UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?


Doesn't look like a disc or tic tac to me.
Neither does the object in the MUFON video. Both look a lot like the fuselage of a jet.

No it doesn't. The fuselage of the jet is slender and long, like a tube which it in fact is. The object in the mufon video presents more like a disc or elliptic. The distortion around the object isn't wings either. It's an artifact of the video itself.
No it doesn't. The fuselage of the jet is slender and long, like a tube which it in fact is. The object in the mufon video presents more like a disc or elliptic. The distortion around the object isn't wings either. It's an artifact of the video itself.
In both cases: that's your interpretation - your opinion.

I'm not here to convince anyone what it is or isn't. I'm simply pointing out that it is plausibly a jet.
The length/width ratio of this object is well within the range of jets, especially accounting for the blurriness of the image.
And there is indication of something that could plausibly be wings.

Its probably a jet.

Anything better?
Already debunked. You are repeating yourself.

This is definitely not helping the case for UFOs if this is the best there is.


You haven't debunked squat. None of your claims matched the photos of jets seen at a great height. None of your claims matched the object itself.
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That's what I can see on the video. I believe my eyes over you.

So you believe just because it isn't readily identifiable it is a UFO as you define?
I'm not sure what it is, but imo it looks more like a dirigible or balloon then a plane. But I'll still at this stage leave it as a UFO as properly defined...or unidentified.
As I mentioned once before to you MR, when you often site witnesses to UFO's as being near infallible, and then use murder and crime investigations and their use of witnesses to convict or otherwise a person, you forget that these are in the main, Earth based sightings, that are measurably feet apart, and it can generally be reasonably assumed that it may be valid.
UFO sightings and the witnesses to them, are a whole new kettle of fish. We are then speaking of an Earth based observer, looking at large distances into the sky and space, where judgements are less positive and sure...or witnesses from a plane maybe doing 400 or more kph, seeing something beyond his craft and distances that again are near impossible to judge. Then when you take into account the many other possibilities like extraordinary weather phenomena, clouds and the like, poor lighting, possible planets etc etc, one must conclude that it is totally unreasonable to then automatically conclude it is a UFO of Alien origin...While in a small number of cases that maybe a solution, it is never positively the only solution, and so sensibly and logically, the few sightings remain as UFO, of unknown origin or cause.
You need to accept those sensible facts.
You haven't debunked squat. None of your claims matched the photos of jets seen at a great height.
They don't have to match them.

I'm not here to prove it's a jet. I'm here to demonstrate that it's plausibly a jet.

It moves like a jet. It's shaped like a jet fuselage.
Sometimes, at a distance, in the right light, a jet's wings aren't apparent - esp. with poor quality footage.

If this is what constitutes UFO evidence, it' s pretty pathetic.
They don't have to match them.

I'm not here to prove it's a jet. I'm here to demonstrate that it's plausibly a jet.

It moves like a jet. It's shaped like a jet fuselage.
Sometimes, at a distance, in the right light, a jet's wings aren't apparent - esp. with poor quality footage.

If this is what constitutes UFO evidence, it' s pretty pathetic.

It's still an elliptical shaped wingless object and looks nothing like a jet. See those jet photos I posted again.
Video artifacts work both ways. They also obscure things that are there. Very low contrast things, such as, say, wings.

It's still an elliptical shaped wingless object and looks nothing like a jet. See those jet photos I posted again.
The fact that it doesn't look like some pictures of jets doesn't mean it doesn't look like any jet ever.

It's a fact that jets are sometimes observed even when parts of them are indistinguishable against the sky.

It might help to step outside and observe them IRL, rather than relying solely on the internets.
Video artifacts work both ways. They also obscure things that are there. Very low contrast things, such as, say, wings.

The fact that it doesn't look like some pictures of jets doesn't mean it doesn't look like any jet ever.

It's a fact that jets are sometimes observed even when parts of them are indistinguishable against the sky.

It might help to step outside and observe them IRL, rather than relying solely on the internets.

Not even squinting my eyes makes that elliptical wingless object look like a jet plane. The fact remains that if it were a jet plane, it would look like a jet plane, just as most all jet planes do. The wings or rudder would be plainly visible, and it would be a long tube shape, not an elliptical disc. But it doesn't. There is also no sound of a flying jet on the video. And there were three of them seen by the eyewitnesses. Hence it is not a jet plane.
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Ignore as much as you like MR, I have just shown you how and why near all your claims re UFO's are invalid at best.
They are Unidentified, in a small number of cases.
That's what I can see on the video. I believe my eyes over you.
A shame that your beliefs are just that...your beliefs, nothing more, nothing less. I believe it was a dirigible or balloon or some clever ruse or trick.