UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

I get the feeling that no matter what I say James R will find some excuse to disagree with it. That's how desperate he is to feel right about something. Every sentence a chance to argue the opposite and win some imaginary competition. Do you ever just have a casual conversation online instead of always dissecting every sentence someone posts? Not every post is a debate position.
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I get the feeling that no matter what I say James R will find some excuse to disagree with it. That's how desperate he is to feel right about something. Every sentence a chance to argue the opposite and win some imaginary competition. Do you ever just have a casual conversation online instead of always dissecting every sentence someone posts?
There is an alternate explanation to what's happening between you and James R.

If you are wrong about a lot of stuff, and he is merely calling you out on demonstrably lazy thinking and analysis, that would be a pretty good fit for the data points - without needlessly multiplying hypothetical entities such as excuses, desperation or competitiveness.

(Also .... personal attacks have a green light then....good to know)
There is an alternate explanation to what's happening between you and James R.

If you are wrong about a lot of stuff, and he is merely calling you out on demonstrably lazy thinking and analysis, that would be a pretty good fit for the data points - without needlessly multiplying hypothetical entities such as excuses, desperation or competitiveness.

(Also .... personal attacks have a green light then....good to know)

I like my explanation better. I doubt James R is so arrogant to think he can or even needs to correct my evidence-based point of view. I'm not some inferior pupil here.
. I'm not some inferior pupil here.
Well certainly a person so gullible and so impressionable, as to be willing to accept so many so called sightings of Alien UFO's and ghosts and Goblins, along with such unlikely characters as Bigfoot, cannot be called a superior intellectual pupil without fault.
Well certainly a person so gullible and so impressionable, as to be willing to accept so many so called sightings of Alien UFO's and ghosts and Goblins, along with such unlikely characters as Bigfoot, cannot be called a superior intellectual pupil without fault.

Sounds like a personal attack to me.
...needs to correct my evidence-based point of view.
Your "evidence-based point of view" for one of the most recent videos was "it seems real to me".

Evidence isn't what you seem to think it is. For example, banging doors is not evidence of anything except banging doors. Factually, there is no evidence of paranormal activity there, only what you assume and then conclude.

I'm not some inferior pupil here.
Don't know why you would open the door to discussing your level of expertise, but you did...

In fact, here you are an inferior pupil. You have repeatedly demonstrated some atrociously naive viewpoints - about people's motives - about neuro and cognitive science - about the veracity of TV shows - to name just a few. So far, we only know of one thing you don't believe in - and even that makes no sense, since you've freely admitted you'll believe practically anything. Where you set the bar at 'convincing' is way, way below where most people set the bar.

These are not stated as slurs. You freely brought your apparent expertise here for discussion; the above are just examples of demonstrably unexpert views.
Don't be a hypocrite.

You just can't stop with the personal attacks can you?

These are not stated as slurs.

Yeah..that's all they are. More cheap personal attacks to make you feel better about yourself. You should learn how to have a civil adult conversation some time. It's much more rewarding than calling people names and then getting ignored because of it.
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Yeah..that's all they are. More cheap personal attacks to make you feel better about yourself. You should learn how to have a civil conversation some time. It's much more rewarding than calling people names and getting ignored because of it.
In 2760, James R responded to you, utterly impersonally - all topic-based, not a single aspersion upon your good username - and you - you - responded - in post 2761 - with nothing but attacks.
Not only do you partake of personal attacks, but you are the leader.
It's a matter of record for all to read.

Now, can we roll back to actual conversation about the topic?
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In 2760, James R responded to you, utterly impersonally - all topic-based, not a single aspersion upon your good username - and you - you - responded - in post 2761 - with nothing but attacks.
Not only do you partake of personal attacks, but you are the leader.
It's a matter of record for all to read.

Now, can we roll back to actual conversation about the topic?

You have shown repeatedly an obsession for attacking me personally and making me appear in a certain bad light all for the benefit of yourself. All you ever do is project your shit on me over and over again, ending up with me just ignoring your posts and moving on to other posters. I have no interest in trying to rationally discuss anything with you. You appear to be totally incapable of that.
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You have shown repeatedly an obsession for attacking me personally and making me appear in a certain bad light all for the benefit of yourself. I have no interest in trying to rationally discuss anything with you. You appear to be incapable of that.
Actually, and factually, this thread among your other threads, just illustrate your ineptness and refusal to accept any doubtful questioning and reasonable opinion in what you have already catargorised in your mind. So your only way out of this continually being backed into the proverbial corner, is to cry foul and accusations of adhoms etc.
You remind me of the little rich kid with the cricket gear, that goes outside to play with his mates, but then gets all huffy when bowled out and takes his cricket gear home.......or you could call it dummy spitting.
You have shown repeatedly an obsession for attacking me personally and making me appear in a certain bad light all for the benefit of yourself. All you ever do is project your shit on me over and over again, ending up with me just ignoring your posts and moving on to other posters. I have no interest in trying to rationally discuss anything with you. You appear to be totally incapable of that.
Let the record show your hypocrisy at whinging about personal attacks - while being the first one to attack.

But that's not my favorite part of this thread.
My favorite part is this:

"I've got nothing to say about the topic but it's been two weeks and I really miss all the poo-flinging. Let's give this pot a stir, shall we?"
Let the record show your hypocrisy at whinging about personal attacks - while being the first one to attack.

But that's not my favorite part of this thread.
My favorite part is this:


"I've got nothing to say about the topic but it's been two weeks and I really miss all the poo-flinging. Let's give this pot a stir, shall we?"

Wow..you could read all that from a deleted post of mine. Once again, total projection just to make me look bad. It never ends until I end it. Moving on.
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I get the feeling that no matter what I say James R will find some excuse to disagree with it.
It's not a matter of finding excuses to disagree with you. You're wrong about so many things, so consistently, that you make a good example of what others should work to avoid. I mean, it's been literally years that you've spent wasting your time on constructing fantasies, and your posts would have us believe that you have learned nothing about critical thinking in all that time. It's quite incredible to watch.

That's how desperate he is to feel right about something.
Thanks for the character analysis. I will return the favour below.

As is often the case, you're also wrong about this. I'm quite used to being right about things (in fact, I mostly try not to lecture people unless I'm very confident I'm right), so no call at all for desperation. Perhaps you're projecting.

Every sentence a chance to argue the opposite and win some imaginary competition.
You lost your argument about UFOs, ghosts and Bigfoot years ago, but you keep coming back to re-emphasise that you lack the ability to reflect on your own incompetence when it comes to these topics. Mostly, I just correct your errors now and then, for the benefit of new readers who may have fallen into the same traps that have so hopelessly ensnared you.

Do you ever just have a casual conversation online instead of always dissecting every sentence someone posts?
Sure. Do you ever have a casual conversation in which you don't make unjustifiable claims about the existence of fantasies like Bigfoot, alien spaceships or ghosts?

Not every post is a debate position.
In a thread in which you continually post about your unjustified belief that aliens are visiting earth, you are inviting debate on that matter. I know you find it annoying that evidence matters more than your personal biases.

I doubt James R is so arrogant to think he can or even needs to correct my evidence-based point of view. I'm not some inferior pupil here.
You misunderstand our relative positions in relation to the subject matter you wish to discuss. It's not a matter of my being arrogant when I point to your gullibility and your lack of critical thinking on the matter. You brought your stuff to me; I didn't come to you asking for it.

When you choose to post on a science forum, you can expect to get answers from some people, at least, who are familiar with the scientific method and who are expert critical thinkers. Probably you are more used to posting to UFO fanboy sites, where you all have a chin wag about your shared alien fantasies, everybody pats each other on the back, and you never have to deal with people who care about the truth. If you want a friendly support group for UFO tragics, there are plenty of places you can go for that. But here, you'll occasionally be confronted by inconvenient truths. You ought to expect that when you come here, rather than getting all riled up about it.

Regarding your ability as a pupil, unfortunately you've been here long enough that the data is in, and it's incontrovertible. When it comes to evaluating the woo, you are an inferior pupil. Many people - not just me - have spent considerable time attempting to educate you about the basics of evidence, common sense and skepticism. Despite that, you make no progress in your learning, and merely continue to repeat past mistakes.

I think the main reason you make no progress is that you're an unwilling pupil. You've never told us the real reason you're so ready to reject anything that threatens to puncture your bubble of fantasy, or why you get so angry when I post that kind of thing. But whatever the reason, it must go deep with you. I think that you have made the woo a part of your personal identity to such an extent that you feel that letting go of it would be an exercise in self-annihilation.
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It's not a matter of finding excuses to disagree with you. You're wrong about so many things, so consistently, that you make a good example of what others should work to avoid. I mean, it's been literally years that you've spent wasting your time on constructing fantasies, and your posts would have us believe that you have learned nothing about critical thinking in all that time. It's quite incredible to watch.

Thanks for the character analysis, but in this - like just about everything else you post - you're also wrong. I'm quite used to being right about things, so no call at all for desperation. Perhaps you're projecting.

You lost your argument about UFOs, ghosts and Bigfoot years ago, but you keep coming back to re-emphasise that you lack the ability to reflect on your own incompetence when it comes to these topics. Mostly, I just correct your errors now and then, for the benefit of new readers who may have fallen into the same traps that have so hopelessly ensnared you.

Sure. Do you ever have a casual conversation in which you don't make unjustifiable claims about the existence of fantasies like Bigfoot, alien spaceships or ghosts?

In a thread in which you continually post about your unjustified belief that aliens are visiting earth, you are inviting debate on that matter. I know you find it annoying that evidence matters more than your personal biases.

LOL! I see you really don't know how to have a normal conversation like the other posters do. You're still dissecting my posts sentence by sentence and turning it into some pissing match with me that you seem really upset about and hold a long-standing grudge about. I wasn't even making claims about ufos in the last two posts, but still you take issue with my points, as if the military really is behind ufo sightings. Is that what you believe now James? Or are they all still the planet Venus and weather balloons? Why don't you just relax James and just accept that you can't unsay everything I say here? It's all posted here forever for everyone to look at and decide for themselves, despite all the years of your failed attempts to debunk any of it.
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