the Clock Striketh 13 times

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Not really although its true that I'm a more than a little sceptical of abstract theories whether they be about existentialism or meme theories because essentially it boils down to semantics.

I take your point though, Enmos. We can't all be expected to agree about everything and the initial mischief making is now past its sell by date now that I'm pretty much a regular poster so no more digs from me.

Talking about digging - theres another HUGE clue!:)
Not really although its true that I'm a more than a little sceptical of abstract theories whether they be about existentialism or meme theories because essentially it boils down to semantics.

I take your point though, Enmos. We can't all be expected to agree about everything and the initial mischief making is now past its sell by date now that I'm pretty much a regular poster so no more digs from me.

Talking about digging - theres another HUGE clue!:)

Thank you Billy.
I think you will get more satisfactory postings in your threads as well when you quit accusing scientists and atheists of immorality etc. Its wrong to generalize in that way. Ill try to watch my language as well.
All forums...and I have my own forum anyhow so I know this...have to have a balance of opinion rather than a group of similarly minded people or cliques. So yes initially because I hold views slightly different from the norm (on here anyway) I'd expect to be 'rubbished' and in a way it stirs the pot at first and results in a lot of interest.

After the initial month or so it gets tedious and having left some personal stamp on things its time to merge more with the tenor of the board. So in a way its premeditated and one over emphasises the point. Fighting fire with fire so to speak.

There really isnt any great need to do that now.
All forums...and I have my own forum anyhow so I know this...have to have a balance of opinion rather than a group of similarly minded people or cliques. So yes initially because I hold views slightly different from the norm (on here anyway) I'd expect to be 'rubbished' and in a way it stirs the pot at first and results in a lot of interest.

After the initial month or so it gets tedious and having left some personal stamp on things its time to merge more with the tenor of the board. So in a way its premeditated and one over emphasises the point. Fighting fire with fire so to speak.

There really isnt any great need to do that now.

This is true, but watching what you say so not to needlessly offend people often helps to create a more meaningful conversation.
Well if actually were a discussion rather than a debate I suppose that would be true. As it is, most people views are already fairly inflexible by their mid-twenties so its very difficult to get anywhere wthen there are people with very entrenched views. Occasionally it happens in Politics and a staunch right-winger will 'cross the house' and change sides completely. Its very rare though and its usually for political/personal gain. I mean I've seen forums develop and its like SAM arguing her Islamist views against the majority. I'm not saying it isn;t worth reading but at the end of 30+ pages everyones finished exactly where they've started.

After awhile you begin to think...well whats the point?
Well if actually were a discussion rather than a debate I suppose that would be true. As it is, most people views are already fairly inflexible by their mid-twenties so its very difficult to get anywhere wthen there are people with very entrenched views. Occasionally it happens in Politics and a staunch right-winger will 'cross the house' and change sides completely. Its very rare though and its usually for political/personal gain. I mean I've seen forums develop and its like SAM arguing her Islamist views against the majority. I'm not saying it isn;t worth reading but at the end of 30+ pages everyones finished exactly where they've started.

After awhile you begin to think...well whats the point?

I admit there is truth in that, but thats all the more reason not to further complicate the 'debate' by offending people. Its rather counter productive.
I will admit it when I realize I was wrong, but a lot of discussions end up in 'fights' rather than conclusions.
In exactly an hour from now the local clock will strike 13 times. Why?

Because it's time to get a new clock?

If you don't like that answer, here's a song:

When the Clock Strikes 13
We'll make a secret rendezvous with a view, like a bridge at nighttime. We'll stare across the water, we'll share a cigarette. Stroll down the embankment, never say a word, like a film, like a story you heard. Lovers holding hands in silence. No one understands - a secret in a hostile world. Defiant stand, they're making plans, a studio in Paris. I could write a novel, get turned down. You'll sympathize: you'll write a poem, all for me, all for me. And each time we make love always seems like the first time. No novelty romance, cos what we have is meant to last, it's in the script, and though it's looking like a storm is brewing and the news is getting bleaker all the time - we've got each other. And all is going to be fine. When the clock chimes thirteen times, that's our time. That's our time.
I admit there is truth in that, but thats all the more reason not to further complicate the 'debate' by offending people. Its rather counter productive.
I will admit it when I realize I was wrong, but a lot of discussions end up in 'fights' rather than conclusions.

Yes but why its a well known forum trait to have an established 'clique' of people who all tacitly agree on a certain subject and any member who doesn't humbly agree with them is pounced on as a "scapegoat".

So I'm not sure how I somehow 'stumbled' on here and I'd probably have read a few threads and moved on were it not for SAM who was a semi-integrated underdog (she's too feisty to be the scapegoat!). That adds a certain interest because she's on top of her subject and quick thinking with the repartee so that type of thing makes me stick around.

Obviously there are a few people who are a bit 'out there'..I mean personally I;d say even Stryder was more out-of-sync than anything I can come up with. Really it depends on the tenor of the forum. This is a Science forum so we'd know what to expect..and in essence, no matter how bizarre and far-out the scientific ideas you can express them without any disrespect. Obviously ppl may disagree but as long as its science its waved on no matter odd or conspiratorial...this is the Internet after all.

However theres a set agenda..people do not get upset about such things so yes everyones fairly respectful. However, anything with as much as a faint whiff of religion, tradition or on the fringes of it raises the hackles. As the saying goes..'never mention Religion or Politics' at dinner parties because what are friendly gatherings become heated arguments.

So of course, Enmos, we can all claim victory through sheer numbers but its dependent on which forum you happen to be on. If you are on Atheist R'Us then its as difficult to 'calmly discuss' as it would be for anyone here posting on an 'Islamist Forum'..or ANY religious forum..I dont know any but I'm sure they are out there somewhere..lots of them!

So its question of perception. What appears to make perfect sense to me by long experience doesnt necessarily make any sense to someone with no experience. Now sheer experience doesn't make it true..thats granted but it makes it as meaningless to the viewer as say..memes appear meaningless to me and I suspect many others (incl fellow scientists).

But as I say...theres nothing thats going to change anything. Fortuantely SAM catches the eye - sry if this sounds stalkerish lol - because she's clever enough to prevent the place being merely a 'talking shop'. She's challenging ideas and has come up with some interesting points so that arouses interest in my eyes because most forums are very tedious. I think her 'suicide bombers'..arent relgious zealots argument has some merit. And the links are interesting and are of the type that I;d not normally come into constact with.

Thats useful to me because I'm on what is essentially a Political site although it was originally more Music/Arts...but Politics is what I know...but i'm only concerned with what effects ME.

When it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflicts then I usually switch off mentally because i'm not a part of it..and why should I be? Do the Americans switch on the TV News worrying about my the Saudi Arabians worry about Crime figures in Manchester :) i think possibly what has changed the mindset of people has been Climate Change/Global Warming...all of a sudden the bloke who usually complains about the litter outside his house is suddenly posting about recycling...and is it worth it?....All of a sudden people who are normally only interested in the provincial everyday mundane affairs of the locality are asking themselves why they are being taxed merely for going on Holiday via Airplane..or moaning about endless airport checks and queues or even of the Airport lounge os about to be blown up by a man of fire shouting 'Allah!'...and so by osmosis the provincial worries of everyday life are growing into worries about what is going on in farflung corners of the World.

So what..ten years ago was of little concern to me has due to the above and of course Iraq, etc...become of more interest to everyday posters. So the 'debate' between religion/science is something worth looking into and despite what you say...well what is 'coversation' seem to me to be more like 'point scoring' and thinly veiled insults. I mean I think its a bit disingenuous and its a case of pot, kettle, black..I know how forums work and..well I'm presuming this is more than a few years by definition it must have some 'hidden..or not so hidden agenda'..and so I'd expect to be jumped on and in that case its alway best to go on the attack rather than be defensive. If you go on being all reasonable and defensive you've had it..get your retaliation in first and then once the dust settles just mingle in fairly innocuously.
I haven't been on here much longer than you though. ;)
Thanks for taking the time to write such a lengthy answer to my post. I agree with most of it, so no need to confirm viewpoints. :)

Thats my kinda Chuch, boy..the same ole one that Jerry Lee goes to...y'all goin to Hell boys.
Clocks don't chime or ring, only bells do.

Ah some progress...

Well spotted, Sherlock! is indeed a Church Clock..and yes I can see it from the window. And what else...oh only SAM knows the do some subtle arm twisting. :p
Ah some progress...

Well spotted, Sherlock! is indeed a Church Clock..and yes I can see it from the window. And what else...oh only SAM knows the do some subtle arm twisting. :p

Didn't I already say it was a church clock ? lol
Ah some progress...

Well spotted, Sherlock! is indeed a Church Clock..and yes I can see it from the window. And what else... :p

And another church clock some distance away; when the far bell tolls there is a delay, which is in time with the original chime except for the last one, giving the illussion that the near bell tolls 13 times(at 12).
And another church clock some distance away; when the far bell tolls there is a delay, which is in time with the original chime except for the last one, giving the illussion that the near bell tolls 13 times(at 12).

Yep, nice try. Already brought that one up. Billy says that isn't it. :shrug:
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