Sciforums Muslim/Arab Bias

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Edit: @Christopher Hitchens quote/Spidergoat.

Again, collective guilt is being placed upon all Muslims and Islam. This is just as stupid as anything else that has been said in this forum about both, the only difference here is instead of random idiot poster X, it's Hitchens. Really, I think it's funny "how dare they get angry about our hatred and ignorance that is used as justification for killing them by the hundreds! Those bastards!"

"Fuck Christopher Hitchens."-Ja'far at-Tahir.
it would be nice to maintain the distinctions b/w sf and sfog
reserve sf for technical issues, sfog for others
relocate this thread
They deserve it.

Sure they do.

And yet people like you insist that such things do not happen, that Islam isn't the reason for Shia and Sunnis killing each other and blowing up Mosques.

Has that ever been my argument? No, have I ever denied every single negative action ever commited by a Muslim ever? No, my argument has been, since day one, that X action is not an inherent/intrinsic part of Islam or Islamic practice nor do all Muslims, in general, bare the guilt of X action collectively. I would also like to point out that it's this argument that has been rejectd and argued against by numerous posters in this forum which seem to be implying that collective guilt should be placed upon Islam and Muslims, as a whole and that X action is an instrinsic part of Islam and Islamic practice and thus condoned and practiced by all Muslims. Not to mention it's been typical by people in the West commenting on issues/events/situations in the Middle-East to conflate religious issues and so on with other issues that don't necessarily have anything to do with religion per se. Again, if the same argumentation and reasoning was applied to Jews/Israelis by me, I would be banned.
Do you also deny that Islam teaches it's followers to lie?

What are you talking about exactly? Taqiyya? I already explained to you once that you really don't understand the practice or the term. I would also like to point out that you are not talking about a specific individual or a group of individuals, you are talking about Islam and Muslims in general, as a whole. Really? No bias here, hmm?

So we're just going to deny everything and sweep everything under the rug?

No, so far I've been trying to coax concrete evidence out of you but it doesn't seem like any is forthcoming..oh well, you may continue the pity party.

edit: before I go I just wanted to bring to the attention of the moderators that someone started a thread entitled "Iranians eat children"
here is the OP
It's true, we do, American Christian babies are a delicacy, their blood is prized for its terroir. Turns out, we truly are evil people and Iran is the most evil country on the planet. Americans should indeed come over and bomb us and show us what freedom is.

This looks like blatant bigotry to me should it be reported??
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No, so far I've been trying to coax concrete evidence out of you but it doesn't seem like any is forthcoming..oh well, you may continue the pity party.

I have quoted posts I took directly from the threads in which they were posted. Do I really have to also post the specific thread links, specific post numbers and write a fucking novel about it? Concrete evidence? Pity party? Come the fuck on. See this very thread for even more examples. Or do I have to post links and thread numbers for those too? If this is really what you need I can post this, even though, this demand for evidence was initially directed at the OP, not me, I just said I would post some examples, for starters, I believe I even bolded this phrase to make this perfectly clear.
This looks like blatant bigotry to me should it be reported??

So you've never heard of satire? It's obvious that my thread is a joke and is commenting and making fun of all the "Iran is evil," threads that keep popping up over and over and over again, nearly every five seconds. I honestly am kind of suprised it hasn't been moved yet. Blatant bigotry? Really? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry I think said threads are fucking stupid. Come on, are you really trying to do this?

Happy Ram-a-plane!


Post number: 36.
Post link: click here
Page number: 2.
Page link: click here
Thread link:click here
Context: Discussion about the holy month of Ramadan, said without provocation nor was it in response to anything said prior in the thread.

Is this what you guys want for every bloody post? Is this concrete enough for you? I have also reported this, is anything going to happen or be done about this? Hmm?
I have quoted posts I took directly from the threads in which they were posted. Do I really have to also post the specific thread links, specific post numbers and write a fucking novel about it? Concrete evidence? Pity party?

All I am asking for is posts showing an anti muslim/arab bias. So far the examples you posted don't show that. You have an aversion to the word muslim being used in a post if the behaviour in said post is negative. Maybe we should make a rule that only specific names of the perpetrators of offensive behaviour should be used, no muslim, american, western, christian etc?

Come the fuck on. See this very thread for even more examples. Or do I have to post links and thread numbers for those too?

I see it but objectively I don't see anything different than other posts which mention jews, westerners, americans hindus etc etc. n So yes post links and thread numbers.

If this is really what you need I can post this, even though, this demand for evidence was initially directed at the OP, not me, I just said I would post some examples, for starters, I believe I even bolded this phrase to make this perfectly clear.

You bolded it but that didn't make it any more convincing try using caps and bold.

Post number: 36.
Post link: click here
Page number: 2.
Page link: click here
Thread link:click here
Context: Discussion about the holy month of Ramadan, said without provocation nor was it in response to anything said prior in the thread.

Is this what you guys want for every bloody post? Is this concrete enough for you? I have also reported this, is anything going to happen or be done about this? Hmm?

That is kind of sad all those posts by non-mulims wishing well to muslims and you pick the consequent anti-theists (Q) post to make your point? What about all the others..the majority?
All I am asking for is posts showing an anti muslim/arab bias.

I have done so.

So far the examples you posted don't show that.

According to whom? You? I also responded and provided my reasoning as to how they do indeed show a bias. You haven't commented on any of that, as of yet so I really don't think you can conclusively state, in any real sense, that they do not demonstrate X. Saying "oh that doesn't count, X poster is X you see," doesn't really count.

You have an aversion to the word muslim being used in a post if the behaviour in said post is negative.

Another fictional and pathetic attempt to misportray my arguments. Did I say this? No, do my posts even imply this? No, what I am against and opposed to is posters posting things which (according to the 'hate speech/Anti-Semitism' thread) would be hate speech and bigotry and X action being portrayed as an intrinsic part of Islam and or Islamic practice, in general, as a whole. Which is what is being done here, blatantly so and without reprisal.

There is a reason why I didn't create a thread similar to this before this one. There is a reason why up until the 'hate speech/anti-semitism' thread and a PM by another member why I didn't report posts and report them on the grounds of hate speech. Why? Because I know/knew there would be people like you who try to say I'm trying to play "victim," or have a "pity party," and the like. I knew it would be used as ammo by you fuckwits against me. Basically, it doesn't really matter what I say or don't say, do or don't do, the end result is going to be the same. Just like, it doesn't really matter what Muslims say or don't say, do or don't do, at the end of the day, the Western view remains the same, Muslims/Islam are evil and any Muslim saying otherwise is a liar and any Muslim doing anything different isn't a "true," Muslim.

You bolded it but that didn't make it any more convincing try using caps and bold.

This is idiotic.

That is kind of sad all those posts by non-mulims wishing well to muslims and you pick the consequent anti-theists (Q) post to make your point? What about all the others..the majority?

Uh, Emil also posted something however it wasn't as offensive and disgusting as (Q). I didn't bring this up because I assumed you would say "you're just being overly sensitiv Ja'far." I am not even saying that this bias is found and expressed by the majority of the non-Muslim SciForum posters. What I am saying is that said bias does exist and does so without reprisal. I have reported atleast 5-7 posts and yet, from what I can tell, nothing was done nor did I recieve any notification that something had been done or that said post had even been addressed or reviewed. Even in this thread, it's being denied and swept under the rug like nothing ever happened.

Infact, I haven't even really seen other members denounce these posts aside from Tiassa (sp?). It's not like these posts are being actively denounced by other non-Muslim posters en masse, they infact often go without comment or are commented upon because I started bitching about it.
Sure they do.

Has that ever been my argument? No, have I ever denied every single negative action ever commited by a Muslim ever? No, my argument has been, since day one, that X action is not an inherent/intrinsic part of Islam or Islamic practice nor do all Muslims, in general, bare the guilt of X action collectively. I would also like to point out that it's this argument that has been rejectd and argued against by numerous posters in this forum which seem to be implying that collective guilt should be placed upon Islam and Muslims, as a whole and that X action is an instrinsic part of Islam and Islamic practice and thus condoned and practiced by all Muslims. Not to mention it's been typical by people in the West commenting on issues/events/situations in the Middle-East to conflate religious issues and so on with other issues that don't necessarily have anything to do with religion per se. Again, if the same argumentation and reasoning was applied to Jews/Israelis by me, I would be banned.

Can Islam be interpreted in a peaceful benign way? Yes. But that does not absolve Islam from being a religion that is conducive to an arrogant, superior, and fatalistic view of life. It causes people to refuse to acknowledge the revealed truths of science, such as evolution, it gives credence to the hadith and to sharia, both of which inhibit the full expression of human potential, particularly for women. It prevents people born into Islamic culture from rejecting it, so we never know if it's apparent adherents are sincere, or just don't want to be murdered.
Well Jafar, is there any point getting angry about it?

As you have already said, its not going to make a difference if you report it. I should know - out of my 60 million posts roughly 85% have been on the issue of bias at sciforums. No point getting worked up about it.
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