Warning, Will Robinson, Warning!
I am double crowned, which is to say, I have both a clockwise and a counterclockwise whorl. One of my brothers has a similar pattern. I have two siblings who are left-handed, and my mother was trained not to use her left hand by her Central European grandparents, so I suspect she is a genetic lefty.
Five family members qualified to skip the fourth grade, although only two elected to do so. Two could read before even starting school. My uncle is an active member of Mensa. I ranked in the top one-half percent of college-bound seniors on my college entrance exams. In the eighth grade I read on a college level and scored higher than my teacher in vocabulary and read at a rate of over 800 words per minute. I do not have a number for my IQ, I was told that "it is over 145."
While it is very interesting to observe patterns between ability and hair whorls or other physical attributes, one should keep in mind that these are not 100% concordant, and that there are multiple influences on development and ability. Imagine a world where people are screened at birth for double hair whorls and relegated to institutions based on the findings of the expert screener. According to what some people have written here and the stock they have placed in such patterns, there is definitely a need to exercise caution.
Thank you.