Reality is...

We don't hear about what I mention now but once it was told that amongst our aboriginals there was a custom of " pointing the bone".
Pointing the bone at someone caused them to die, and presumably this worked via belief.
I do believe that one's brain is capable of changing one's body chemistry. It happens all the time on a daily basis. However.........."pointing the bone" does not mean the person who points has any power to change the subject's body chemistry.

It is the symbolism in the act of pointing the bone, usually for good reason, that affects the thinking of the subject, which then in turn changes the subject's body chemistry in a detrimental way.. A form of hypnosis (mental suggestion). However, I doubt that this would work, unless the subject actually witnessed the *imposed punishment* personally, and I can't accept that sticking a pin into a rag doll to inflict pain on someone far removed (unaware) would be negatively affected.

But I did just run across this and somehow, I feel this may be tangently connected to the practice of voodoo and *curses* as an example of the subject's mirror neural system being able to *believe* the curse and thereby begins a process of biochemical self-destruction.

FADING YOUTH Young blood doesn’t kick-start nerve cell division (red cells, left image) in the hippocampus of an old mouse (second from right). And factors in old blood interfere with the process in the brain of a young mouse (second from left).

As the brain is a computer, running the body, I can visualizing implanting a slow acting mental *program virus* in the subjects brain and the subject begins to mentally self destruct. The above, shows that the chemistry of blood changes with age, which means it can change as well in younger subjects. Perhaps a little farfetched, but perhaps worthy of consideration.
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"pointing the bone" does not mean the person who points has any power to change the subject's body chemistry.
I don't offer any reason but I think it turned on belief...the pointee may starve to death for all I know.

Funny thing is I have not heard about it for over forty years, but when I was a kid it was spoken about often.
I will try a google see what that turns up.
So what is this Universe about then ?
Actually we don't have all the answers as yet.
The Universe is likely the ultimate baby making machine! ;)

The more we learn about the universe, the more we discover just how diverse all its planets, stars, nebulae and unexplained chunks of matter really are. So what is all this matter doing in our universe, other than just floating in space?

Well, it just so happens that there is a theory that gives a kind of raison d'etreto our universe and all the objects flying through it. If true, it would mean that our universe is nothing more than a black hole generator, or a means to produce as many baby universes as possible. To learn more, we spoke to the man who came up with the idea.

It's called the theory of Cosmological Natural Selection and it was conjured by Lee Smolin, a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo.

View attachment 1224
In his book, The Life of the Cosmos, Smolin proposed that Darwinian processes still apply at the extreme macro-scale and to non-biological entities. Because the universe is a potentially replicative unit, he suggests that it's subject to selectional pressures. Consequently, nearly everything the universe does is geared toward replication.
The Universe is likely the ultimate baby making machine! ;)
I look at representations of the universe showing the filamentary nature and can't help but see a similarity to a nervous system or a blood circulation system.

The galaxies have a line up and it seem the line up can be described like buttons on a string.

I find that absolutely fascinating.

It seem something makes up the string , energy or particles, but there appears to be s flow galaxy to galaxy...and this can only be the nervous system of a giant turtle and we are mere microbes probably somewhere in its gut, what we see as the expanding universe is because the turtle has just had lunch (billions of years ago in our time frame)..and you don't want to ask why we and many other galaxies seem to be moving toward the great attractor.

I look at representations of the universe showing the filamentary nature and can't help but see a similarity to a nervous system or a blood circulation system.

The galaxies have a line up and it seem the line up can be described like buttons on a string.

I find that absolutely fascinating.
Pattern recognition......understanding........empathy.

It seem something makes up the string , energy or particles, but there appears to be s flow galaxy to galaxy...and this can only be the nervous system of a giant turtle and we are mere microbes probably somewhere in its gut, what we see as the expanding universe is because the turtle has just had lunch (billions of years ago in our time frame)..and you don't want to ask why we and many other galaxies seem to be moving toward the great attractor.
It's all a matter of perspective.

I may have linked this before, but I found it an entertaining, concise and elegant lecture on the implication that patterns of any kind, in the abstract suggests the universe ultimately follows patterns, functions of mathematical equivalences (QM) and perspectives (GR).
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It's all a matter of perspective.

Yes so you agree that it is a turtle?

The universe is just as funny as a cat.

But even your view re maths is a perspective I say with the greatest of respect to your position.

Humans understand and express their understanding by maths but the Universe may not been aware of our math but does what it does ruled by something we have yet to discover.

But from our perspective it would seem math rules.

I like finding patterns.

You can play guitar when you realise it is all about patterns.
But that is another story.

I am having second thoughts about the turtle I was just trying to save a very old model of cosmology..

Here is another excerpt from my friend. This ones got sensibilities through in.

The atheist/ theist conflict would never be resolved until an individual (e.g. Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, etc) steps out of the illusory Matrix in which mortality and fatality appear factual and guides humanity towards reality, namely the one of God (that universal intelligence or Alpha and Omega in which everything is fulfilled therein). "For just as through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous." - Romans 5:19. The atheist falls prey to a type of logic which resides in the illusory Matrix within reality and thus assumes all is physical. The theist keeps an open mind but still falls prey to the very same logic within the illusory Matrix and cannot prove whether or not their belief in spiritual reality is correct, hence the never ending conflict between the former and latter. It becomes apparent that the world is in need of a genius capable of delivering mankind from delusion. The metaphysical contains the physical, the abstract contains the concrete, spirit contains matter, otherwise the greatest minds would have nothing to study and develop. Therefore evolution would fail to be achieved.
The theist keeps an open mind
No no no.
If there is one thing that stands out about any theist it is that they do not keep an open mind.
The metaphysical contains the physical, the abstract contains the concrete, spirit contains matter, otherwise the greatest minds would have nothing to study and develop. Therefore evolution would fail to be achieved.
Deepity: n. an idea or statement that seems to be profound but actually isn't.

The atheist/ theist conflict would never be resolved until an individual ... guides humanity towards reality, namely the one of God .
In other words, the conflict will never be resolved until you guys all admit I'm right and you're wrong.

In other words, business as usual for the theist. ;)