to ufologists and UFO buffs, renowned debunker Philip J. Klass cast "the UFO Curse" upon all those who believe UFOs are real. It reads: "To ufologists who publicly criticize me ... or who even think unkind thoughts about me in private, I do hereby leave and bequeath: THE UFO CURSE: No matter how long you live, you will never know any more about UFOs than you know today. You will never know any more about what UFOs really are, or where they come from. You will never know any more about what the U.S. Government really knows about UFOs than you know today. As you lie on your own death-bed you will be as mystified about UFOs as you are today. And you will remember this curse. Signed, Philip J. Klass."

"The energy requirements for interstellar travel are so great that it is inconceivable to me that any creatures piloting their ships across the vast depths of space would do so only in order to play games with us over a period of decades. If they want to make contact, they would make contact; if not, they would save their energy and go elsewhere".

ISAAC ASIMOV, Is Anyone There?

“Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in telepathy? — in ancient astronauts? — in the Bermuda triangle? — in life after death?
No, I reply. No, no, no, no, and again no.
One person recently, goaded into desperation by the litany of unrelieved negation, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?"
Yes", I said. "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.”
― Isaac Asimov
Quote war? Appeal to opinions of authorities/famous persons is both lazy and stupid.
If Asimov was true to his lofty words he would have been compelled to take very seriously the US Navy West coast encounters of 2004 and East coast encounters more than a decade later - and by indications of trained witnesses continuing on a daily basis. They ticked all his boxes.
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