As I have stated to MR before, I once had a UFO experience....After the sighting, I went home, went to bed, wondering half the night as to what I did see. Woke up the next morning, no radio/TV reports of any other sightings, no Alien takeover of humanity, and I rightly concluded it as a UFO....that is UNIDENTIFIED.
I did not automatically jump to the conclusion it was of Alien origin, although I most certainly believe we are not alone in this universe. But as yet, as of the 11th day of November 2017, we have absolutely no evidence yet of any ETL, let alone any highly imaginative Alien visitations. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as it is often said. So when we finally find some hard artifact of Alien origin, or some needle that an Alien used for one of those often heard, anal probing medical procedures, when we find some excreta of Alien origin, or a dead Alien, or when they finally after 100 years and thousands of supposed visitations, make themselves officially known, by landing on the lawns of the White House, or London Bridge, or Canberra, then they will forever simply reside in gullible people's imagination.