
Read something earlier today about Meghan McCain complaining that not enough Republicans are speaking out against Trump. And that there seems to be a ''deafening silence'' from the Republican party as to Trump's latest tweet, today.

Gotta say, there's a point to be made, there. It seems to me anyway, that no one on the Republican side can be objective, when it comes to Trump. They all seem to justify everything he says and does. Is this out of fear, I wonder?
Gotta say, there's a point to be made, there. It seems to me anyway, that no one on the Republican side can be objective, when it comes to Trump. They all seem to justify everything he says and does. Is this out of fear, I wonder?
I think that's part of it. They fear loss of privilege and loss of power, and feel that any non-defense of Trump is support of Democrats. It's good to see at least a few conservatives starting to criticize him for his latest round of racist attacks, but it's sad that it is so few of them.
I think that's part of it. They fear loss of privilege and loss of power, and feel that any non-defense of Trump is support of Democrats. It's good to see at least a few conservatives starting to criticize him for his latest round of racist attacks, but it's sad that it is so few of them.
Yea, it seems to be too few. I'd imagine that running the country is a tough job but Trump would be wise to stop his hate speech. I think that's 75% of his problem.
Read something earlier today about Meghan McCain complaining
Complaining is what Repugs do best - like all the frickin time. She's not turned off enough to change sides, right? She's going to hold her nose and vote for the bastard - again, even though his tru nature was perfectly obvious the first time.
Your heroine is just blowing lukewarm air.
They fall in line.
It's not a question of objectivity - that simply doesn't come up! - it's just the way these seals have been trained to clap in unison.
Whose extremism should we encourage, ice? Is one better than the other?
What do you call extreme?
If it's a choice between people who advocate shooting refugees and people who advocate comprehensive heath-care, I know which extreme I prefer.
I'd imagine that running the country is a tough job but Trump would be wise to stop his hate speech.
Once again, the central point: Trump has no interest in running the country. He doesn't know how, and he doesn't care.

He has a great deal of interest in promoting his hate speech, creating chaos and governmental dysfunction, and making money off of it. He is a white collar criminal, see - a con man - so functioning government threatens him and his "deals".
Whose extremism should we encourage, ice?
The liberal and tolerant and moderate and law-abiding and nonviolent and traditionally decent American extremism is better. The Republican (fascist) extremism that tortures and murders worldwide and cages children in concentration camps with "cold cells" until they get sick we should discourage with extreme prejudice.

Just my opinion. Some people - around a third of the adult population of the US, a bit more than in most places - prefer fascism.
This, is why an Independent needs to rise up from the ashes. :wink:
No sense worrying about tiny fringe obsessions and wingnut agitprop - the one third of the country that votes for monsters in real life, that actually comprises a fascist political movement currently ascendant, is a priority.
In name only, ice. You know, it sounds real real bad.
In name only, ice. You know, it sounds real real bad.
It is real, real, bad.

You guys have really, really, screwed the pooch. Like the Confederacy and Klan that bred you, you have made defending the horrible a matter of honor, and chosen to live in a fantasy world rather than face what you have brought about in the real one. You have joined a fascist political movement, and history as well as experience informs us that you will not (perhaps cannot) leave it.

Forty years of Reaganomics on top of racial bigotry have almost wrecked the place, you (the Republican base) have no idea how that happened (or even what happened), and the only responses you can imagine to the misery and degradation you cannot avoid are violent. You will build an American gulag of prisons and concentration camps from one coast to the other, install torture facilities in them, and fill them with children, rather than tax Charles Koch's recently (since W&Cheney cleared the way) accumulated wealth 2 cents on the dollar or impeach a President who sells tours on Air Force One for cash. You are an enemy not only of American democracy but of the decent and good in general, and anyone who wants to establish the decent and good has to beat you: not compromise, because you are incapable of it, and not listen with respect and a view toward mutual agreement, because that would violate fundamental norms of respect and you can't keep your word anyway.
This, is why an Independent needs to rise up from the ashes.
There is no such "Independent". That's a recurrent Republican myth (check out the Republican media feed in every campaign season following the exposure of Republican fuckup since 1980), a lifeboat for lifelong Republicans trying to dodge blame.

The existing Democratic Party is adequate - in it there are many moderate liberals, such as O Cortez, representing a decent and honorable base that is also a solid majority of the American citizenry. Building on that solid center has much better prospects than trying to find an "Independent".

And the goal is to not reduce the place to ashes. What rises from such ashes is almost never what anyone wanted - not even the Trumps of this world, who think the ashes are made for them.
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You guys have really, really, screwed the pooch. Like the Confederacy and Klan that bred you, you have made defending the horrible a matter of honor, and chosen to live in a fantasy world rather than face what you have brought about in the real one. You have joined a fascist political movement, and history as well as experience informs us that you will not (perhaps cannot) leave it.
What do you call extreme?
If it's a choice between people who advocate shooting refugees and people who advocate comprehensive heath-care, I know which extreme I prefer.
Which one?
We can compromise here... Shoot the illegal immigrants but force them to pay for cheap healthcare.

Win win right?

Maybe not...
There really aren't many advocates for shooting them btw.
You might want to look up the meaning of "extreme".

How many is not many?
I really haven't heard any cases where they have been shot indiscriminately. Though it undoubtedly happened before the issue was really called to anyone's attention who actually proposed reliable solutions.