Republican resentment

Is money really all you care about, and all you want to know about?

Of course not..I am very interested in investments and valuable collectables.

And of course astronomy and now biology and history.

I have little money so beneficial investing is very important in deciding what projects I can fund...and of course I would like a better world where education is free and health care is free and transport free for a start.
Of course not..I am very interested in investments and valuable collectables. And of course astronomy and now biology and history. I have little money so beneficial investing is very important in deciding what projects I can fund...and of course I would like a better world where education is free and health care is free and transport free for a start.
Huh. Because you just said "What are shares going to do is all I want to know." Good to hear that you want to hear more than that.
Huh. Because you just said "What are shares going to do is all I want to know." Good to hear that you want to hear more than that.

I guess not everyone can grasp humor, being irrelevant and not taking every statement as literal.

Yup, we get it, Trump is a bad man, money is bad, virtue signaling is good.
Huh. Because you just said "What are shares going to do is all I want to know." Good to hear that you want to hear more than that.

Well let me explain all this with more detail and it can seem to make sense perhaps.

In the past Seatle and I have had interesting discussions relating to shares and it became clear to me at that time that Seatle was well experienced with shares and share trading whereas I on the other hand I had no experience really in comparison and so I was most attentive to his comment and advice and so if you place my comment in that context you may see why my scope of interest was intentionally limited with me seeking Seatles specific comments in that area.
It may not be noticable but I actually have very wide interests...not so much in sport although I still follow motocross by virtue of the days when I raced at a non professional level, and judo by virtue of practicing it for many years when young. And MMA because in the country that was our main past time archery and shooting..I did limiyed rifle but a lot of trap and skeet...then there is art mostly painting drawing and modeling...dancing from square dancing and ballroom to popular dances of various times when young such as rock and rock the twist and many others and I did enjoy prospecting for gold and rare stones but like so many interests my legs limit direct participation now however I still keep up with folk do via youtube...of course there are other interests which could come generally under history like study of fossils and ancient ruins. I forgot music from being in a brass band to playing occassional lead guitar in a rock band...things will keep poping up but really money is not near the top of my list. Sure I would work like a dog to save for something was always about the next project o hobby or home.
There is so much to learn about.
. . . . if you place my comment in that context you may see why my scope of interest was intentionally limited with me seeking Seatles specific comments in that area.
That makes sense, thanks.
things will keep poping up but really money is not near the top of my list.
Neither is mine. I have enough money to support my family and my (fairly simple) hobbies - ebikes, brewing beer and tunnel flying. I'm good with that.
I guess not everyone can grasp humor, being irrelevant and not taking every statement as literal. Yup, we get it, Trump is a bad man, money is bad, virtue signaling is good.
Looks like you tried to get a good insult in - and fell flat on your face. Better luck next time.
That makes sense, thanks.

Neither is mine. I have enough money to support my family and my (fairly simple) hobbies - ebikes, brewing beer and tunnel flying. I'm good with that.

I forgot sailing and model air plane building..I design and build the old way ..balsa...I invented a neat flying ring...the idea was to make something safe and incapable of ticks the boxes but I have yet to build a full size one..I like inventing stuff...i have a trimaran that will fly...I designed that to take the world speed record for sail but to do it would take so much time...getting the funding..suck ups, parties.
You know how it goes.

I know it will take the world speed record I dont need to prove it do I...And there is not necessarily money to be made...unless you write and sell a book...more time wasted just to prove I am right.

I am always right anyone who checks will see that is a fact..

if I say I can do can be done.

.I am about to start a rc glider with FPV ...I found a FPV unit for only $120..I thought it would be more expensive...I have everything but need to make time room.

Not come here will do it.

.That is going to be so cool...even Thinking of a cockpit set up..seen it done on youtube and it is easy.. main thing is to find things to keep waking up in the morning...if I wake up in the middle of the night I get up have a cuppa and do is just so rewarding...I was thinking to get a stil and make moonshine ..again youtube is get fifth generation moonshiners telling you all the family secrets in 15 minutes..ten of them whatever you is great..I go to Harvard, and similar universities to learn molecular biology...all about proteins etc...gave differential geometry a go but if I need it I will pay someone...a hour lecture to say this is how we make a curve...and when I wanted to cast the alluminium thing I designed for my astronomy mount..just go to youtube and get the tips and do it.
Now done.
Anyways dont let Trump upset belief is they are all probably just as bad if the truth be known...that Biden has alarm bells ringing in my choice in my view..I would not feed either of them..none are there for the people..they are on a short string held by some puppeteer you can bet...and those folk dont like Trump probably cause they dont have a string attached although they must as you cant get there alone...I dont know and expect to never know.. he cant cover up like a seasoned politician could..but I bet none of them give a cuss about anyone but themselves.
You are not being constructive in the least.
You are underestimating the problem and you might want to take a lesson from history.

Are you aware that there has already been several attempts at assassination of state governors and legislators?

Here is some history of Hitler and the Nazi party.
After serving 9 months in prison for Treason after the failed Beer Hall Putsch; Hitler served 9 months in prison for "treason".

After that:
Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in January 1933. But his maneuvering for authoritarian control of the country was not yet complete, nor was his success inevitable.
Hitler's government was fairly fragile at that point. He had been appointed chancellor by the President of Germany, who had appointed and dismissed three chancellors in the previous 12 months. And there was nothing stopping him from doing the same with Adolf Hitler. No one anticipated— really could have anticipated what was to come.
So this is the end of January 1933. And by the end of June 1933, it's a one-party system. And I think that's so important to look at. How do you get from this democracy to a one-party dictatorship in six months? It's a combination of the weaknesses of the existing system and opportunities. By opportunities, I mean the Reichstag fire.
February 27, 1933, the German Reichstag explodes in flame from an arson attack. There's crashing glass, there's twisted steel, there's surging flames. This was an attack on the very symbol of German democracy and was traumatizing. The Nazis found three Bulgarians, put them on trial, and claimed that this was the communists' attempt to destroy Germany and destroy the Reichstag. And it gave Hitler the opportunity to draft emergency legislation that Hindenburg signed.
It suspended civil liberties, including habeas corpus, knowing why you're arrested. It deputized the SA, the Stormtroopers, and made them effectively a police who could arrest people, arrest enemies.
So they immediately target both the communists, the socialists, male and female state delegates, and often their spouses.

If you think this could not happen here, you haven't learned from history and not recognized the parallels that have already occurred.
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You are underestimating the problem and you might want to take a lesson from history.
I am pretty well up on all that and been studying history since High School...
But I did not grasp that was where you were coming from with your turn the other cheek to explain it for me?

Are you aware that there has already been several attempts at assassination of state governors and legislators?

Well if I am or am not is not the point...if you are trying to draw a picture connect the dots...who were these assassins? What did they say under questioning etc cant make a wild claim and expect me to see whatever it is you see...make a coherent case.

Now Biden is a catholic...who killed more Jews than anyone else..catholics..who were Nazies on Sunday for generations before Hitler and what were they lectured upon re could happen point is you have not made any case and really I have no idea what to make out of what you have said...has Trump been in jail for that it?
Perhaps you could establish the dots then join them.

If you think this could not happen here, you haven't learned from history and not recognized the parallels that have already occurred.

OK list the parrallels but please do not underestimate my grasp of key thing is folk making up stuff...if it is so damn obvious you wont have a problem explaining it in simple factual terms.
I am all ears...or eyes.
But I did not grasp that was where you were coming from with your turn the other cheek to explain it for me?
You cannot negotiate with a psychopathic mindset.
Their world is not compatible with a true symbiotic socioeconomic Democracy.

In a symbiotic society people may have different beliefs but compatible sympathetic philosophies. Idealism.
In a parasitic society people may have different beliefs but incompatible adversary philosophies. Realism.
Breonna Taylor: Timeline of black deaths caused by police

13 charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

False GOP advertisement prompts QAnon death threats against a Democratic Congressman

ProudBoys (in addition to prior existing far-right groups)
The Proud Boys is a far-right[2][3] and neo-fascist[4]male-only organization[5] that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States and Canada.[6][7][8][9][10]
While the group officially rejects racism, several members have been affiliated with white supremacy and the Proud Boys have been described by United States intelligence organisations as "a dangerous white supremacist group."
The group originated in the far-right Taki's Magazine[15] in 2016 under the leadership of Vice Media co-founder and former commentator Gavin McInnes, taking its name from the song "Proud of Your Boy" from the 2011 Disney musical Aladdin.[16][17] Although the Proud Boys emerged as part of the alt-right, McInnes distanced himself from this movement in early 2017, saying the Proud Boys was "alt-light" while the alt-right's focus was race.

Lawyers say they can't find the parents of 545 migrant children separated by Trump administration

Fact Sheet: Protecting Against Voter Intimidation

Trump using COVID as ‘political propaganda to divide the nation,’ CT widow who lost husband to illness tells CNN
By Jim Shay. Updated 5:47 pm EDT, Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To name a few incidents. The list is much longer.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'
William Cummings, USA TODAY

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic. JEFFREY GOLDBERG SEPTEMBER 3, 2020

IMO, when a Commander in Chief, who avoided military service because of a "bonespur" declares that soldiers who make the ultimate sacrifice and give their lives in service of the Nation, "are suckers", something is really wrong.
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The right wing propaganda machine is in full swing as we get closer to election day. Now, I'm seeing preachers, nuns and other religious leaders getting in line to support Trump and making statements that if Trump does not win, the Democratic led Apocalypse will soon be upon them and life as they know it will cease to exist. They are claiming that this is the time all Christians need to stand up and fight for their beliefs and make sure Trump brings America closer to God so that Jesus will be the boss, just like Trump says he will.

These Christians claim they are the "Silent" voters that support Trump, stating emphatically that they are silent because they live in fear of getting into trouble with friends or getting fired from their jobs, simply because they support Trump. Of course, they love this fabricated position they are in now because they feel they're being persecuted (yet again) and that Democrats are going to strip away their faith so they think that this is the time to fight for their religious freedoms, and they believe Trump is their Messiah, hence they want Trump to be a dictator to rule over the US for as long as he's alive. This is their goal.

The rest of us are just heathens to be locked up.
The right wing propaganda machine is in full swing as we get closer to election day. Now, I'm seeing preachers, nuns and other religious leaders getting in line to support Trump and making statements that if Trump does not win, the Democratic led Apocalypse will soon be upon them and life as they know it will cease to exist. They are claiming that this is the time all Christians need to stand up and fight for their beliefs and make sure Trump brings America closer to God so that Jesus will be the boss, just like Trump says he will.
Exactly. It's important to keep your priorities straight.


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I am pretty well up on all that and been studying history since High School...
But I did not grasp that was where you were coming from with your turn the other cheek to explain it for me?

Well if I am or am not is not the point...if you are trying to draw a picture connect the dots...who were these assassins? What did they say under questioning etc cant make a wild claim and expect me to see whatever it is you see...make a coherent case.

Now Biden is a catholic...who killed more Jews than anyone else..catholics..who were Nazies on Sunday for generations before Hitler and what were they lectured upon re could happen point is you have not made any case and really I have no idea what to make out of what you have said...has Trump been in jail for that it?
Perhaps you could establish the dots then join them.

OK list the parrallels but please do not underestimate my grasp of key thing is folk making up stuff...if it is so damn obvious you wont have a problem explaining it in simple factual terms.
I am all ears...or eyes.
for some one into history you seem to fail to note after the peace of augsburg and the peace of westphalia germany was mostly protestant. protestantism and catholicism didn't reach anything close to parity until the anschluss.
for some one into history you seem to fail to note after the peace of augsburg and the peace of westphalia germany was mostly protestant. protestantism and catholicism didn't reach anything close to parity until the anschluss.
The point was to demonstrate throwing nonsense about is not productive ... you either see it or you don't.
Write 4u is throwing around stuff without linking and drawing conclusions...thanks for your input.ex
You cannot negotiate with a psychopathic mindset.
Their world is not compatible with a true symbiotic socioeconomic Democracy.

In a symbiotic society people may have different beliefs but compatible sympathetic philosophies. Idealism.
In a parasitic society people may have different beliefs but incompatible adversary philosophies. Realism.


Breonna Taylor: Timeline of black deaths caused by police

13 charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

False GOP advertisement prompts QAnon death threats against a Democratic Congressman

ProudBoys (in addition to prior existing far-right groups)

Lawyers say they can't find the parents of 545 migrant children separated by Trump administration

Fact Sheet: Protecting Against Voter Intimidation

Trump using COVID as ‘political propaganda to divide the nation,’ CT widow who lost husband to illness tells CNN
By Jim Shay. Updated 5:47 pm EDT, Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To name a few incidents. The list is much longer.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'
William Cummings, USA TODAY

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

IMO, when a Commander in Chief, who avoided military service because of a "bonespur" declares that soldiers who make the ultimate sacrifice and give their lives in service of the Nation, "are suckers", something is really wrong.

Throw enough mud and hope something hits the wall approach.
You made some rather vague suggestions earlier and I asked you to make a coherent case ...just thought I would remind you.

The point I am trying to make, which I really would like to keep separate from the rest of what is going on here said things that had some meaning to you which you raised apparently with the expectation that mere waffle would make your point and all I say is you need more ..but please don't try again as I am leaving this thread never to return and leave you guys to your pre election party and hope irrespective of the presidential election everyone over there remembers they are all citizens of a great country and hating your fellow countrymen for whatever reason really is not the best way forward.

You made some rather vague suggestions earlier and I asked you to make a coherent case ...just thought I would remind you.
I hope that I cleared up any vagueness with the links I provided. You want more?

p.s. I don't respond well to threats of any kind... I live in the US....., not Bedlam...:(

p.p.s. I don't hate anyone, I hate the crimes they commit, like forcing women to have unwanted pregnancies and then separating children from their parents and locking them in cages like dogs.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke (in a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer)
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