Science of Water Memory?

So you don't know if you believe that evil spirits cause disease. OK then. Let us know if you ever figure that out.

Great! If you are saying that drugs work best when dosed correctly I agree.

For the same reason that blue is not a dose.

I don't like fennel. Are you going to claim that the word "fennel" is a word dose effect next?

100% woo.

Honestly you'd probably do better on some new age board. This is a science board so your woo just isn't going to fly.
Honestly, I also faced bads, evils and odds. Uncalculated and unintentional. I do not know who done these? You can name them evil spirit act. H, C, O, H2O etc are very important in our daily life tool for good n bads. If anyone named them in some god or angel or devil name, depending upon their good n bad properties, it will just be language change not sense change.

Dose is dose, whethet of mstter or of energy.

Don't we have EM wave justification of voice? Then how radio or TV trsnsmission happen?
You can name them evil spirit act.
You can call them sausages, too. That doesn't mean they are sausages.
H, C, O, H2O etc are very important in our daily life tool for good n bads.
Of course. But what if someone told you that water was critical to your life, and by drinking a bottle of air that once contained water you'd be hydrated? Would you accept that, and start drinking air?
Dose is dose, whethet of mstter or of energy.
No. No, it's not.
Don't we have EM wave justification of voice? Then how radio or TV trsnsmission happen?
No. Voice is sound. Sound is not EM.
You can call them sausages, too. That doesn't mean they are sausages.

Of course. But what if someone told you that water was critical to your life, and by drinking a bottle of air that once contained water you'd be hydrated? Would you accept that, and start drinking air?

No. No, it's not.

No. Voice is sound. Sound is not EM.

You can face evil spirits daily. A person, bad to you, is a devil for you and your intersctions with him are evil spirits. It is just langusge change not sense change. Thogh we can alwsys open to supernaturals becoming natural by new understsndings.

Repeated avoidance. It is less water not nil water. Even moisture is also water.
Under which fundamental interaction sound and its transmission is classified?
What does it mean?
"In telephony, the usable voice frequency band ranges from approximately 300 to 3400 Hz.[1] It is for this reason that the ultra low frequency band of the electromagnetic spectrum between 300 and 3000 Hz is also referred to as voice frequency, being the electromagnetic energy that represents acoustic energy at baseband" from wikipedia
Hello all,.

Sorry but are we not deviating ftom the topic subject?

Pls limit just to justifying molecular presence of active n other substances in higher dilutions.

AND How it was not traced in varification of water memory experiment.

Thank you.

You can face evil spirits daily. A person, bad to you, is a devil for you and your intersctions with him are evil spirits. It is just langusge change not sense change. Thogh we can alwsys open to supernaturals becoming natural by new understsndings.
On the one hand, you say that it's just a form of language to say that a person acts like he is possessed by evil spirits. It's like you don't actually believe that evil spirits exist as separate things. But then you suggest "supernaturals becoming natural", which sounds to me like you're saying that you think the evil spirits could be real after all.

So which is it? As you are now, do you believe in supernatural evil spirits, or don't you? If you do, tell me why you believe it.

Under which fundamental interaction sound and its transmission is classified?
Sound is a pressure wave in a medium of some kind - solid, liquid or gas.

I've only just seen this thread. I'd like to respond to your opening post.

"Water memory defies conventional scientific understanding of physical chemistry knowledge and is generally not accepted by the scientific community" Wikipedia
Yes, it is true that homeopathic ideas are not accepted in science.

It relates to presense of information of active substances in homeooathic remedies in higher solutions/potencies.
There are no substances in homeopathic remedies of sufficient dilution, other than water. There's also no scientific evidence that water retains any "memory" of any substances that used to be in it before dilution.

I just want to know, whether it is actually tested and then rejected or just rejected becsuse it defies conventional scientific inderstsnding as on that date?
It has been thoroughly tested. Homeopathic remedies don't work, other than by mechanisms such as the placebo effect.

Are you are user of homeopathic remedies yourself?

Are you a maker of homeopathic remedies?

What is your own experience of using or making these things?
Ooh. Here's one:

I practically experienced that information of active substance can still be there even beyond Avogodro number dilution.
A syrup known as Roo of Zaa, quite aromatic, used by us. Its empity glass bottle was used as water bottle after well cleaning. To my surprise, smell n diluted taste of this syrup did not gone even after 100 or more time water change and cleaning for after many months. How?
Lots of possibilities occur to me. Maybe you didn't clean the bottle properly. Maybe you had the syrup in your nose or mouth from some other recent source, so there was still remnant of that syrup. Maybe you just imagined the smell and taste, because it was familiar to you and you wanted homeopathy to be real.

I guess the important thing to say is that while this experienced many have strengthened your own pre-existing belief in homeopathy, it does nothing to make me think that any mysterious "water memory" effect exists. Your story is just one data point, and an anecdotal one at that. As scientific evidence, it is worthless. I am sorry to tell you.

The common claim by scientific advocators and skeptics remained that higher potencies are nothing other than plain water. But this is proven false under this adsorption and resorotion scope.
I'm not sure what you're saying, here. How are you measuring "potency"? What's the relevance of the "adsorption and resorotion scope"? What is that, exactly?

Why can't there be some structural change in water due to consistent oresence of molecules of other substances (active n glass ) ?
For homeopathy, that's irrelevant. There, you're talking about solutions that have been diluted until only water remains (i.e. no other molecules present). Homeopaths make the claim that those pure-water solutions somehow have active properties based on the substance that used to be in the water, before dilution. Moreover, they make the dubious claim that the smaller the amount of additive in the water, the more potent the effect.

Unfortunately for the homeopaths, there seems to be no good evidence for the first claim, while the second claim is disproven by testing.

Moreover quantity along with equality also matter for getting variations in effects. Seed or a small cutting of a tree can matter more for the growth of a big tree than planting big tree itself. We need to decrease the quantity to get the growth or rejenuation. We should understand propagating of impacts on lower stimulation by body systems.
But homeopathy is like cutting the tree down and down until there is nothing left, not even the seeds, then claiming you can still somehow grow a new tree without any of the old tree present. That would be an extraordinary claim, which would require good evidence for anybody with sense to believe it.
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On the one hand, you say that it's just a form of language to say that a person acts like he is possessed by evil spirits. It's like you don't actually believe that evil spirits exist as separate things. But then you suggest "supernaturals becoming natural", which sounds to me like you're saying that you think the evil spirits could be real after all.

So which is it? As you are now, do you believe in supernatural evil spirits, or don't you? If you do, tell me why you believe it.

Hello James.

You can take it like it. As I feel under today's state of science. Sense exist but supernatural thing do not exist. Nature exists super nature not. When sense or science of anything so taken as supernatural is understood by new understanding it become natural or normal. Alike it, sense of evil sprit i.e. bad or evil acts exists but not evil sprit as anticipated.

Sound is a pressure wave in a medium of some kind - solid, liquid or gas.

It should be one kind of force. Mechanical wave. But I want to know, under which fundamental/force/interaction it is classified?
Don't it come within the scope of fundamental force?

Thanks for your reply.

You can take it like it. As I feel under today's state of science. Sense exist but supernatural thing do not exist. Nature exists super nature not. When sense or science of anything so taken as supernatural is understood by new understanding it become natural or normal. Alike it, sense of evil sprit i.e. bad or evil acts exists but not evil sprit as anticipated.
You're telling me what the current state of belief is in the scientific community, or something like that, and how is is possible that in future people generally might come to accept the supernatural as normal. That's all fine, but I asked what you, KUMAR5, currently believe, right now. Can you answer that question, please?

It should be one kind of force.
Should be?

Mechanical wave. But I want to know, under which fundamental/force/interaction it is classified?
For the propagation of everyday sound waves, like the ones your ears use to hear the world around you, the most important force is the electromagnetic force. Why do you ask?

Don't it come within the scope of fundamental force?
Of course it does. As far as science is aware, there are only four fundamental forces. So far, there's no compelling reason to postulate any additional fundamental forces.

I've only just seen this thread. I'd like to respond to your opening post.


Yes, it is true that homeopathic ideas are not accepted in science.

Yes but science is always open to new understandings.

There are no substances in homeopathic remedies of sufficient dilution, other than water. There's also no scientific evidence that water retains any "memory" of any substances that used to be in it before dilution.

Yes it was anticipated by science community. I can't say it was theoretical certification or perceived certification or practical testing or mistake. Adsorption and desorption of molecules on bottle glass wall along with shedded particles of glass were not taken into account in higher dilution.
I also observed practically by using an quite aromatic syrup as water bottle. To my surprise, smell of that syrup didn't gone inspite of more than 30-50 refilling. It made me to think about possibility of adsorption.

However, I do accept there can be a mistake from homeopath's side by opting wrong type of higher dilution which should have caused ass types of odd and variations. Here I am just looking for any molecular presence, neither sufficient dose quantity nor its efficacy.

It has been thoroughly tested. Homeopathic remedies don't work, other than by mechanisms such as the placebo effect.

Yes It is anticipated by science and skeptics but things can always change. Probably but mostly, no information presence anticipation in higher potencies shouls now change due to this absorption theory.

Depending on the nature of agents, cost, risk benefit ratio, homeopathy and modern concentrated drugs can not be studied at par to each other.

Are you are user of homeopathic remedies yourself?

Are you a maker of homeopathic remedies?

What is your own experience of using or making these things?

I am user of another kind with similar theory i.e 12 tissue remedies since long back. I have observed these are effective as said. But that do have molecular presence. Sometimes I also used homeopathic higher dilutions which were confusing. Therfore I am trying to understand it better.

I am not maker.

Adsorption and desorption of molecules on bottle glass wall along with shedded particles of glass were not taken into account in higher dilution.
I also observed practically by using an quite aromatic syrup as water bottle. To my surprise, smell of that syrup didn't gone inspite of more than 30-50 refilling. It made me to think about possibility of adsorption.
You're saying that maybe some syrup molecules stuck to the insides of the bottle and survived there despite multiple washings of the bottle, to an extent that, later on, some of the molecules of the syrup could still be detected by smell or taste?

Okay. All that tells me is that your efforts to clean the bottle weren't good enough to remove all the syrup residue. That doesn't support any homeopathic claim, as far as I can tell.

However, I do accept there can be a mistake from homeopath's side by opting wrong type of higher dilution which should have caused ass types of odd and variations. Here I am just looking for any molecular presence, neither sufficient dose quantity nor its efficacy.
Okay. So you just want to see if residue can remain in water following repeated washings of a container.

In that case, I suggest that you set up an appropriately controlled experiment in which you wash similar containers to different extents, or different numbers of times. Use an objective detection technique for the solute. You might come up with some useful data showing the extent of solute retention. Your hypothesis is that adsorption is responsible for the retention of the solute. Do you have any quantitative theory of how much adsorption should occur, that you could compare against experimental results?

Probably but mostly, no information presence anticipation in higher potencies shouls now change due to this absorption theory.
You keep using that word "potency". What does "potency" mean, in this context?

Depending on the nature of agents, cost, risk benefit ratio, homeopathy and modern concentrated drugs can not be studied at par to each other.
I don't understand. Are you claiming that it is impossible to evaluate the medical efficacy of homopathic remedies against conventional medical remedies? I don't see why that should be impossible.

I am user of another kind with similar theory i.e 12 tissue remedies since long back.
I don't know what 12 tissue remedies is/are.

I have observed these are effective as said. But that do have molecular presence.
So they are some kind of chemical medicine?

Sometimes I also used homeopathic higher dilutions which were confusing. Therfore I am trying to understand it better.
You used homeopathic dilutions for what purpose?

You're saying that maybe some syrup molecules stuck to the insides of the bottle and survived there despite multiple washings of the bottle, to an extent that, later on, some of the molecules of the syrup could still be detected by smell or taste?

Okay. All that tells me is that your efforts to clean the bottle weren't good enough to remove all the syrup residue. That doesn't support any homeopathic claim, as far as I can tell.

Okay. So you just want to see if residue can remain in water following repeated washings of a container.

I think, I washed much more than what homeopaths do for preparing the remedies. Moreover they mix one part of solutes or previous dilution, I have even not used that, Still impression of syrup is observed. Anyone can easily try it by using some highly aromatic(to recognize easily due to our comparatively low smelling power) syrup or liquid bottle

In that case, I suggest that you set up an appropriately controlled experiment in which you wash similar containers to different extents, or different numbers of times. Use an objective detection technique for the solute. You might come up with some useful data showing the extent of solute retention. Your hypothesis is that adsorption is responsible for the retention of the solute. Do you have any quantitative theory of how much adsorption should occur, that you could compare against experimental results?

Let us first endorse this possibility in science.

You keep using that word "potency". What does "potency" mean, in this context?

I don't understand. Are you claiming that it is impossible to evaluate the medical efficacy of homopathic remedies against conventional medical remedies? I don't see why that should be impossible.

I don't know what 12 tissue remedies is/are.

So they are some kind of chemical medicine?

You used homeopathic dilutions for what purpose?

No but for it different standards are to be decided. However there are million of live evidences are there with homeopaths who are using it since long back persistently. So we should not deny new understanding in science though it may not be in interest of homeopaths due to fear of hijecking by modern pharma industry.

Higher the dilution, higher the potency for stimulation. It is so claimed by homeopaths.

All need to be either energy medicines or chemical medicines. Energy storage as of now in higher dilutions looks impossible so we may have to base on chemicals in low quantity.[/QUOTE]
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Thanks for your reply.

You're telling me what the current state of belief is in the scientific community, or something like that, and how is is possible that in future people generally might come to accept the supernatural as normal. That's all fine, but I asked what you, KUMAR5, currently believe, right now. Can you answer that question, please?

I believe in that which is either logical or scientifically valid. Rest I leave on time to either bring its science or end it in itself. Moreover, It is not a good thing even if its science is known, so why I should bother about it? If it come true, we will adopt its remedy to deal as science will suggest. I may be true skeptic.

Should be?

For the propagation of everyday sound waves, like the ones your ears use to hear the world around you, the most important force is the electromagnetic force. Why do you ask?

Of course it does. As far as science is aware, there are only four fundamental forces. So far, there's no compelling reason to postulate any additional fundamental forces.

Means, Sound waves will be classified under electromagnetism fundamental force? Okay? Some other poster opposed it.
I think, I washed much more than what homeopaths do for preparing the remedies.
You think.

Moreover they mix one part of solutes or previous dilution, I have even not used that, Still impression of syrup is observed. Anyone can easily try it by using some highly aromatic(to recognize easily due to our comparatively low smelling power) syrup or liquid bottle
At best, that would just add more anecdotal evidence. What you need is to do a well-controlled experiment, as I suggested.

Let us first endorse this possibility in science.
I just did that! I suggested a controlled experiment you could do. Are you interested? I thought you said you were studying this rigorously.

However there are million of live evidences are there with homeopaths who are using it since long back persistently.
Anecdotal evidence, you mean?

I am aware of people drinking homeopathic preparations of poisons and suffering no ill effects. According to homeopathy, those poisons should become more potent as they become more diluted, so after many dilutions they should certainly be fatal. Why is it that they are not?

So we should not deny new understanding in science though it may not be in interest of homeopaths due to fear of hijecking by modern pharma industry.
Great! We are in agreement. You just need to do the relevant studies to show that homeopathy is effective after all, thus refuting all the previous controlled studies that showed it was no better than placebo. Then I'll be the first in line to congratulate you on your addition to scientific knowledge. You'll probably win prizes and be famous! It sounds great. When will you start the controlled tests?

Higher the dilution, higher the potency for stimulation. It is so claimed by homeopaths.
I have now asked you several times what "potency" means in this context. Why don't you answer me?

What does it mean to have a "higher potency for stimulation"? How is that tested? What controlled tests confirm it?

All need to be either energy medicines or chemical medicines.
What is an "energy medicine"?

Energy storage as of now in higher dilutions looks impossible so we may have to base on chemicals in low quantity.
What does energy storage have to do with medicine? I don't understand.
I believe in that which is either logical or scientifically valid.
Good to hear. So no supernatural beliefs, then.

I may be true skeptic.
Welcome to sciforums, fellow skeptic. You will find many friends here.

Means, Sound waves will be classified under electromagnetism fundamental force? Okay? Some other poster opposed it.
They must have got it wrong. I'm glad we sorted that out.
Thanks for the link.

Should be in low quantity subject to you endorse adsorption theory possibility.
These salts are supposed to address a "deficiency" in the body, are they not? How would using a low quantity help? The site you link to recommends a 1-part-in-10,000 dilution in water. What scientific evidence is there that this helps?

Also, on your link I couldn't find a scientific explanation of these "deficiencies" that these salts are supposed to help with. What controlled tests have been done to establish that these salts are necessary and that homeopathic amounts can cure the "deficiencies" and improve health?

12 tissue remedies,for day to day disorder. Not for serious ones.
What kinds of "disorders"? How are these disorders diagnosed?

For these I prefer moden system. I respect all
valid and good understanding.
I'd have to see the scientific studies. I assume you have some that demonstrate validity and good understanding?