Albert Fils-Aime The infinities symbolize the endless extent of self-awareness on top of itself to form an operator with ultimate self-creative capacity. And the paraentheses denote exactly what we're talking about. Also, the syntactic covering symbols designate dual self-containment between the items and the rest of the formulations.
Albert Fils-Aime Thank you for your responses, I appreciate them. I have to say that relating self-awareness to physically actualized energy and information is useful. But please make sure to employ the highest of generalities in metalogical argumentation, lest one's reasoning is riddled with paradox, which I honestly can say is difficult. However, there's a way to start off. And that is to strip away all constraints rested upon your view of reality, all the way up to self-containment, and then deduce constraints from thereon out. I would start off with understanding self-determinism's relationship to dual self-containment relations and complexities therewith, and why reality is composed of self-containment relations in the first place.
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So reality, along with itself, is nested within itself, and therefore exists as the prime reason for its existence. Hence, the primary syntactic operator. These self-deterministic arrows symbolize the dual aspects of a perfectly self-contained, self-actualizing reality.