The end


LOL. I assume you are a teenager. Don't worry, in a few years you will be able to think about a few other things besides sex. Until then, tough. :D

I am; therefore I think.

Calling everyone stupid only lables yourself as stupid and makes any argument (point of view) a stupid one. With that said why would anyone want to listen to you?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
its not that were stupid really, its more like were smart, but in our oun way. were not that smart though, we might be able to be really smart someday though. as said in men in black, "a person is smart, but people are stupid, dumb and other stuff" so u see, everyone one of us is smart but not as a whole group. i gtg eat dinner now. later ya'll

thats all i got
Ok going on the premise that we are only smart on a certain level. Would it be correct to say that in certain areas we excel and dominate whare the aliens (if they are real, I'm a none beliver) are lacking and could posibly crush thier little skulls into the ground. On the other hand we could make new friends. This leads some ware trust me...

The point I'm trying to get to is, intelegence on this level is completely subjective. Do we excel at what we need to in order to live and be triumphant. My answer well look around. Who is the dominant life form on this planet?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 04, 1999).]
The question of intelligence certainly covers a lot of ground. But to narrow it down and reiterate, we're talking about the actions we take collectively.

we excel at what we need to in order to live and be triumphant. My answer well look
around. Who is the dominant life form on this planet?

Yeah, we're doing pretty well for ouselves but it's deceptive. In not too long from now, we'll be faced with what will be a huge energy crisis. Eroding top soil, dwindling oil resources, over-population, the list goes on. How intelligent can we possibly think of ourselves as a species when we hold our own heads underwater? So it's really a question of longevity when it comes to the true measure of intelligence.

As to aliens not having things that we do, they most likely haven't any use for greed, competition, sex drives, or any of the other things that drive human society. Without being too preachy here, I see this time in history as a test. We have the choice to abandon our old ways of thinking for the gift of longevity, or we can continue to plunder our life blood. If we don't make it, It wasn't meant to be. If we do, we will look back to now and shudder at how close we came to extinction. I fear that this is where the aliens come into the picture. It seems that their mission is to save us at all costs...and who knows what this could entail.

People tend to focus on only the ugly half of the coin. What they don't see is the fact that we are taking corrective actions to the pitfalls you speak of. Look at how many environmental agencies are out there, both national and international agencirs. I also find it interesting that whenever people think of aliens they only believe that they are totally opposite to us, when in fact we have no idea. We don't observe them in everyday life.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 06, 1999).]
That's right. There's been a huge increase in global awareness and the environment in the last decades but it's simply a patch. Most of our efforts are retroactive when in fact they should be the opposite. I agree that things are headed in this direction, but it's a matter of willingness on our part. It's also largly a matter of commerce and government. But the root of it begins with you and me.

The aliens thing: I assume you too have never observed an alien. All that I'm doing is trying to make rational conclusions about something irrational. Probablity,personal accounts,and time factors of cultural development and how they relate to us, etc are what I use in coming to *conclusions* on this matter.

Yes. I know about that. And i also know the reason they are doing it.(lasers) I know who's in (mostly) and who's not(3rd world) which i have gotten from sources involved. I cant really mention anything specific other than that people will soon find out why the lasers are put into orbit (there are groundbased ones too) and why they seem to be in a hurry getting them up.

You will soon find out.
We sure as hell are not stupid we just have problems working together. If the earth was united under a single government (through conflict or peace) then we would advance much faster. Give the human species a decade of complete unity and peace and we would burst into the intergalactic colonization scene. But only then may we prosper this is why i support China. This is because it is the only country with the numbers and the streangth to unite the world.
China can't rule its own people without oppression and terror. How are they going to run the world?

No! Do a little resaerch into who exactly is trying to bring about this "one world order". The Wall has fallen, the USSR has crubled yet there is still communism (China for example). Hitler may have killed millions but communist goverments have sluaghtered scores of millions.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
"New Age" religion is supposed to originate in the areas of Asia and Russia... where non-Christian religions are predominant. The Anti-Christ will try to overcome with sheer numbers at first and the quiet return to paganism which we are now noticing will help the cause in other areas of the world. However, as prophesied, Satan will only rule the world for a relatively short period. Subsequent to that, we shall all meet Jesus Christ and our maker.
dude bezzle,

unite the world??? are we on the same earth?? the only way that could really happen is for one country to nuke all the others and then it'll be the only one else, that is the human definition for united under one gov. dude, and once we do do that (assuming that we will) we wont last for more than a year. we will rebel and shit, dude, its better to just have a ton of different minds, with different theories than one mind and theory

that is all

BlueHummingbird-Ever since we detonated that firecracker over Hiroshima people have been going on and on about WW3. It's always been "just around the corner". For 54 years it's been "just around the corner". How long before we get to that corner? Will somebody just "push the button" so we can finally stop having to hear that phrase?

Of course there's going to be a WW3. Someone said that it already happened, but that it was fought in boardrooms across the world (just before Japan's economy went South). But all the doom and gloom sounds like rehashed 60s rhetoric to me. Does anyone have an original thought on WW3, or are we stuck vomitting the same old thing generation after generation?

I'll probably get flamed for this post, but ever since the hippies became the establishment it seems like we have to live their teen-age lives and ideals with no room for an opposing viewpoint. This validates the idea that "hippy" is derived from "hypocrite".
I've got no problem with a different opinion, BlueHummingbird. I've got no problem with an opposing opinion, either. In fact, I'd like to hear why you think I'm shutting others out. But after 32 years of hearing "WW3 is coming, WW3 is coming", not to mention the years before I was born, when is it going to get here? It's like living with a parrot that only knows one phrase and keeps repeating it over and over and over...

So, what is this viewpoint you have? I've read your original post. Could you elaborate on why you think the advent of space-age weapons will make the world's governments more likely to go to war?

(As a sidenote, why does everyone think the US will start "the Big One"? There are plenty of terrorists all over the world who would launch a major nuclear strike given half a chance. Ours are just elected and, theoretically, accountable.)

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 11, 1999).]