the Clock Striketh 13 times

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Sounds like a time adjustment to me. At 12, it will be advanced one hour - thus chiming 13 times in all. (or perhaps set to 12:30 if it chimes on the half-hour.)

Why would it be an advantage to chime 13 times when the clock could be adjusted like ALL clocks are?

If it's really your local clock, Billy, I think we should be told where you live.
And whether it did actually happen at 41 minutes past the hour as your post indicates.

That aside, I can think of two clocks that strike thirteen.
The first is in George Orwell's 1984.
The second is in the Czech Republic, yes? Commemorates something or other that happened a couple of hundred years ago?
I'm rather hesitant to give my exact whereabouts in case anyone turns up and picnics on the grounds of thee Madrigal Manor for a middle aged spread. Last time the place was littered with discarded memes, useless research papers and rolled up balls of paper angrily flung at the mongrammed little bins. The endless arguments on the precise number of Parallel Universes although interesting at first became increasingly rabid until informed that the scientists in the other Universes were acting with far more decorum. The competitive spirit must out and thereafter they behaved in a more reasoned manner. The followers of Dickie Dawkins were given Instant Karma to prevent further frothing of the mouth and a ghastly scence involving the local Constabulary was thus avoided.

Czechoslavakia eh!...any link?. Sounds interesting actually.

In my business we do get more than our fairshare of bouncing Czechs..especially in thee Moshe Pytte at thee Annual Punk Europe is a bit behind the times musically which is good news considering the present junk that inflicts the ear....personally I'd spell Rap with a capital C.

I'm afraid, Good Sir, you are rather wildly off beam re. Orwellian prognostications, although I understand your reasoning..we ARE indeed under the thumb of the Nanny State...Big Brother on TV 24/7? at least I can switch it orf!!

... Scientists in general have a tendency to over complicate the simplicities of the everyday life by veering off on weird over rationalised tangents whilst neglecting the more everyday realities and consideration of er "normal people" By using everyday creativity an intelligent young child would possibly guess the answer sooner than a laboratory full of white coated scientists. The point is in not to overcomplicate the innocent creativity with unnecessary theorems and nostrums

Whilst pondering the very easy answer here are a few more..err..questions.

How many molecules could you fit into an eggbox?

What in blazes is someone like Sam doing on here..unless for sheer masochistic reasons?

Think on...
It is yet again one of his anti-evolution schemes.. or something like that. I'm sure there is supposed to be some symbolism there.
Because you are showing the limitations of thinking scientifically.

Why not use common sense for a change?

From,_Palace_of_Westminster :
"Londoners who live an appropriate distance from the Clock Tower and Big Ben can, by means of listening to the chimes both live and on the radio or television, hear the bell strike thirteen times on New Year's Eve. This is possible due to the one strike offset between live and electronically-transmitted chimes. Guests are invited to count the chimes aloud as the radio is gradually turned down."

The thread states clearly that the clock "strikes" 13 times, what your suggesting is a solitary chime so I'm afraid you're wrong.

Now most people guess the reason why straight away but scientists and people who tend to over complicate matters. People who have spent more time in Universities than in the real world often make the mistake of reading too much into the question rather than thinking creatively instead of technologicaly.

Its a common flaw in science to measure and rationalise rather than to think creatively. Hence William Blakes well known painting of Isaac Newton.
From,_Palace_of_Westminster :
"Londoners who live an appropriate distance from the Clock Tower and Big Ben can, by means of listening to the chimes both live and on the radio or television, hear the bell strike thirteen times on New Year's Eve. This is possible due to the one strike offset between live and electronically-transmitted chimes. Guests are invited to count the chimes aloud as the radio is gradually turned down."


Well in that case it does not strike 13 times does it?

I know what you mean though..having had a digital radio and an ordinary radio in seperate rooms theres a time delay.

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