Post #381 has a couple of screencaps of forums that did the only sensible thing with Pro.
Just stop it. You'd be lonely without Pronatalist. I'd have to take up being anti-abortion and retarded to fill the gap in you.
Post #381 has a couple of screencaps of forums that did the only sensible thing with Pro.
Perhaps I should have been more specific. They destroyed Africa as a homeland for Africans, just as they destroyed North America, South America, Australia and many smaller areas as homelands for their indigenous populations. The only choice they left them was either to be marginalized to the verge of extinction or to assimilate to the culture of the occupying forces.Europeans really destroyed Africa? It seems, at least on the surface, that the countries that are most stable in Africa are the ones with large caucasian populations. Am I wrong about that?
Arguably the root of the Africans' problems is that they were never allowed to develop in their own way at their own pace. Unlike the Americas, where indigenous civilizations developed from their own Neolithic cultures several thousand years later than those in Asia and Egypt, sub-Saharan Africa is too close to Europe and Asia so Europeans and Asians were always meddling in their affairs. Ultimately, in the European colonial era, African tribes were dragged out of the Stone Age and forced into a European model of nations and states that simply did not fit.
It's an interesting point that Fraggle raises here, because there were a number of significant and powerful empires that arose at various times in Sub-Saharan Africa. It's reasonable to assume that these empires, left to their own devices, would have eventually formed a state, or a number of states, that could have covered the entire country, based on the lay of the land and the dictates of the climate.
It is not just Africans who were more advanced long ago than the people of lands closer to the pole (where winters make little food available without it being saved from summer). All tropical peoples and even those of the semi-tropics where some foods are available in winter have not advanced much in their control over the environment. Hell, even here in very modern Sao Paulo, which is not in the tropics, but lacks any snow, the houses get cold in winter, but none have heating - we just wear sweaters etc. inside to keep warm.
My theory is that this lack of progress by warmer land peoples has nothing to do with race (as you and other seem to imply) and everything to do with the easy of living with little effort of fore planning. Sort of "Garden of Eden" effect. ...
One of the problems with that theory is that humans in "easy living" circumstances will overpopulate the place in a couple of hundred years - populations everywhere rise quickly to the point where the living is not easy, and the adjustments made then are what we see as human culture etc.billy said:My theory is that this lack of progress by warmer land peoples has nothing to do with race (as you and other seem to imply) and everything to do with the easy of living with little effort of fore planning. Sort of "Garden of Eden" effect. Life is like in a Polynesian island, eat some wild roots, catch a few fish, bananas and a multitude of other fruit are available for the picking when the populations were small due to lack of medical knowledge - basic things like don't drink the river water until boiled, wash hands, etc.
Why isn't this kind of stuff labeled "woo-woo"? Is it because the consequences of its ubiquity are so ugly, compared with the consequences of belief in alien abduction or advanced civilizations hiding under Antarctica?baron said:See? My idea is that there was a race of white Africans who didn't like or didn't get along with the black Africans.
Specifically: The Europeans derived their gun technology partly from the Chinese, who came up with the basic technology partly (it seems) from earlier basic innovations derived from Middle Eastern innovations, North African innovations, and Eastern European innovations, which in turn rested on earlier North African, Chinese, and Middle Eastern innovations. Generally: The subSaharan Africans were not trading with the Chinese or Europeans or Middle Easterners or even northern Africans, for many reasons (see Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs, and Steel", which was written specifically and explicitly to answer exactly that question: "Why do {white European folk} have so much cargo?)baron said:Europeans had guns ...which they invented in only a few years! Why were the Africans so far behind?
One of the problems with that theory is that humans in "easy living" circumstances will overpopulate the place in a couple of hundred years - ...
....see Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs, and Steel", which was written specifically and explicitly to answer exactly that question: "Why do {white European folk} have so much cargo?)
Tell me Baron, how do you face the truth when it is always biting you in the ass?No, Diamond is just another apologist for the backwardness of the African Blacks ...just one more of many, many people who refuse to face the truth.
Baron, I would argue that one of the greatest penalties faced by the Africans is the existence of the tetse fly, which puts large areas of Africa off-limits for farming.
Baron, I would argue that one of the greatest penalties faced by the Africans is the existence of the tetse fly, which puts large areas of Africa off-limits for farming.