Republican resentment

The not too bright, usually hung over Kavanagh and his boss Trump are literally spelling out how they're going to steal the election on Nov. 3. Their plan is to not allow any ballots past midnight to be accepted and then demand the Supreme Court decide the Presidency. With Coney Barrett now having shown herself a fraud by standing next to Trump on a balcony during a rally, there is little hope of Trump not stealing the Presidency and doing another 4 more years.

What is considered the laughing stock of the world, the US will become the corrupt laughing stock of the world.

The other night, during a speech from Melania, who could barely read the teleprompter, stated that Trump had very strong foreign allies that would come to Trump's aid. Who the fuck in the world, either than Boris Johnson, would have anything to do with Trump considering he's blown almost everyone off?
It has gone past Republican Resentment and is now Republican Insanity.

In the first 3 months of the pandemic, the US reported it's first 500,000 covid cases, which has now currently ballooned to 500,000 new cases per week. This, in light of a White House press release claiming that one of Trumps accomplishments was "Ending the Covid-19 Pandemic".
How blatant can the Republicans flaunt their corruption?

Republican Governor Greg Abbott's proclamation to only provide one voter drop off point in each county, hoping for a poor voter turnout due to Covid, this slimeball makes millions of people in Texas cities wait in line for hours to drop off their vote.
Well, as a Canadian, if Trump wins next election it will definitely blemish my view of America, yet I don't know if I have just been naive all along.

Who would vote for Trump anyway but the disenchanted. Who cares why they're disenchanted so long as they vote.



Oh yeah, they've given up on controlling Covid-19.

And or the US is filled with psychopaths that have no intelligence and just want to be told what to do.

Heil Hitler!
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Are you ready for yet more conservative crazy? Now, we have the Archbishop Vigano sending letters to Trump warning him of the "Great Reset" coming soon to a world near you. This is the kind of insanity brought on by religious knuckleheads that is fucking up our lives.

"A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda."
Funny how the conservatives here are so quiet. Perhaps, even they are seeing the insanity of their brethren's words and actions? I would be humiliated to call myself a conservative, not being able to look at myself in the mirror, to sleep at night or not throw up in my mouth every time Trump and his goons are in the news. Of course, I would have to have morals and ethics.
On the same day that Donald Trump Jr. went on Fox News saying that COVID-19 deaths are at ‘almost nothing,’ the U.S. reported 1,000+ deaths and a record-breaking 88,000+ news cases.

Like father, like son.
Funny how the conservatives here are so quiet. Perhaps, even they are seeing the insanity of their brethren's words and actions? I would be humiliated to call myself a conservative, not being able to look at myself in the mirror, to sleep at night or not throw up in my mouth every time Trump and his goons are in the news. Of course, I would have to have morals and ethics.

I'm UK conservative, well, centre right. I like to look in on US politics it's very 'character assassinating' as opposed to having knowledge or debate on policies; but that's by the by.

The US Democrats, from the Obama days onwards, are very Communist in nature and love to censor, control others. That's what I observe.

Regardless of the outcome of elections, I don't rely on government for my prosperity. Here, if Labour or the Tories win, I still run my business and look after my own prosperity. Doesn't matter who wins, they just fill their own pockets. Notice how Obama went in owning a few bucks and came out owning millions.

So this thread, along with the Lefty echo chamber threads on other forums, is just you guys talking up a bubble, creating a Lefty bubble to live in, all contributing to this gang and who's best to try and belittle the out-group. Fascinating to watch.

Here's a challenge, rather than focus on characters, focus on policies because at the moment, it's like watching a playground of school children.
The US Democrats, from the Obama days onwards, are very Communist in nature and love to censor, control others. That's what I observe.
The opposite is happening here. We have republicans wanting the government to force Facebook, Twitter and other websites to carry what the government wants them to carry. Democrats want Twitter and Facebook free to make their own decisions. What would you choose?
Notice how Obama went in owning a few bucks and came out owning millions.
Notice how Trump has funneled hundreds of millions from the taxpayers into his own properties.
Here's a challenge, rather than focus on characters, focus on policies because at the moment
Right after you posted about Obama . . . twice? You're funny!
The opposite is happening here. We have republicans wanting the government to force Facebook, Twitter and other websites to carry what the government wants them to carry. Democrats want Twitter and Facebook free to make their own decisions. What would you choose?

Notice how Trump has funneled hundreds of millions from the taxpayers into his own properties.

Right after you posted about Obama . . . twice? You're funny!

Go on, discuss policies.

This next election, what are the Democrats policies and how much will they cost?
I'm UK conservative, well, centre right. I like to look in on US politics it's very 'character assassinating' as opposed to having knowledge or debate on policies; but that's by the by.

The US Democrats, from the Obama days onwards, are very Communist in nature and love to censor, control others. That's what I observe.

Regardless of the outcome of elections, I don't rely on government for my prosperity. Here, if Labour or the Tories win, I still run my business and look after my own prosperity. Doesn't matter who wins, they just fill their own pockets. Notice how Obama went in owning a few bucks and came out owning millions.

So this thread, along with the Lefty echo chamber threads on other forums, is just you guys talking up a bubble, creating a Lefty bubble to live in, all contributing to this gang and who's best to try and belittle the out-group. Fascinating to watch.

Here's a challenge, rather than focus on characters, focus on policies because at the moment, it's like watching a playground of school children.

You seem like an astute observer of politics.

What exactly are the policies of the Democrats that are communist in nature? Neither party seems to have any intention of reducing the national debt or balancing a budget.

The Republicans seem to have more interest in the military, spending $700 or so billion on that every year. The Democrats are interested in universal healthcare and in showing at least some concern for the environment and in the rule of law and some transparency in government.

The Republicans are the "law and order" party. We have a higher percentage of our population locked up in prisons than most any developed country and yet you say it's the Democrats who want to control everyone?

I think everyone, in general, is best advised to not rely on the government and to be as self-reliant as possible. That's easier for some than others but it applies to everyone.

The Democrats do have a more extreme wing (Biden isn't part of that wing) and the Republicans are pretty much all extreme these days.

I would address your personal comments on Obama (a book deal generally makes a lot of money for ex-Presidents) but you don't like to focus on the personalities so we'll stick to policies.

Again, what exactly does Communism have to do with either party? Do you have government provided healthcare? How much does the UK spend on their military?

It will be a breath of fresh air to discuss policies rather than personalities.
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The US Democrats, from the Obama days onwards, are very Communist in nature and love to censor, control others. That's what I observe.
Really? The US is the only advanced western country that does NOT have "Universal Healthcare" for all it's citizens.
If that is not anti-socialism, I wonder where you as "conservative" stand on the British Universal Healthcare system of which the Brits are so proud by most accounts.
This next election, what are the Democrats policies and how much will they cost?
How much does your Universal Healthcare system cost?