The Cube

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Right now The Cube is a concept. It is a concept destined to re-write the textbooks and alter the destiny of mankind. The Cube will allow millions of people unlimited access to space, to build, to live, and prosper.

The Cube is the future.

What is needed for The Cube to be explained properly is alot of time, and I just don't have enough! In a few months from now I may find enough time to work on it. One thing is certain: SOON, The Cube will make its debut.
1) 1 million people by 2020? Thats a huge amount of funding.
2) It a geocities page... funding seems to be an issue :)
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No. The Cube is new. It is more advanced. At the frontier of space where science & technology come together, a single brilliant mind is re-writing the rules of design - and he is re-writing the future of humanity at the same time.

BUT NOW !!! In THIS world, in THIS time, forget everything you've heard. Forget everything you've seen....

Because this time THE CUBE is coming.
Success, p/m me if you want, I am interested. If you don't have enough time then just humor me with a paragraph. Please:)

edit: I don't know if you've checked the headlines lately, but the species may not have much more than six months left on the planet.
Originally posted by Success_Machine
Because this time THE CUBE is coming.
You were educated stupid
and evil by evil educators.
Do you enjoy being stupid?
Time Cube ignorance is evil.
Demand Time Cube debate
in all academic institutions.
You do not have the "guts"
to seek Time Cube "Truth".
Academia is a religious cult
empowerment of self word.
Academic word 'rots'brain.
Can you explain Time Cube?
If not, your brain has rotted.
Educators are evil bastards
who fear Time Cube debate.
Evil men ignoreTime Cube.
Teachers ignore Time Cube.
Teachers deserve a hanging.
My name is Gene Ray. Not
even a god can deny that I
have squared the circle of a
static Earth and cubed the
Earth sphere by rotating it
once to a dynamic Time or
Life Cube. Only a false god
or academically brainwashed
indoctrinated mindless moron
would deny that the Earth
lacks the top and bottom, the
front and back, and 2-sides
physical dimensions of a Cube
that spirals a 4-season quad
helix around the Sun - creating
a swirling of 4 simultaneous
years as in a separately created
year for each of 4 seasons.
Man is the only evil animal.
Man is the only word animal.
Word equates instituted evil.
Word adultism is anti-child.
A 'word god'can be erased.
Word brings a Babel curse.
Get ready for armageddon.
Beliefs equate pornography,
for they coexist on the web.
There is no damn word god.
Truth is physical, word a lie.
It is what you do, not utter.
Without deed, word starves.
Word god lends not a hand.

- Warren
The links won't work, the files have been removed pending massive revisions - the textbook is literally being re-written!! On the other hand, this has nothing to do with "time cube", and I am tempted to stop posting here if I am bombarded with that sort of "non-science".

Must I give out details before the work is complete? I don't think I should. If I disseminate this information all at once it will probably fry your brain due to the sheer enormity, the collossus of techical sophistication that THE CUBE represents.
You jerk tell us already! I'm starting to think you just pulling us by the genitalia and laugh your freaking head off. Though I have to agree this is a funny joke this cube thing.
Greets Success_Machine, and everyone else. As curious as I am, I have to say I don't have much left for revolutionizing ideas being kept a secret.

Last time on this forum some dude tried to market his discovery, it was about how to become more physically attractive, get higher self-esteem, etc, etc. In fact, I'm not sure what problems his secret couldn't solve. He left after being rediculed, so I mailed him, and found out the secret was freshly pressed fruitjuice. Not the juice you buy in stores, but juice from fruits you've pressed yourself.. Right. :rolleyes:

So tell us what you're thinking! ;)

ps. I'f you're going to try drinking copius amounts of juice, remember you can not 1) drink it while eating, 2) drink it before eating or 3) drink it after eating, which will pretty much limit your everyday diet to.. 100% fruit juice. Good luck ppl! ds.
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Welcome Amplified

Fresh juice cube crusher???

That wasn't you trying to sell us such a thing was it?
Re: Welcome Amplified

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Fresh juice cube crusher???

That wasn't you trying to sell us such a thing was it?

Thanks mate, well, you could always order juice from my own orangejuice-company, its 555... just kidding, actually, he is dead serious with his juice-pressin'.

Nevermind the juice though, lets hear about the cube!
Originally posted by Success_Machine
No. The Cube is new. It is more advanced. At the frontier of space where science & technology come together, a single brilliant mind is re-writing the rules of design - and he is re-writing the future of humanity at the same time.
Individuals do not re-write the rules of design. The lone inventor is a myth.
The links won't work, the files have been removed pending massive revisions - the textbook is literally being re-written!!
If it's the same subject post some info on it....
On the other hand, this has nothing to do with "time cube", and I am tempted to stop posting here if I am bombarded with that sort of "non-science".
You aren't providing any science... what do you expect... "Lets all clap for the guy with a theory which he wont present, but he still wants attention."
Must I give out details before the work is complete?
If you want ANYONE to take you seriously.
If I disseminate this information all at once it will probably fry your brain due to the sheer enormity, the collossus of techical sophistication that THE CUBE represents.
Yeah, sure then.

I am tempted to stop posting here if I am bombarded with that sort of "non-science".
Either provide something worthwhile or have a nice life.
If I disseminate this information all at once it will probably fry your brain due to the sheer enormity, the collossus of techical sophistication that THE CUBE represents.

Go right ahead then! I want to die I'm going to bomb this Organic Chem. test on Friday! Hey is that it a new form of suicide machine? Does it work like that thing form the hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy? I have always wanted to die by brain explosion.
This looks like nothing more than an attempt at getting attention for some kind of an experiment. Success, please say something that has more content and less mystery behind it. Write a sentence that is revolutionary, damnit.
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