Republican resentment


Valued Senior Member
I've noticed a lot of Trump supporters flying off the handle lately. And you do have to sort of sympathize with them. They started four years ago thinking they had elected a Real Man who wasn't a politician who would drain the swamp, save the economy and Make America Great Again! And for a few years they were ecstatic; their dreams were coming true.

But then cracks started to show. People close to Trump kept going to jail. The people closest to him became his strongest critics. Leaks and accidental releases of information started to paint a picture of a petulant child who seemed to govern by what he saw on FOX News, and who attempted to rule by angry tweet. But hey, the economy was doing OK, and so as long as they could point to that, they were happy.

Then COVID-19 came along. And as the New England Journal of Medicine aptly put it, Trump took a crisis and turned it into a tragedy. Thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands died. The economy tanked. The deficit shot through the roof. Unemployment went way up.

Rather than draining the swamp, Trump has filled it with criminals, family members who use the US government to sell Chinese shoes, and pervy lawyers. He attacks US military heroes and "wishes well" to pedophiles and human traffickers. The US has become a worldwide laughing stock. We cozy up to dictators and abandon longtime allies, much to our enemies delight.

Now, two weeks before the election, once-proud Trump supporters are reduced to peddling pitiful excuses for his performance.

"You have to ignore the economy; it's not his fault! It's the Democrats. Sure, we lead the world in cases and deaths, but in terms of cases and deaths per capita, we're only in the top 10%! Yeah, Trump has secret bank accounts in China, but that's just . . . uh . . . doing business. Not like Biden, whose ties with China are not at ALL like doing business. Unemployment will get better, and like magic COVID-19 will go away."

"Obamacare? Yeah, he didn't repeal it. And he hasn't proposed a replacement. But it's really hard! And sure only 5 new miles of wall were built, and Mexico didn't pay for it, and in fact Mexico is selling sections of the wall for scrap - but at least he TRIED."

"He said he would release his taxes, and maybe he didn't, but a lot of them leaked out. So that's sort of the same thing. Right?"

"OK so he screwed up a lot of things but give him four more years and he will fix them all!"

Perhaps nothing demonstrates the lowered standards of Trump supporters better than the deafening cheering he got when he . . . was able to drink a glass of water with one hand. That's what Trump reporters have been reduced to celebrating.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden, a boring and uninspiring candidate at best and a second rate failure at worst, is polling far ahead of Trump. When he wins (which is likely) there's going to be a lot of resentment. And rather than directing their ire at the cause of the failure (Trump) Trumpies are going to focus their anger at . . . America. We've already seen Boogaloo Bois shooting cops, Qanon adherents killing people and trying to kidnap children, and "militia" members plotting to kidnap governors to "LIBERATE!" their states.

And Trump is encouraging this. He's complimented Qanon, defended people who murder protesters and told the Proud Boys to "stand by."

It's going to be a very ugly November. I hope the US survives without major damage.
I don't think it's going to be ugly. I think Trump is going to lose and we are going to start to get back to the new "normal".

The "underclass" that supports Trump has always been there. I do accept that it is getting larger than it was. We've always had the Strom Thurmonds, Jessie Helms, Mich McConnells of this world.

The current milita's aren't really Trump people, they just use Trump as an excuse. The Trump people are the "American:Love it or Leave it" kind of people. Generally bigoted, narrow-minded, and a few educated ones that just want to keep their money and are concerned what the Democrats will enact that will cost them money.

The Democrats give them some fodder with "Defund the Police" and the homeless encampment/needles common in most large (Democratic) cities.

The Mid-West and the South are the natural base for that kind of thinking. It's always been there. It's up to better candidates to sway them toward more moderate candidates.

There may be some butt hurt areas of the country in November but no one will miss the constant drama of Trump and even in the areas of the country where Trump has a majority it's still just that, a slim majority and not everyone. Even in the Mid-West and South there are large parts of the population who are Democrats, just not enough to win the elections.
Trump and his supporters are mostly cowards, they might have a wild night of getting drunk and shooting up their trailer parks when Trump loses the election, but for the most part, it will be the horror of learning what Trump has destroyed while in term.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump threatened to sue an anti-Trump super PAC for putting up billboards showing them smiling next to the US COVID-19 death toll


Awww.... tooo bad.... sooo sad.... are you suffering? " That is your problem",

Learn to live with it.
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Perhaps nothing demonstrates the lowered standards of Trump supporters better than the deafening cheering he got when he . . . was able to drink a glass of water with one hand. That's what Trump reporters have been reduced to celebrating.
I noted the low standard several months ago, when a niece of mine posted on Facebook after one of the first Covid-19 briefings. She said how proud she was of Trump, and effused over the fact that he didn't mention his re-election campaign once.
My thought was: How low do you have to set the bar in order to praise someone for not doing something that would have been totally inappropriate under the circumstances?
Trump and his supporters are mostly cowards, they might have a wild night of getting drunk and shooting up their trailer parks when Trump loses the election, but for the most part, it will be the horror of learning what Trump has destroyed while in term.
Even though I haven't been particularly kind to Trump supporters, it's never wise to under-estimate large portions of the population. Labeling people that you disagree with as "cowards" is rarely accurate.

A lot of the areas that vote for Trump do so just because they don't get much from the government in the first place (rural areas) and therefore a Democratic candidate (any candidate) who promises more social services (which mainly affects the urban areas) just means they are going to be paying more in taxes.
A lot of the areas that vote for Trump do so just because they don't get much from the government in the first place (rural areas) and therefore a Democratic candidate (any candidate) who promises more social services (which mainly affects the urban areas) just means they are going to be paying more in taxes.
Unfortunately these rural areas have this precisely backwards except for the "pie in the sky" promises made by Trump, who actually threatens to take away all the social services these areas are receiving now, like the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Social Services, so that Trump can cut more taxes for himself and his Wall Street friends.

Where are the replacement plans? Do these people not realize that if there were replacement plans, Trump would be crowing about it? He promises a great America any day now while in fact he is dismantling everything that makes America great, every day since the beginning.
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What are you guys going to do when Trump wins?

The hate you haters display is really over the top..not rational..I dont like him but I dont hate him such that I dribble in an uncontrollable manner ... I bet the dems lose because all they have offered is hate and childish behaviour..I am a socialist and frankly the current left is sadly impotent... If Hilary could not stop him why would you think Bidden has any chance...

Thanks for leaving Trump in office.

Its seems that most of you would not only execute him but torture him for a couple of days first...heck I really think most of you would have more hate for Trump than for Hitler...not rational but of course being irrational you wont see it.

When he wins who gets the blame? Him, stupid voters or the dems for doing so little during his term.

That should rev you all up a little ....

But seriously hate is useless and only helps you lose the battle...

So having pointed out unpleasant facts how many friends have I lost?


Well if you now hate me it kinda proves my point don't you are think?

What are you guys going to do when Trump wins?

The hate you haters display is really over the top..not rational..I dont like him but I dont hate him such that I dribble in an uncontrollable manner ... I bet the dems lose because all they have offered is hate and childish behaviour..I am a socialist and frankly the current left is sadly impotent... If Hilary could not stop him why would you think Bidden has any chance...

Thanks for leaving Trump in office.

Its seems that most of you would not only execute him but torture him for a couple of days first...heck I really think most of you would have more hate for Trump than for Hitler...not rational but of course being irrational you wont see it.

When he wins who gets the blame? Him, stupid voters or the dems for doing so little during his term.

That should rev you all up a little ....

But seriously hate is useless and only helps you lose the battle...

So having pointed out unpleasant facts how many friends have I lost?


Well if you now hate me it kinda proves my point don't you are think?


Most people don't "hate". Trump is a narcissist and a reality show promoter. He isn't competent for the job he holds.

If he wins then that means that a lot of people want him as President. If he doesn't it means the opposite.

Some people are more emotional than others but I doubt if many really "hate" him because I doubt that many people are filled with hate.

It's more likely that Biden will win in a landslide than not but the electoral college makes that harder to do so he may just win in a closer race. Of course it's possible that he will lose but it's not likely.
Most people don't "hate".

Nice post and above all rational.

Will we see members now posting..I dont hate Trump.

Of course it's possible that he will lose but it's not likely.

What are shares going to do is all I want to know.

The ones I watch have been edging up over the last two weeks...I wonder why...virus getting better or election won't be balance sheets thats for sure.
But seriously hate is useless and only helps you lose the battle...
What do you suggest would be an effective way to rid the nation of this scourge?
Turn the other cheek? He'll slap that too and complain you didn't turn it far enough.

I think you may be underestimating the seriousness of the problem. Election day may just be the beginning of the real nightmare.
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Nice post and above all rational.

Will we see members now posting..I dont hate Trump.

What are shares going to do is all I want to know.

The ones I watch have been edging up over the last two weeks...I wonder why...virus getting better or election won't be balance sheets thats for sure.

The historical trend of the market is up.

I'm up over 20% for the year yet I was down more than 20% early this year. There has been a lot of government stimulation so that has a big stabilizing effect. If the market is ready for a pull-back then the election can be the trigger for that no matter who wins (uncertainty) but longer term in won't matter all that much.

Covid will be better a year from now, if Biden wins there will be more stability and less drama. Short-term the markets aren't predictable (only in hindsight).
Even though I haven't been particularly kind to Trump supporters, it's never wise to under-estimate large portions of the population. Labeling people that you disagree with as "cowards" is rarely accurate.

A lot of the areas that vote for Trump do so just because they don't get much from the government in the first place (rural areas) and therefore a Democratic candidate (any candidate) who promises more social services (which mainly affects the urban areas) just means they are going to be paying more in taxes.

That's just right wing propaganda being fed to Trump supporters.
What do you suggest would be an effective way to rid the nation of this scourge?

Listen to the folk that you put down as idiots and present to them alternatives that gives recognition to who they are and the matters they feel go unaddressed by polititians... To think Trump bested professionals at this shows how lame his opposition really is... Past that we need to discuss my fee.

Turn the other cheek? He'll slap that too and complain you didn't turn it far enough.

You are not being constructive in the least.

I think you may be underestimating the seriousness of the problem.

I could be but if that means that I could be wrong then no.

The problem is the "us and them" mentality and that is everywhere..blacks, whites, capitalists, socialists christians Muslims... lots of childish groups all winging that they dont get a fair shake...any leader out there uses slurs towards the other side to cement his position..they build on hate and what you have is a country that loves to hate...just look at how common place it is..look at Pollosi with the tear up the speech childishness...its not the only thing but you have half the mob saying what she did was good...get real.....children hateful small minded children...grow up.

Election day may just be the beginning of the real nightmare.

Of course it will be..both sides have losser one accepts they lost..never their fault of course... like when Trump won...he won..put away your excuses and get behind the USA...yet half the place is still lose you go back home and work on winning next time...did the democrates do that..honestly did they?..not from what I hear.. just bitch and grizzle.

I dont give a ratz you end up with what you work for.

Heck whoever wins accept it..then try to help them not hinder them...