Soft Mountains

Please don't ignore the link I posted. It deserves a rebuttal from you, not just some childish non-response. We're spending a lot of time on you (god knows why). Give it an honest shot.
You have no concept of the dynamics and volumes germane to your verbiage, I don't feel like writing an article for you, sorry.

You are a blowhard coward, then? I am a design engineer with over 20 years of experience. I've been studying science in it's many facets for longer than that.

How about giving me the benefit of the doubt, and answering at least a simple question.

If a given crater was formed after the flood (which it would have to have been) within the last 6000yrs, how did sedimentary rock form within the crater, become covered by loose sediments, and then subsequently become uncovered again? In the last 6000yrs?

Simple question really.
See, I told you.
You sir, are a liar and a coward. I will have nothing more to do with such a trolling, self-serving ass.

Thanks for the childish "I told ya!" response.

Note to mods:

This "gentleman" is posting only to gain spider generated reference links that feature his username which, by some coincidence, is the title of his book.

I suggest he be ignored by all, banned for abusing the forum for sales purposes, or summarily executed. Whichever feels most appropriate.

I'm done with the guy.
The Great Flood was caused by a massive earthquake in NW Turkey that busted open the Bosphorus Isthmus, emptying a then huge freshwater Black Sea into the eastern Mediterranean. Evidence of this flood is found from the Sinai to the northern Adriatic coast. I saw a program about it on PBS. (But I know the Christians don't believe in anything but the bizarre story in the bible.)
Being an infrequent visitor to this site- I just now noted your confusion to my earlier question, which has not been answered...
Why would you expect "tensional" radial fractures to form in a compressive stress field?
There are no radial tension fractures in the folded sedimentary layers of mountain ranges, which demonstrates that the layers were still wet and soft when the regional compression and plutonic activity occurred which caused the mountains to rise.
You still haven't explained why you expect "radial tension fractures" to form during compression. "Tension fractures" don't result from compressive strain.
However, if you put that thin slab of rock under compression, radial tension fractures will not develop.
So now you are saying that there was no compression? And if there is no overburden, how do you propose that soft seidments, especially non-carbonate rocks (like shales) were lithified?
He doesn't. Just like he has no answer to how very ancient kipukas exist on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa dating back thousands of years. The older ones dating back hundreds of thousands of years are all buried by hundreds of layers of lava that built up the mountains in a million years or more; certainly not in a mere 6,000 years.
Kipuka Puaulu certainly stands out from the surrounding volcanic slopes (I had the opportunity to visit several years ago)- as well as several smaller kipukas on the Mauna Loa road. Kipukas also exist at Craters of the Moon- there the dominant species is sagebrush.
It's unfortunate that for some folks all objective evidence looks like a nail...