Sciforums Muslim/Arab Bias

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How is it that any religion should be placed on a pedestal, to be removed from criticism? It's not as if any scientific premise is ever given the same sensitivity. Shouldn't your religion be able to hold up to scrutiny? Or are you just going to stick your fingers in your ears and believe whatever fool thing you want to?
I don't think any religion is placed on a pedestal here, except maybe Judaism. But its true that any thread on any incident where a Muslim is even remotely involved becomes an excuse to spout bigotry against all Muslims everywhere.

I've seen it from day one at sciforums. No matter, simply being a Muslim is enough to convict people of all crimes.


Just put Jews wherever you read Muslims after all you consider even straightforward observations about Jews to be "hate speech"

jews stole palestein land and moved them to the gaza strip.
jews were responsible for europe's inflation and inspiried hitlers rise to power.
jews now have high ranking positions in the american government and its agencies.
jews play the victim role of WW2 if u accuse them of warcrimes or illegal international BS.
i wouldnt say this stuff is hate mongering, in the same way as stating the statistical facts about black ppl being criminals compared to white ppl. its just stating the obvious.

I think those all qualify as hate speech and anti-Semitism.

you would. anything that paints jews in anything less than pure, innocent, and only a victim is hate speech and anti semitism to people like you. 3 of the things he listed are at least partially true.

That's usually how hate speech works.
Like Jews sabotaged Europe, manipulated the world banks, and created the conditions necessary for both World Wars?
I haven't seen any evidence either way there, but being over represented in positions of power can have its negative consequences. During peasant uprisings Jews became representatives of power brokers. You should read Gilad Atzmon article on how Israel has exceeded the expectations created by the Protocols. Is that antisemitism?

The fact that there are those who are liberal for everything but Zionism creates its own suspicion of how far people will go for their tribe.

How far would you go for Zionism?

Not that its exclusive. After reading iceaura's arguments against the Cordoba mosque, I get the feeling that bigotry is only dependent on striking the right [discordant] note. Everyone has it in spades.
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It turns out that we are not back to the days of VincentUK and Kiwi AKA Tali and numerous other names.

Back then it seemed that the majority of threads in World Events were Muslim bashing and those two people alone started a large proprtion of the threads.

I saw a bunch of Muslim bashing threads recently but that was a recent surge.

We are still preoccupied with the the USA/West/Israel tension with the Islamic world.

My count of two pages of WE op's topics has 36 threads that have nothing to do with this conflict. 11 threads related to the tension topic but not fault finding. 8 Muslim bashing threads and 8 threads critical of Israeli or US policy including one antiwar thread and one or more threads criticizing the Israeli Gaza blockade.
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Mod Note: Thread Renamed and moved from World Events

You are not being repressed here. You are being guided toward more appropriate, respectful, and constructive discussion.

I know threads dedicated to mockery have never gone over well with Mods. Still I did not like Shadow1's "Shocking news! islam/middle east!" thread closed because his mockery was more eloquent than my complaint off Muslim bashing. Mockery feels to me like the appropriate response to the Muslim bashing.

The Muslim bashing threads themselves are not the problem. Most of them are interchangeable and in the digger picture irrelevant topics. My complaint is with the mindless momentum that leads people to create these threads that serve the demonization campaign.

The demonization campaign increases Islamic rigidity and enables western imperialist ambitions by turning the West's people into sheeple willing to be led down bad paths.
Iranian leadership is cruel and dysfunctional in domestic and foreign relations.

Many nations are worse domestically the Iran so that is not why Iran is singled out to be the most criticized nation.

It it is Iran's foreign policy that got Iran to the point where it's bad domestic policy gets media coverage. But is Iran's foreign policy actually bad?

The USA supports Israel and Iran supports Israel's enemies. Can anybody name a terrorist group that Iran has supported outside of the context of Iran supporting oppressed people seeking? Should Iran be faulted for supporting oppressed people outside their borders?

Iran can be faulted for oppressing it's own people but something feels wrong about the critics not even knowing why they are criticizing Iran rather than Uzbekistan or Myanmar or the factions in Congo or Columbia.
Good to see it isn't just me who is seeing this on this forum.

It is, we're monsters you see. Beware, all ye who enter our dark land!



Exactly. Great Image.

We better check under our beds for scary Mulluhs before we go to sleep.
So Hypewaders, would you have any objection to me just posting without much explanation the above picture in any thread that I consider to be mindless Muslim bashing?

All the various stoning or Muslim rape threads or other bad Muslims stories don't really have any intellectual purpose as far as I can tell so isn't Mockery an appropriate response to stories posted with the semiconscious intent to demonize?

I support feminism and democracy and freedom oppose religious orthodoxy and cruelty so I don't like the Iranian government but it is painfully clear to me that the real reason Iran is getting criticized is not because of the reasons that I have for disliking the Iranian government. Iran is singled because the people are sheeple and Iran has defied the USA. US and Israel propaganda penetrates the whole world.

Muslim immigrants being like the European and Australian equivalents of the "niggers of US past" and or Mexicans of US today doesn't help.

I would prefer that the Islam world become more like the West in terms of democracy, personal freedom and empowerment of women but making them feel attacked by the West is counterproductive towards my hope that they adopt what is best about the West so I wish the people of the West would back off of the hate campaign against Muslims.
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It turns out that we are not back to the days of VincentUK and Kiwi AKA Tali and numerous other names.

Back then it seemed that the majority of threads in World Events were Muslim bashing and those two people alone started a large proprtion of the threads.

I saw a bunch of Muslim bashing threads bit that was a recent surge.

We are still preoccupied with the the USA/West/Israel tension with the Islamic world.

My count of two pages of WE op's topics has 36 threads that have nothing to do with this conflict. 11 threads related to the tension topic but not fault finding. 8 Muslim bashing threads and 8 threads critical of Israeli or US policy including one antiwar thread and one or more threads criticizing the Israeli Gaza blockade.

They deserve it. And yet people like you insist that such things do not happen, that Islam isn't the reason for Shia and Sunnis killing each other and blowing up Mosques.

Despite Jesus being anti-violence in a way that Mohamed never was Christians killed far more people for Christan reasons than Islamic people ever killed for Islamic reasons.

I know you are an atheist and religion itself is the problem. Really religion is not the problem; us versus them tribalism of any kind, the hunger for power, the ends justify the means thinking, and the fear of irrelevance are the problems.

The great crusaders/jihadis of any ideology be it religion or communism or whatever try to become personally relevant by attaching themselves to a meaningful cause. Anybody that demeans their cause demeans their relevance and infuriates them. They must protect the minds from the possibility that their lives are meaningless. They can cause great suffering to the enemies of of the cause and the innocent bystanders because the cause is all that truly matters.

Serbs and Croats killed each other for what?

Islam does not need to be eliminated any more than Judaism and Christianity need to be eliminated. Allowing ourselves to be caught up in Us versus Them tribalism of any kind, the hunger for power, the ends justify the means thinking, and the fear of irrelevance needs to be eliminated.
So Hypewaders, would you have any objection to me just posting without much explanation the above picture in any thread that I consider to be mindless Muslim bashing?

Not if you reduce the image in size a bit, and don't completely wear it out- it could get old after a while. Maybe use a variety of images from Aladdin and other offensive movies. I walked out of that movie in the USA some years ago. It didn't seem like many moviegoerrs could fathom why.

All the various stoning or Muslim rape threads or other bad Muslims stories don't really have any intellectual purpose as far as I can tell so isn't Mockery an appropriate response to stories posted with the semiconscious intent to demonize?

Just try not to get personal about it, because it's likely to start an exchange of insults, and further impede understanding.

I support feminism and democracy and freedom oppose religious orthodoxy and cruelty so I don't like the Iranian government but it is painfully clear to me that the real reason Iran is getting criticized is not because of the reasons that I have for disliking the Iranian government. Iran is singled because the people are sheeple and Iran has defied the USA. US and Israel propaganda penetrates the whole world.

There is nothing constructive (IMO) about comparing injustices in relative rankings. To acknowledge that the Iranian leadership is draconian is not to support a violent USi/Israeli "remedy".

Muslim immigrants being like the European and Australian equivalents of the "niggers of US past" and or Mexicans of US today doesn't help.

And language like that is unhelpful too.

I would prefer that the Islam world become more like the West in terms of democracy, personal freedom and empowerment of women but making them feel attacked by the West is counterproductive towards my hope that they adopt what is best about the West so I wish the people of the West would back off of the hate campaign against Muslims.

The culture war producing so much misery in the world is not only being fought and fueled where there is blood in the streets. It will find its just conclusion when we all see through its illusions.
Sciforums is particularly hostile to religion period. Strict, fundamentalist, theocratic states would, unsurprisingly, be viewed pretty unfavorably, both by the relatively open societies of the West, as well as those who hate religion, dogma, oppression, etc.

I have no problem with calling a spade a spade. If it looks like tyranny, walks like tyranny, and squawks like tyranny, it must be an aardvark.
Just put Jews wherever you read Muslims after all you consider even straightforward observations about Jews to be "hate speech"

spidergoat said:
That's usually how hate speech works.

I found spider's comment there pretty darn funny. Hard to know what to make of it. Seems so open ended.

Hate speech, hate crime... bah!
I'm not unappreciative of graveyard, religious, and ethnic humor. But there will often be a flag on the field, play suspended, players removed, and links closed when people take, or are likely to take offense. Jews and their defenders are often particularly sensitive people, for a host of reasons. Ignore such idiosyncrasies at your own peril.

To abuse a golfing analogy, our playing field here isn't perfectly level, like many public spaces. But don't make the course any more rough and challenging. Have some fun, but when in doubt play it safe, and be courteous. Do make a stand, when you are certain of higher ground. Avoid the rough, tread lightly, and kindly replace your divots.

Don't disrupt our games; don't malinger.


And please don't antagonize the more hulking and excitable members, staff, and wildlife.
Montana State Department of Fish and Wildlife said:
Wear noise-producing devices such as cute little Bells on your clothing to alert, but not to startle the bears unexpectedly.
Carry pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear.

It is also a good idea to watch for signs of bear activity. Golfers should be able to recognize the difference between Black bear and Grizzly bear droppings on the golf course:
Black bear droppings are smaller, and contain berries and possibly squirrel fur.
Grizzly bear droppings have bells, golf-gloves and sunglasses in them, and smell like pepper spray.
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I'm not unappreciative of graveyard, religious, and ethnic humor. But there will often be a flag on the field, play suspended, players removed, and links closed when people take, or are likely to take offense. Jews and their defenders are often particularly sensitive people, for a host of reasons. Ignore such idiosyncrasies at your own peril.
I'm all for acknowledging and respecting people sensitivities but when they interfere with an open and honest debate the open and honest debate should always rank above people's sensitivities. and to pretend that jewish "sensitivities" often prevent anything outside an official Israeli line from being discussed in the main stream is being willfully blind.
I found spider's comment there pretty darn funny. Hard to know what to make of it. Seems so open ended.

Hate speech, hate crime... bah!

I mean it usually masquerades as a simple observation. "All Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims", for instance, or "Jews control the media".
I mean it usually masquerades as a simple observation. "All Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims", for instance, or "Jews control the media".

You sure you aren't paranoid? Is it your own bias? Some people see hate, bigotry, etc. nearly everywhere.
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