Sixth Sense


Staff member
Any one knows anything about it? I went to Google and found tons of books and then gave up....It is how people connect to the spirits or access interesting stuff or like Edgar Cayce stuff happens...just trying to get a handle in it...Any one wants to elaborate...please do...Thanks...
Another word for it would be premonitions. You just know that something is going to happen before it actually does. I had many of them and one time I knew there was something wrong with one of the rocket engines on the space shuttle so I told someone that called and told NASA about checking it out before sending the ship up. Well there was a problem and they actually replaced the engine before they let it go up. I do not know if they would have found that problem before the take off but they did replace it and said nothing more about what the problem was. I'm glad I could and do help and ask for nothing in return for saving lives is something that satisfies me more than anything else that can ever be offered.
Indian philosophy typically treats mind (in one of its meanings) as the sixth internal sense, alongside the five external senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The internal sense is what perceives things like emotions, ideas and memories.
The conscious mind uses about 2-10% of the brain's capacity. The unconscious mind uses 100%, since it is the mainframe part of the brain. The main frame, among other things, keeps track of all trillions of cells through sensory nerves.

The six sense is when our conscious mind gains awareness of output from the mainframe part of the brain. For example, someone may have a gut feeling about the character of a person they just met. This assessment was processed by the unconscious mainframe part of the brain and might appear as subtle feelings and/or subtle body sensations. This output is often fuzzy, because it is very fast output, that blurs into feeling tones or sensations. One may sense the bottom line intent, via the gut feeling, but it may be very hard to vocalized an analysis, due to the data transmission speed. For example, a person may say I don't like him. You may ask why and they may say I am not sure, but I don't like him. It is often bottom line due to speed.

As an analogy, say I spoke into a tape recorder for one minute, to give you instructions. When you get the recording, you play it back in 1 second. The differentiation of the words are lost and it becomes a 1 second hum. Occasionally, might pick up a word or two, subliminally. Developing the six sense is based on learning to recognize signs of the output, and learning to interpret these so they are useful.

Sometimes, the mainframe data is captured by the visual memory and may appear as imagery that can linger in freeze frame; mind's eye. This also requires interpretation, since the imagery is more often a symbol which is more than the superficial thing it appears to be. In other words, the speed usually allows only the bottom line, but the image captures often captures the 1 second hum, allowing us to slow it down; analyze, before it goes away.
This is untrue, but you never let facts get in the way of your posts.:rolleyes:

I should have said that the consciousness mind can willfully use 2-10% of the brain, with parallel support processed at an unconscious level. I can walk from here to there, by thinking a command line; walk. However, I don't have to consciously monitor and control all my muscles to do this. The bulk of the processing is done unconsciously. The analogy is the child being held up on his bicycle by his dad, thinking he is driving the bike. But if dad or the unconscious mind was to let go, he would realize he is being propped up. That wisdom comes with age.

The sixth sense is not something the ego can do, willfully. If this was so, then the sixth sense would be a boring matter of fact to everyone. The ego has to wait for the unconscious mind to do the heavy lifting. It only has to become aware of the output and learn to interpret this output, with the unconscious often holding the bike for the ego.
I can't high jump seven feet, therefore that is not real to me. I can empathize based on tiny data sets I have witnessed, but it is still abstract to me based on my own personal efforts.

Part of the problem, with the sixth sense, is the unconscious mind is more complicated than it being natural. The unconscious mind has many layers, with some layers connected to the ego and conscious mind; personal unconscious. These can generate and impact the final signal. If I have a bad outlook on life, due to habit, I may think my hunches, are due to the sixth sense, since they work the same way. But in this case, intent deeper in the unconscious, goes through filters of the mind becoming altered, until the hunch is not the same thing. Only the feeling may be consistent. This will be wrong more often than not.

As another example, someone has a brain chemical condition, that causes social anxiety disorder, but they are unaware, may think they have a sixth sense about these threats from the environment. This is not reliable, but it can appears to be valid to them, because the feeling is strong and seems to be targeted. The data comes from a similar unconscious source, but it is also being filtered. One has to clean the layers of the unconscious mind and polish the filters until a good signal appears with more reliability.
Thank you all for the discussions....

"The unconscious mind has many layers, with some layers connected to the ego and conscious mind; personal unconscious. "

It sounds to me that to live in this Universe as a System...we have also multiple mind interconnected. The conscious mind has two layers and multiple zones that we all know. What is missing yet real is that like electrons in a wire, we also have unconscious mind that covers the Head and part of the body just like Plants do where we still can not find the brain of a plant.

TM is one part where you connect your conscious mind to unconscious part, I think. From meditating, what I found is that each of us have a unconscious mind that is like a passenger (a cloud) where as the conscious part is the driver that is you. Also there is a wifi signal that connects to the Universe via the unconscious mind that has a whole new world out there...again like a cloud system that is a major operation beyond your smartphone..

That is what I an thinking about...I could be wrong...but knowing the Universe as a System, I have to understand the structure....again wellwisher is getting there so is cosmictraveler....

The only thing we need to do this is find the structure and connect to it for a better management of your connection and do great work....go for it....

From meditation I learned that in this Universe we has serious war just like Babylon 5 with Vorlons and Shadows under a Chaos and Order structure for the last 200,000 years that closed in 12,350 years ago (this includes Ramayana and Mahabharata) . If that is actual, we have some serious work ahead of us...and we are a part in it....just think about cosmictraveler said...and let us see where we can go....and again thank you.

Just some thought, anyone want to go for it...this is the place...

Oh....long ago, I asked for and got this Eastern Philosophy section. Because I am a Systems Engineer...I wanted to know where the heck are we and doing what...that is slowly I do my deep meditation now...I found out a lot of stuff on the systems there we have...
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If you look at the natural instincts of an animal, they are unconsciously integrated with their species and with their ecosystem. The human unconscious mind can do the same thing. However, humans have a secondary center of consciousness, called the ego which has willpower and choice. On top of this, culture exerts its own pressures, via the super ego of culture. Combined these drown out the natural integration of the inner self.

The analogy is placing a domesticated animal back into the wild. If it lived to long in captivity, too much external super ego from the owner and from other humans, will have drowned out its internal voice, so this inner voice is no longer loud enough to function 100% in the wild. It instincts are still there, but the old habits have changed priorities. The same is true of humans, with us being domesticated and unable to hear the call of nature; part of human DNA.

Meditation is one technique where one calms the mind and attempts to listen for the inner voice.
Meditation is one technique where one calms the mind and attempts to listen for the inner voice.

Thank you and very nice learning from the western perspective. I started out in 1974 off and on...on meditation...then picked up heavy, last year and learning a lot of stuff. that I could not and did not read from the Internet or any books.

That is very we as humans need that Meditation to do stuff for our survival. Here is why...

About 200,000 years ago, we had galactic war in six galaxies and multiple dimensions. The adversary fought with our side that many years. It is almost like Babylon 5 where we belong to the Vorlon Group and the other side were Shadows. The catch is, the Shadows were very ruthless and killed very high level civilizations of our side. This is as real as it gets.

While things settled down by 12,350 years ago, after decimating the other you know, Life does not die. So, in about 100,000 years or so, they may be back in full force. That means we have to get ready for another fight. This time Technology could be higher. We are now at the bottom of that Technology. We can discuss more if anyone is interested like watching Hangar 1 season two episode one type stuff...

We need to understand this process and get ready. That is what my meditation is doing....

The other catch is that the Shadows never engaged in Meditation. They grew same way as we did (most of us). As a result they did not care about all Life while some of us do, to preserve Life. That is why we had Alliances. So, without those understanding, we too can get in to a domesticated system and die quickly against superior forces.

That is what I am thinking about....and then doing my stuff here and there to encourage new thoughts to meditate and understand what is coming.

This is as real as it gets. Thank you.
Thank you and very nice learning from the western perspective. I started out in 1974 off and on...on meditation...then picked up heavy, last year and learning a lot of stuff. that I could not and did not read from the Internet or any books.

That is very we as humans need that Meditation to do stuff for our survival. Here is why...

About 200,000 years ago, we had galactic war in six galaxies and multiple dimensions. The adversary fought with our side that many years. It is almost like Babylon 5 where we belong to the Vorlon Group and the other side were Shadows. The catch is, the Shadows were very ruthless and killed very high level civilizations of our side. This is as real as it gets.

While things settled down by 12,350 years ago, after decimating the other you know, Life does not die. So, in about 100,000 years or so, they may be back in full force. That means we have to get ready for another fight. This time Technology could be higher. We are now at the bottom of that Technology. We can discuss more if anyone is interested like watching Hangar 1 season two episode one type stuff...

We need to understand this process and get ready. That is what my meditation is doing....

The other catch is that the Shadows never engaged in Meditation. They grew same way as we did (most of us). As a result they did not care about all Life while some of us do, to preserve Life. That is why we had Alliances. So, without those understanding, we too can get in to a domesticated system and die quickly against superior forces.

That is what I am thinking about....and then doing my stuff here and there to encourage new thoughts to meditate and understand what is coming.

This is as real as it gets. Thank you.

Ha, ha, ha...Dear Cosmictraveler....look like you have divine spirit connections well established...may be you want to talk about it...

In case you want to know, where I am getting this - from a western stand Rabbi Manis Friedman stuff on this...

(I think he talks about divine spirit here -

and thank you....
one of the senses isn't what frequences of voyeurism want or need upon their interest.
I'd rather not have an afterlife because if there was that means there are some people Id really never want to meet up with ever again because of what they did in their lives like murder, torture and other nasty things. So please don't let there be an afterlife I do not want to go there at all.
Not just "could be" but almost certainly is.
It's certainly not fact.
Given that the guy was fairly incompetent in his chosen profession (tied for the highest number of medical malpractice suits, touted the book as the work of a neurosurgeon, but he hadn't practiced surgery- let alone neurosurgery- for four years prior to the publication) has lied and falsified records previously (here for example) and ALSO been found to have been, er, less than factual in his claims about his experiences (here), plus the fact that he's likely to be in dire need of money ($3 million lawsuit for malpractice ...).
In short, the guy had already shown himself to be dishonest scum, so why should we take his (insupportable and unscientific) claims on this seriously?