The relation of hair whorls to brain development

This is
How do you know the stupid people that wrote this were from the US? They may be from Malaysia for all you know.

This is just another proof of stupid americans. You can check the guy's profile and it says somewhere near DC. I didnt aware of DC in Malaysia hahaha
This is just another proof of stupid americans. You can check the guy's profile and it says somewhere near DC. I didnt aware of DC in Malaysia hahaha
Well let me be the first to welcome you to the forum. Based on your first couple of posts you seem like a swell guy.
M*W: I congratulate you and your wife on your keen interest in your child's hair whorl. Most people don't know this, but a child's hair whorl tells us a lot. I've seen babies with 2 cm. hair whorls, two hair whorls, uneven hair whorls, and such. It is true that hair whorls tell us a lot about brain development. My mother had two hair whorls and so did I (if that tells you anything). When I was a small child of about four, when I entered the first grade (yes, the first grade), my mother told my teacher that I was "backward." I continued to hear that, and again, my mother told my teacher when I was in the sixth grade that I was "backward!" Than god my teacher rebutted and said that, "no I was not backward!" It was that teacher, long into my elementary education, that gave me hope that I might, just might, be normal! I know that my mother was never pleased with me, nor could I please her... but there was no way in hell that I was backward. It's so sad that parents have the power to set the stage for their children. It's no wonder that I was depressed in childhood. I had a jealous mother. She's gone now, but for whatever reasons, my mother hated me. But, life goes on, and I have always loved and accepted my own children and grandchildren who are the lights of my life.

Back to hair whorls... sometimes they can determine mental illness. Sometimes they can identify brain damage. Sometimes they can pinpoint lesions in the brain. Most people don't understand that the hair whorl on their heads can lead to an enormous amount of diagnoses on gross examination. And, OTOH, when we see a perfectly formed hair whorl on a newborn, we know that they are probably physically and mentally okay.

I really appreciate you bringing up this topic. It is truly timely and informative. It's those little things that we overlook for the most part that can tell us so much!

Thank you!
My mother hated me too or she just
same thing here. I never understood why my mother hates me or doesn't care about me. And yes I have the two whorls on my head. I know I was diagnosed with HYPOCHONDRIA when I was little, I saw the medical record. I come from communistic country. There was no acknowledgement, it's now when I realize I had dyslexia back then and now, they did not recognize the condition there and then. Yes I had a lot of problems to learn how to read, teachers dictating texts was a hell. But I coped so we are, survival material. But now I can read in diagonal (scanning) . I'm an empath, i'm above average on iq tests. I can read people and I can read nature. I used to spend hours in gazing insects or plants.
My wife & I took our daughter Sarah to see a geneticist and neurologist a few months back (she has a delay in motor skills but not speech or cognitive abilities, if that's relevant) and the geneticist noticed that Sarah has a double hair whorl (i.e., her hair grows out of her head in two circular patterns as opposed to the usual one--also one pattern goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise).

The geneticist suggested that this was associated with higher rates of developmental delays, but from what I've read that seems to be far from accepted and in fact there are some people who suggest that this pattern is associated with gifted children.

What does appear to be more widely accepted is that this pattern is associated with handedness and that with this particular pattern my daughter has a 50% chance of being left-handed (much higher than the general population).

I'm curious what the reason might be for associating hair patterns with handedness or cognitive development and whether any of you who know more about genetics might have more information on the subject.

M*W: I congratulate you and your wife on your keen interest in your child's hair whorl. Most people don't know this, but a child's hair whorl tells us a lot. I've seen babies with 2 cm. hair whorls, two hair whorls, uneven hair whorls, and such. It is true that hair whorls tell us a lot about brain development. My mother had two hair whorls and so did I (if that tells you anything). When I was a small child of about four, when I entered the first grade (yes, the first grade), my mother told my teacher that I was "backward." I continued to hear that, and again, my mother told my teacher when I was in the sixth grade that I was "backward!" Than god my teacher rebutted and said that, "no I was not backward!" It was that teacher, long into my elementary education, that gave me hope that I might, just might, be normal! I know that my mother was never pleased with me, nor could I please her... but there was no way in hell that I was backward. It's so sad that parents have the power to set the stage for their children. It's no wonder that I was depressed in childhood. I had a jealous mother. She's gone now, but for whatever reasons, my mother hated me. But, life goes on, and I have always loved and accepted my own children and grandchildren who are the lights of my life.

Back to hair whorls... sometimes they can determine mental illness. Sometimes they can identify brain damage. Sometimes they can pinpoint lesions in the brain. Most people don't understand that the hair whorl on their heads can lead to an enormous amount of diagnoses on gross examination. And, OTOH, when we see a perfectly formed hair whorl on a newborn, we know that they are probably physically and mentally okay.

I really appreciate you bringing up this topic. It is truly timely and informative. It's those little things that we overlook for the most part that can tell us so much!

Thank you!
My wife & I took our daughter Sarah to see a geneticist and neurologist a few months back (she has a delay in motor skills but not speech or cognitive abilities, if that's relevant) and the geneticist noticed that Sarah has a double hair whorl (i.e., her hair grows out of her head in two circular patterns as opposed to the usual one--also one pattern goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise).

The geneticist suggested that this was associated with higher rates of developmental delays, but from what I've read that seems to be far from accepted and in fact there are some people who suggest that this pattern is associated with gifted children.

What does appear to be more widely accepted is that this pattern is associated with handedness and that with this particular pattern my daughter has a 50% chance of being left-handed (much higher than the general population).

I'm curious what the reason might be for associating hair patterns with handedness or cognitive development and whether any of you who know more about genetics might have more information on the subject.
My wife & I took our daughter Sarah to see a geneticist and neurologist a few months back (she has a delay in motor skills but not speech or cognitive abilities, if that's relevant) and the geneticist noticed that Sarah has a double hair whorl (i.e., her hair grows out of her head in two circular patterns as opposed to the usual one--also one pattern goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise).

The geneticist suggested that this was associated with higher rates of developmental delays, but from what I've read that seems to be far from accepted and in fact there are some people who suggest that this pattern is associated with gifted children.

What does appear to be more widely accepted is that this pattern is associated with handedness and that with this particular pattern my daughter has a 50% chance of being left-handed (much higher than the general population).

I'm curious what the reason might be for associating hair patterns with handedness or cognitive development and whether any of you who know more about genetics might have more information on the subject.
I have 3 whorls, each whorl looks like the number 6. They radiate outward from a central point. This is interesting stuff - but I will have to check in later I am late for the One World Govement think tank I am leading.
Hi Damien!
Whorls are a result of the orientation of the hair folicles - you are not going to be able to change that. Here is what you should do:

1. Wear a hat.
I always wear a hat...I come from the city of the greatest Olympic games ever...very sunny.
2. Shave your head.
Don't need to. I have a big fat bald spot right in the middle.
3. Wear a wig.
My wife likes rubbing my bald spot.
4. Better yet just realize that this is only a problem in your head, not on your head. You are making a big deal out of this. Nobody cares nearly as much about this as you do. You are wasting your time worrying about it. There are probably 20 bald guys reading about 'your problem' and wishing they could have your problem.
I'm happy being bald and having the wife give it a rub on occasions.
I have 4 to 6 cow licks and am also an empath. Im above average at what i am passionate about, but I wanted to see what others say about them because i thought it should mean something. Two of them are set between my eye and temples on my hairline then two on my neck, all 4 opposing. then the 5th is at the top left peak of my head, my hair is so long that im not sure if there is a 6 or 7 th, or if that one is just big at the top and heavy to my left side.
I have 4 to 6 cow licks and am also an empath. Im above average at what i am passionate about, but I wanted to see what others say about them because i thought it should mean something. Two of them are set between my eye and temples on my hairline then two on my neck, all 4 opposing. then the 5th is at the top left peak of my head, my hair is so long that im not sure if there is a 6 or 7 th, or if that one is just big at the top and heavy to my left side.

OMG. I think you might be the chosen one! We have been waiting for so long. -_O
Yea I'm 22 and have 2 crowns and both winding opposites, I started walking at around 10 months and talking at 12 - 14 months, I could count into the thousands at age 3 - 4, multi talented, Grew up using both sides but now prefer my right hand, probably adverage in English but I also heritage from a communistic country, all my senses and body systems are better than adverage, I also heal very quickly from cuts and bruising, I never hurt a muscle or broken a bone when I defs should have (like once I was climbing these logs some fireman were planning on burning, anyways I fell off this log cliff 12 - 15 meters onto a big round log that jammed in my solar plexus, needless to say I was quite shocked) so I don't agree on double crowns causing anything todo with dislexia or late development, although my little brother is an autistic genius with a single crown. I do although beleive it could be signs of a phycological condition as I'm very different, I'm abit further ahead then most people so I day dream a lot and speak to my self and what not (no, no one speaks back) although my conscience seems to be a very logical and smart guy, But yea normal as fk my mind either very lazy or achieving MAC2. Soo everything's pretty much adverage or better, but my noticeable talents are memory and adaption (even with zero initiative). But I take it that's what you guys mean by empath's, yeah? Or do you mean when you can sense someone's mood or emotional bearings... The word for the feeling would be "Vibrations"

Sorry if it sound like bragging but two crowns shouldn't effect your infants in any negative way, just give them tit-tit milk and they'll grow up smart and strong.

My mother also hates me.
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This thread reminds me of a light attracting moths. For some reason it seems to magnetically attract people from all over the internet, who feel obliged to come here and either (a) tell their life story (including hair-whorl details), or (b) post a one-liner, usually about how much their mother hates them.

I must admit I can't wait for the next installment. Fascinating!
My Son has 2 hair whorls on top of each of his eyebrows and of course the one on his head.
I get the feeling that most, if not all, of the drive-by posters to this thread are the same person - or maybe one or two people who know one another.