Sixth Sense

I'd rather not have an afterlife because if there was that means there are some people Id really never want to meet up with ever again because of what they did in their lives like murder, torture and other nasty things. So please don't let there be an afterlife I do not want to go there at all.

Bad things do happen in the other side. However, to develop the Universe, you need serious and long term life...plain and simple. For example, if certain person did not come here, on rebirth, they could not fix certain issues of the planet that they designed in the so called Heaven practice it works. that is how the Universe grows.

If you have a better idea, tell that to the Universe which may last another 100 Billion years (do not know)...perhaps some big guys will figure it out.

And as to ignoring the after life issues caused a development that get beat down by others as it happened in Ramayana and Mahabharata (same as Norse Mythology) ...your choice...and have fun at it...
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Bad things do happen in the other side.
What "other side"?

However, to develop the Universe, you need serious and long term life...plain and simple.
And wrong.

For example, if certain person did not come here, on rebirth, they could not fix certain issues of the planet that they designed in the so called Heaven practice it works. that is how the Universe grows.
No it's not.
What "other side"?

And wrong.

No it's not.

Since you are so hell bent commenting in Eastern Philosophy (specifically Hinduism and Buddhism) that you want to join in....

If you are the God (the Big Cheese) of our Universe (again based on Eastern Philosophy, and not all other Universes), what is your plan to get here in the last 14 Billion years and going forward to next 100? let us have it and then we can talk...Thank you.
"Made up fact" is an oxymoron. ;)
But to answer your question: yes - almost certainly it is made up - at least in terms of his interpretation.
First, the only thing able to support what he claimed to have seen / experienced is... himself.
Second, his reputation is that of a doctor who has been terminated / suspended from a number of medical positions, suffered multiple malpractice suits, of which two were of him altering medical records to cover up medical error.
Third, his recollection of events leading to and about his coma are disputed by the medical professionals who treated him: according to him he supposedly slipped into a coma as a result of bacterial meningitis, losing all higher brain activity. It is this point that he relies upon to make his interpretation of his experience to be about Heaven, since he claims that his brain should not have been able to process such things (such as memories, hallucinations etc) while effectively dead. However, according to a medical person treating him his coma was medically induced and that he was conscious (i.e. higher brain function intact) but hallucinating whenever they weaned him off his anesthetics during his first days of coma.
Fourth, even if one accepts that he was effectively unconscious (so no ability to process memories, hallucinations etc) during his coma, he clearly regained those abilities (since he is now out of a coma) and there is no way that he can prove that what he experienced was during his period of unconsciousness or during his period of recovery - and thus no different to any other NDE that other people have experienced.
All he has done is embellished his experience (apparently in his book he even changed the weather during the week of his coma... for dramatic effect) for $$$$, and proven that many people have a desire to believe.
The mythology and philosophy is all very well and good, but it shouldn't be mistaken for actual physical reality.

For some phenomenon to exist in the Universe, it has to follow the Universe's laws. If there's no way for the laws of physics to allow something to happen, then the phenomenon is physically impossible just like something being mathematically or logically impossible.

Stories are nice, they allow for self-reflection and for intellectual or psychological contentment, but one mustn't forget that they're just stories, not scientific theories.
Stories are nice, they allow for self-reflection and for intellectual or psychological contentment, but one mustn't forget that they're just stories, not scientific theories.

So, who in the world will come up with scientific theories? How about practice? YOU?...just want to know...

Can we talk about Meditation like TM? That has good theory unless you do not agree?

Can we talk about Hangar 1 episode 2 about the UFOs in Vietnam? That is Theory or story? ...that means we can not create about 50,000 Tesla magnetic system like they did? That would remain as Story? You need to get your ducks in the row here...

Then again, everything that happened in the past can be considered as a, people who wants to do interesting new stuff do not have to believe in it...other wise, they can not do new stuff...
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Since you are so hell bent commenting in Eastern Philosophy (specifically Hinduism and Buddhism) that you want to join in....
The problem here is that the OP (as started by you) doesn't mention (at all) Hinduism OR Buddhism.
But it does mention one known fraud and makes assumptions.

For the sake of the topic (such as it is), please define how "Eastern Philosophy" approaches a subject.
Is it gullible acceptance of all claims?
Is it regarding everything as true? (For, of course, variable values of "true").
Is it just promoting sheer inane crap at the expense of rationality and facts?

If you are the God (the Big Cheese) of our Universe (again based on Eastern Philosophy, and not all other Universes), what is your plan to get here in the last 14 Billion years and going forward to next 100? let us have it and then we can talk...Thank you.
Is this your way of avoiding the fact that you don't have any support for your ideas/ claims and that you're just spouting unmitigated crap?

So, who in the world will come up with scientific theories?
About what?

Can we talk about Meditation like TM? That has good theory unless you do not agree?
Really? It has a "good theory"?
What does this "good theory" state?
Anything more than the 1976 study by independent researchers that found that TM was biochemically similar to sitting with one's eyes closed?
I wonder what "theory" is required to substantiate that sitting with your eyes closed has the same effect as - WOW! - sitting with your eyes closed.

Can we talk about Hangar 1 episode 2 about the UFOs in Vietnam? That is Theory or story?
It's bullsh*t.
(And why would you lend ANY credence to a nutcase like Hangar 1?)

that means we can not create about 50,000 Tesla magnetic system like they did
So, who in the world will come up with scientific theories? How about practice? YOU?...just want to know...

Can we talk about Meditation like TM? That has good theory unless you do not agree?

Can we talk about Hangar 1 episode 2 about the UFOs in Vietnam? That is Theory or story? ...that means we can not create about 50,000 Tesla magnetic system like they did? That would remain as Story? You need to get your ducks in the row here...

Then again, everything that happened in the past can be considered as a, people who wants to do interesting new stuff do not have to believe in it...other wise, they can not do new stuff...
You seem to be taking an argumentative attitude for some reason.

Ducks in a row? I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply with that response.
You seem to be taking an argumentative attitude for some reason.
Ducks in a row? I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply with that response.

The problem here is that the OP (as started by you) doesn't mention (at all) Hinduism OR Buddhism.

Oh...ever since I started this section, I always try to find out over the years, the people who reply it...and that is what i got...Thank you.

This is Eastern Philosophy...I do not go to your philosophy section they are talking about why Nepal people died in Nepal due to Earthquake....this is amazing and again thank you
Any one knows anything about it?...Any one wants to elaborate...please do...

I always felt all our sensory perceptions act in a structured order, most probably that is how our brain works (not sure), but if it so I feel we use only one of our senses at a time or at least focus on each individual senses at a point in time. Obviously you can listen to music (hear) and enjoy a cup of coffee (taste) but I fear a close scientific analysis might reveal the order in which two senses are consecutively used. I am purely guessing this part (have not yet Googled for any back up theory or scientific study results) but if it is so then for a person to feel the 6th sense he/she needs to shut every other sensory preceptor off, at least momentarily. Not sure if this is the reason why some people get to access their 6th sense of clairvoyance or remote viewing while in a meditative state. Since these deductions are more or less logical and my own personal encounter of people with clairvoyance capacity, they tend to put a bit of effort to focus on the 6th sense by taking their focus off other senses. I have heard Yogis (who’s minds are settled and off worldly affairs) can very well achieve this focus by merely focusing on the 6th sense, unlike ordinary normal practitioners of extrasensory perception. I would classify the difference as ‘method’ (Yogic) and ‘practice’ styles of 6th senses. Yogis are spot on but the practitioners tend to miss once in a while or quite often (signal disturbance, I would guess). This is possibly the reason why, as per Hindu mythologies, a rajarshi (raja rishi) one who lives the normal life of a king yet remain a Yogi is revered the most among holy ones. When a person is leading a normal urban life it would be impossible to be a yogi as well - at least to shut down the rest of the senses and mind’s desires to experience the 6th sense(s).
Thank you Rajagopals....I know a few things by now while gone out of sciforums due to some business work...anyway...stuff I know could not be told...but will reply if anyone else mentions it....Thank you.
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I know a few thinks by now

I had almost forgotten already about this thread but when I saw the reply email, came back to read what I had written earlier. Funny, I noticed, I forgot to tell what the 6th sense (or call it the next sense after the 5 we know already :)) is. It is rather simple, it is the feeling of being alive. Can you just stop anything else that you are doing now and just focus on your understanding that you are alive? If you can feel that difference then you already know how to understand your sixth sense.

Now some bright minds in here might ask how about the 7th, 8th and 9th. I am no magician but still, 7th I would guess will be the feeling of mind when we think in a foreign language within our brain. This feeling of something which uses the language (any language for that matter) to produce a meaningful sentence out of it in the mind. Say something (in your mind) in a foreign language and you can quickly feel your mind doing it. Now 8th, as I was typing this and reading once again my monitor turned blank (black) due to a power saving mode option, which reminded me about the sense of Maya (8th) which makes us feel many emotions based on something which is not real. Fear of a snake when you see a rope in the dark or reflection of your own, on shiny surface, which makes you hallucinate as something else. That sense of knowing which makes us understand that we just had the hit of Maya soon after we realize our own mind playing games with us. Like waking up from a very dark nightmare, we feel so relieved first that it was just a dream but we tend to miss the real sense behind the first feeling let’s call it Maya for now. Now 9th, soon as you remove the veil of Maya you can feel the God. If you are a believer in God, then you know God exist which is no other sense but its own, can we list that knowing of Good exist as 9th? Is that ok with you :)

Question is now that you are learning much faster about your own senses, which we are asked to control during meditation, what happens if your mind really takes off from all or at least the first 5 (in the first phase). Probably then we can focus more on the 6th or 7th or 8th or even 9th. For a human to lead a normal life is not ideal to remove his/her focus completely off the 5 senses. If a person does so then he tend to jump up the ladder of the path of knowing the truth much quicker. God has put in a mechanism within our body to take care of that. The breath of life (Thank My Lord Jesus) which brings you back to life, every time you slip off.

Yogi’s crack it by controlling their breathing but normal mortals like me would need years of practice of trying to focus on the 6th sense when body will automatically switch off breathing, both inhalation and exhalation, monetarily or micro seconds allowing you to focus on your mind. This is called Kevala Kumbhaka. If your brain is re-wired (through meditation) to remember that microsecond break from its normal functioning you can later remember that feeling of your own mind. Once you know the sense of brain then it is at least thinkable to switch that off as we progress to the next stage.

While you practice this you also need to protect your brain (mind) from the feeling of 'like being dead' or starting the process of death, using an internal mudra (a secret meditational method used with precise practical reason) which you need to learn from your Guru. Without this you are going to make your brain have a feeling of death one which will cause generation of such unwanted death hormones in your brain which you will feel like the biggest fear while meditating. Practitioners jump up from meditation or pranayama some even stop meditation forever once they feel this fear.

Why am I mentioning this here, to protect you from your own 6th sense. If you are smart enough to understand every feeling that we have is nothing but the secretion of some sort of a hormone in our brain then you can consider this feeling of connecting to the 6th (of great fear) by leaving the 5 as another set of hormonal secretion in our brain. Remind yourself that what you felt is nothing but an unwanted hormone, no need to fear, but you need to cautious about your own brain which would remember it forever. Knowing is the truth, once you feel it then it is real for your brain. Since the production of such hormones are only supposed to happen at the end of a human’s life span producing that during normal life is not nice or a preferred state of mind.

So play with the 5 first, let your brain settle down after seeing all that is there to see, touch, hear, smell and taste then when you are very very old, start thinking of the 6th. But if you want an early start then get a good Guru first before you take that path. One who is good at it, for real. I am sure that Guru will be a householder, not a saint. One who is working in a factory or doing a business of his own or something like that.

Sorry of the long text but this topic rather demands a long explanation. No arguments on anything I typed above, you win, already :)
If you are a believer in God, then you know God exist which is no other sense but its own, can we list that knowing of Good exist as 9th? Is that ok with you


Thank you Rajagopals....for your explanations....

I have another one...but most Sciforums including moderators will not believe in it...I can say it anyway...

It is God's work that indirectly connects to us in a bigger picture. The basics are what SF showed Andromeda as Humans that were avatar of the Sun or Black hole....the idea is the same...we have a massive organization beyond our Living beings. No Universe will keep going for Trillions of Years without massive system in place to manage the process. I consider the God Structure as a part in it.

If you want to discuss further, I can...but may be readers may not go for it.

Here is my view: If I am God, I will take the energy units of all living systems and move it from one set of low level physical form to high level year after year for the next few billion years. It is like a Smartphone and Cloud System. The reason I say is that the Lord Krishna Civilization are about five Billion Years old...not physically but via rebirth basis. Same for Dalai lama...So, it should work on us too....

I will not go any further and cause problems here....unless readers agree...
I always felt all our sensory perceptions act in a structured order, most probably that is how our brain works (not sure), but if it so I feel we use only one of our senses at a time or at least focus on each individual senses at a point in time. Obviously you can listen to music (hear) and enjoy a cup of coffee (taste) but I fear a close scientific analysis might reveal the order in which two senses are consecutively used. I am purely guessing this part (have not yet Googled for any back up theory or scientific study results) but if it is so then for a person to feel the 6th sense he/she needs to shut every other sensory preceptor off, at least momentarily. Not sure if this is the reason why some people get to access their 6th sense of clairvoyance or remote viewing while in a meditative state. Since these deductions are more or less logical and my own personal encounter of people with clairvoyance capacity, they tend to put a bit of effort to focus on the 6th sense by taking their focus off other senses. I have heard Yogis (who’s minds are settled and off worldly affairs) can very well achieve this focus by merely focusing on the 6th sense, unlike ordinary normal practitioners of extrasensory perception. I would classify the difference as ‘method’ (Yogic) and ‘practice’ styles of 6th senses. Yogis are spot on but the practitioners tend to miss once in a while or quite often (signal disturbance, I would guess). This is possibly the reason why, as per Hindu mythologies, a rajarshi (raja rishi) one who lives the normal life of a king yet remain a Yogi is revered the most among holy ones. When a person is leading a normal urban life it would be impossible to be a yogi as well - at least to shut down the rest of the senses and mind’s desires to experience the 6th sense(s).

Apparently, the mind is said to exist at individual points in metric space but share a single point in sub-space.
The sixth sense is a natural part of the brain. When we look a things through our eyes, the eyes to sends signals into the brain. We perceive the stimulus based on how the brain process this input data. The same is true of all our senses. The Sixth sense uses the same circuits, but in this cases, the source signal begins inside the brain, instead of outside the brain.

For example, when we dream, we can perceive what appears to be data from all our sensory systems. Yet there is no sensory input going into the brain. One does not need real time sensory input, for a dream. The brain can use our memory to emulate what appears to be sensory signals.

This is not much different from me using a microphone to record a bunch of samples and sounds. Once these sounds are computer memory, I can use that memory and software, for new combinations of output. There is no further need for the microphone. ESP is connected to the main frame parts of the brain working with both our conscious and subliminal memory. The unconscious mind can anticipate things we did not consciously notice and give us a hint through sensory pathways.

Archimedes was given the task of figuring out how much gold was in king's new crown. Since the crown had an irregular shape it was not easy to calculate the volume. He pondered and calculate by to no avail. One day, while he was soaking in the tub, he got this hunch, Eureka! This led to the idea that a submerged object will displace its volume. His unconscious provided the ESP using his data. The unconscious main frame parts of the brain can do things the ego terminal can only marvel at.
This is a very interesting subject, which requires much greater study.

IMO, our 6th sense is (resides) in our *mirror neural network* which seems to be responsible for us to be able to anticipate the result of an action and is also responsible for our ability for empathy (experiencing the same physical biochemical reaction to something experienced by another)

A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate species.
To date, no widely accepted neural or computational models have been put forward to describe how mirror neuron activity supports cognitive functions.
[13][14][15] The subject of mirror neurons continues to generate intense debate. In 2014, Philosophical Transactions-B(The Royal Society) published a special issue entirely devoted to mirror neuron research
Thank you gang...I did not visit as often I can is because certain situation happened to me regarding Ramayana and a main Indian news/philosophy website basically kicked me out when I said I was a person during Ramayana time and also during Mahabharata time....I am sure it will get worse here. So...let the chip fall where it may.

As to sixth sense...I have no real idea...just guessing what it, forget what I said...and THANK YOU.

By the way, except Rajgopal, there is no one else to talk about Heaven, Multi-dimension war, other life forms, Ramayana People, Lord Krishna etc....that connects to Sanatana, let other talk...I will just be an Observer and jump in, in case there is a problem.

Thank you all....
talk about Heaven, Multi-dimension war, other life forms, Ramayana People, Lord Krishna etc....

I cooked :smile: these theories to convince myself, my path and even few unlucky souls (who are only exposed to half and are unable to practice the other half) who may even believe the pun and prejudice in these esoteric claims. Hope you all pardon all that was said about anything imaginary but attempt the practical deductions suggested.

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
I cooked :smile: these theories to convince myself, my path and even few unlucky souls (who are only exposed to half and are unable to practice the other half) who may even believe the pun and prejudice in these esoteric claims. Hope you all pardon all that was said about anything imaginary but attempt the practical deductions suggested.

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

Sorry, but all that misery came with the same free gift, IMO.
I cooked :smile: these theories to convince myself,

Here are the issues...

The Eastern religions have real spirits that is part of Heaven Dimension. But we can not agree in to it because it is energy and not physical as the part of the Universe. That is where the problem lies and hence all sorts of crazy things are happening to Earth Civilization....that is ...we are not going where we should be going including stuff from BREXIT...and the like coming...too many imbeciles are out there that can not connect the dots...

Fix it and you will get where no human has gone before...