Of the many reasons Nobel Prize winners Crick and Watson independently concluded life did not originate on Earth, was metal ores and non-metallic minerals.
The many organisms, most notably humans, require metals and non-metallic minerals in order to function. The most obvious is iron in human blood. Iron doesn't really pose a problem for two reasons, namely that it is very abundant and it is readily accessible.
It's the other metal ores and non-metallic minerals the human body requires that pose the problems. Some of those metal ores and minerals exist only trace amounts on Earth, or are locked deep in the Earth's crust and not accessible, or both.
So the question is how do you get access to something in trace amounts or that is deep in the Earth's crust (and often locked with other metals and minerals).
Crick and Watson concluded that life came from a planet where those metals and minerals were far more abundant and existed in greater than mere trace amounts and which were also readily accessible.
I call appeal to authority fallacy with a plus 4 roll
but more pertinently .....
When watson and crick were noted biologists, we hadn't even heard of hydrothermal vents, let alone found any, let alone find that the plumes contained high concentrations of metal salts (including rare heavy metals), let alone begun to hypothesise that they might be ideal sites for the formation of early life, let alone test the hypothesis and find good supporting evidence for it.
Way to win a Nobel Prize!
(feel free to skip the bits that bash the fanatics (although that's always fun) and get to the meat which starts at about 2.40)
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