The Cube

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yeah timecube!!

the guy who's behind that nonsense gave a talk at my school a while back. I didn't go, but aparently he's quite a nut.:p
The Cube is a morphing machine that functions in all three dimensions simultaneously. It will be the machine that launches mankind to the stars.
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Ok how does it work?

What is it like a Transformer? Is it like one second it’s a little box and then (shink) (shink) (shink) (snap) (pop) (shink) look nows it a rocket ship! and then (shink) (shink) (pop) (squish) (snap) now it’s a kitty cat for the kids!
That wasn't quite what I was expecting...

is a morphing machine that functions in all three dimensions simultaneously.

First off, I thought I heard one of the astrophysic weenies (chroot?) mention that there were thousands of dimensions on top of each other. Second off, I function in four dimensions simultaneously, and I can't jump more than, well, I don't know, I haven't measured it, but I sure as hell can't launch myself into space.

Come on man, I need more! I want to believe!
I've said too much! Well, perhaps not. The Cube is as profoundly complex as it is powerful. The best description I can offer without providing a protracted dissertation on transcendental mathematics is simply to call it....

... The Cube !!!
Success_Machine how could you!

What happen to your old web site: that was "nice"! This: this is crap, burn it now, torch the site!

Ever figure out how to use "interpn"???

Success_Machine your funny, a total liar, but funny. Still I think we should get the Admins to kick you for being nothing but a total nuisance spamer!
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Saw Cube 2: Hypercube last night, my god did it suck. Dont throw away 95 minutes of your life watching this total waste of space.

Sorry for being off topic. Success_Machine, give it a rest.
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Ok ok.

The Cube is a key technology for implementing a Skyhook in the near-term. Ordinarily a skyhook requires a large counterweight so that it can snatch payloads from a lower altitude, and catapault them to a higher orbit via momentum transfer, without losing too much altitude itself. The trouble with this is that there is no way to re-boost the counterweight to its original altitude, and if the tether remains deployed it will crash into the earth on the next rotation, rather then merely skim the upper atmosphere (because its center of rotation is lower). Such a large counterweight, estimated to be ~57,000 metric tonnes to launch a 50-tonne payload while only losing 5 km altitude, would require an enormous number of launches to assemble. It would take anywhere from 38 - 60 years to assemble the "dumb" counterweight for a skyhook launch system with the simplest design.

To reduce construction time to a mere 10 years I have invented "The Cube", a powerful morphing machine which adapts to changes in center of gravity, allowing a counterweight of only one-quarter the "dumb" mass, or just 14,250 tonnes. Such a counterweight should only take 10 years to assemble. Indeed, much of this mass would comprise the skyhook machinery and The Cube. It may now be possible to build a skyhook in a reasonable timeframe, one that is acceptable financially, politically, and strategically.

You've heard of mass-damping systems before, but they were science fiction. Now a real concept is on the drawing boards....

Originally posted by Success_Machine
Ok ok.

The Cube is a key technology for implementing a Skyhook in the near-term. Ordinarily a skyhook requires a large counterweight so that it can snatch payloads from a lower altitude, and catapault them to a higher orbit via momentum transfer

Are you aware of current research into tethered payload deployment? It still requires a normal launch but might be used to exchange payloads.


I wish I knew what you were talking about, Success, I really do. It helps that you've posted something more than a sentence or two long, but, meh...

Math/Physics weenies! Math/Physics weenies! Is this thing plausible?
I see where he is coming from and feel that it is going to work. This devlopment is going to be revolutionary! It is going to make the wheel look like nothing.

I would like to be part of this project.

The Cube
yeah.. can u please translate that in layman's terms... all im imaginin from that is a huge catapult... :D :m:
Which is more efficient, a dynamic skyhook setup, or more fixed space elevator? While the latter is a complex project, it has a lot less variables than the former...

Some questions:

Is this a fixed system, that can touch down at any point, or is it one of those where it has a rotation, and thus predetermined points of landing?

How fast will the touchdowns be? this is the main problem I see with the has a short window of loading/unloading, and also has to travel through the atmosphere, so has reentry and guidance issues.

Which would be simpler and cheaper to build?

Someone's already working on the space elevator, so you might want to get funding for your idea to beat them. Whoever grabs the market first will dominate.
I advocate laser propulsion in space over tethers and skyhooks. I feel laser would be cheaper and require less info structure.
Lasers as ground to LEO? I didn't think they had the impulse needed to make escape velocity. As a booster maybe, but even then you have the atmosphere to contend with.
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