Space is made of ?

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I think space is made of glass and all matter is photons passing through glass . Now I imagine from science history , this would be very hard to disprove and as a reflection of this , a challenge for you .
Glass is matter. Space is not matter. Therefore space is not glass.

That did not seem very hard to disprove.
Glass is matter. Space is not matter. Therefore space is not glass.

That did not seem very hard to disprove.
Glass is mass , the equivalent of mass is energy ! How can you say space is not glass if energy can pass right through glass ? For all we know we could be in the middle of flat space sheet of glass. It wouldn't be obviously clear if we was to test for this anomaly , there wouldn't be any difference to spot in reality . How could we test for such an aether that would In a sense have no permeability in regards to photons passing right through it with no opposing forces except our own imaginations less stupidity of own thoughts ? It would be a difficult challenge for sure to gain an answer and adjust the science in consideration of an assumed aether .
Glass is mass , the equivalent of mass is energy ! How can you say space is not glass if energy can pass right through glass ? For all we know we could be in the middle of flat space sheet of glass. It wouldn't be obviously clear if we was to test for this anomaly , there wouldn't be any difference to spot in reality . How could we test for such an aether that would In a sense have no permeability in regards to photons passing right through it with no opposing forces except our own imaginations less stupidity of own thoughts ? It would be a difficult challenge for sure to gain an answer and adjust the science in consideration of an assumed aether .
This is too silly to respond to (much like the OP). My reply was sufficient to disprove the OP.
This is too silly to respond to (much like the OP). My reply was sufficient to disprove the OP.
Is English your first language ?
I believe I've changed the way we can consider space !
The combination of thought and physical application being applied in a logical manner . You've disproved nothing but yourself and the ability to read fine explanation . If I can read my own writing and presentation of science then surely must you be able too also. Taking science away without thought isn't difficult to finish with a good conclusion that I reached by thought.
Is English your first language ?
I believe I've changed the way we can consider space !
You're wrong.
The combination of thought and physical application being applied in a logical manner . You've disproved nothing but yourself and the ability to read fine explanation .
I disagree. You have put forth an idea that I would expect from a 10 year old.
If I can read my own writing and presentation of science then surely must you be able too also.
No, that is not a logical conclusion.
Taking science away without thought isn't difficult to finish with a good conclusion that I reached by thought.
That makes no sense. But why start now...

You're wrong.

I disagree. You have put forth an idea that I would expect from a 10 year old.

No, that is not a logical conclusion.

That makes no sense. But why start now...
Well I suppose sense is a good place to start but sense can be ambiguous in that not all peoples judgement is the same.
Why you may ask ? This is how brains function and the diversity of the human brain works, each persons brain being different in the way they think about things. That said , with explanation though , people can understand new ideas and explanation . Now taking you back to the original challenge , you have not proved it to be untrue and give it zero effort in an attempt. I think you haven't or aren't giving this seriousness and I have heard better argument before . Then again there isn't many more posters making any attempts and this is taking away my free time .
Given that photons as we understand them experience no internal time (owing to the fact that they're moving at lightspeed), they would need to traverse an infinite amount of glass for any given amount of time to pass in our observations. Given that glass has mass, the glass structure the light is traversing would collapse into a black hole long before the light traversed even a relatively small finite distance. (It couldn't traverse any distance, because distance in the universe containing the glass would have ceased to meaningfully exist as soon as the infinite glass came into being.)

Unless you mean matter is something that doesn't behave like the light and photons we are familiar with, and unless you also mean the glass doesn't behave like the glass we are familiar with in the universe we are familiar with, in which case you haven't actually communicated whatever idea you might have, because what you are talking about includes neither photons nor glass, but something you are calling photons and glass in spite of not being the things we call photons and glass.
Given that photons as we understand them experience no internal time (owing to the fact that they're moving at lightspeed), they would need to traverse an infinite amount of glass for any given amount of time to pass in our observations. Given that glass has mass, the glass structure the light is traversing would collapse into a black hole long before the light traversed even a relatively small finite distance. (It couldn't traverse any distance, because distance in the universe containing the glass would have ceased to meaningfully exist as soon as the infinite glass came into being.)

Unless you mean matter is something that doesn't behave like the light and photons we are familiar with, and unless you also mean the glass doesn't behave like the glass we are familiar with in the universe we are familiar with, in which case you haven't actually communicated whatever idea you might have, because what you are talking about includes neither photons nor glass, but something you are calling photons and glass in spite of not being the things we call photons and glass.
Of course when I say glass , I am using an example comparative . Obviously the standard term and substance of glass , has more density than "glass" .
I can consider glass several ways but the purposeful comparison was the propagation of light through an atomic medium . Consider Newtons law of motion , an object will remain in motion unless

1. An external force acts on it

2. There is an obstruction in the way

This is also true for the nature of light and photo electrical effect creating the reflective colours we see .

Now if space is an assumed "glass"!

What of space stops matter or light traversing through it ?

There isn't anything because the matter energy is passing through the " glass" unhindered .

Now I'm not a scientist but I do know some knowledge on physics . My explanation in this post is just some physics that considers space .
I think the term you may be looking for is aether, also spelled ether.

And that's more or less how we see space; as a thing, in and of itself, independent of the idea of directions. There is a lot of historical baggage associated with the word "ether", though, so it tends to be avoided.

Now, what's this about matter being light that is passing through it?
I think the term you may be looking for is aether, also spelled ether.

And that's more or less how we see space; as a thing, in and of itself, independent of the idea of directions. There is a lot of historical baggage associated with the word "ether", though, so it tends to be avoided.

Now, what's this about matter being light that is passing through it?
You seem to know what you are talking about and understand that I am referring to an ether. An ether that is self expanding in the same way as spectral transitions work. We could possibly consider that beyond a form of ether is a lesser energy state than within the ether , significantly the interior of a BH .
The black hole would grow in size because of internal energy being generated within , the universe expansion agreeing with this thought.
I think is we consider entropy as well , this gives us a reasonable theory of space.
Glass has mass. I have money. It is as wrong to say glass "is" mass as it is to say I "am" money.
What is right and wrong ? Who defines how we ourselves define things ? Things can be explained differently , there is no law that states we have to use strict definition. I think we could manage to reach an understanding if we keep considering space.
I consider it more or less all the time and consider any victory in knowledge of space can't be a bad thing. What makes things move ? Maybe kinetic energy or other ?
There is always diversity in thought and sometimes I'm not sure what science expects of explanation from a person .
Science is quite a complex subject at times and an end never seems achievable ?

I sometimes wish I could just forget science and move on.
If you want to make yourself understood you have to use definitions that your audience agrees on.
Well before I go to sleep later I will consider what you are saying about definitions . I just hope you've understood some of it?
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Consider Newtons law of motion , an object will remain in motion unless

1. An external force acts on it

2. There is an obstruction in the way
I am not getting much from this thread, but at least the new definition of Newton's first law was pretty funny.
Newtons law of motion , an object will remain in motion unless

1. An external force acts on it

2. There is an obstruction in the way

Newtons law of motion , an object will remain in motion unless

1. An external force acts on it

2. There is an obstruction in the way

3. Then the external force will stop, sit down and wait, while chewing its fingernails and tapping its toes in frustration

If you are going to mangle Newtons law of motion do a good job

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