

Dr. Watson

The systemic necessity for harmony forces the retraining of the human mind to deny its intuitions and its discriminating role, in the service of the organism.

In essence all that differentiates must be re-educated out of the human mind or made into an immoral belief the mind should feel ashamed of.

Whereas sensual information is used daily by the human mind to differentiate and judge, so as to more efficiently guide the energies of the organism, this judging and differentiation becomes detrimental to social cohesion of millions and billions.

Uniformity must be promoted as an ideal and be maintained using duplicity and censoring.

Selective reasoning is employed and the brain is trained to use different standards for judging phenomena.

The underlying belief promoted as a stabilizing excuse is that of duality.

The mind is other than the body and appearances are superficial and have nothing to do with the spirit or the 'oneness' of existence.
This belief must be defended even against philosophical insights and scientific evaluation - even though science is mostly censored and controlled using other methods.

Based on this erroneous duality gender, race or anything that appears different but is required to be considered the same, is made uniform.
Or: 'racist 80-year-old strays into unfamiliar territory and subsequent deep water' shocker. That old, old story of experts in a particular field imagining that they're experts in all the others. :rolleyes:

Welcome back.

Going for the big one, then?
Oh I see, and Watson's great scientific argument is, "have you ever employed one of these people?". He thinks the genetic differences that account for intelligence will be found within the next decade, meaning that he has no proof of his retarted claim.
Or: 'racist 80-year-old strays into unfamiliar territory and subsequent deep water' shocker. That old, old story of experts in a particular field imagining that they're experts in all the others.

Welcome back.

Going for the big one, then?
Going out with a bang!:wtf:

This has nothing to do with experts.

Experts are communally sanctioned thinkers keeping within the lines of political-correctness and culturally necessary myths.

Can an intelligent mind offer its honest opinions on topics that interest it?
Wow. The level has really taken a nosedive since my last banishment.

I almost feel grateful for my impending permanent expulsion.

I'm almost addicted to playing with the stupidity found in this place. :poke:I need soemthing to lock the doors and go cold-turkey.
Why upset the social cohesion we have already acheived with an unsubstantiated conjecture on the part of a possibly senile and probably biased old man? My grandfather thought the same thing, with just as much proof (or lack of it).
Why upset the social cohesion we have already acheived with an unsubstantiated conjecture on the part of a possibly senile and probably biased old man? My grandfather thought the same thing, with just as much proof (or lack of it).

Why upset the social cohesion we have already acheived with an unsubstantiated conjecture on the part of a possibly senile and probably biased old man? My grandfather thought the same thing, with just as much proof (or lack of it).
The cry of the sheep is always for the herd's unity.

It is what it hopes will keep the wolves at bay.

And yes a senile 80 year old genius is still head and shoulders above you in intellect.
He's senile?
And you are...what...healthy?

So far you haven't stated anything in opposition but only made a statement exposing your need to retain the status quo; a statement of need does not make for fact.
Why upset the social cohesion we have already acheived with an unsubstantiated conjecture on the part of a possibly senile and probably biased old man? My grandfather thought the same thing, with just as much proof (or lack of it).
Doh. This isn't about Watson, stupid. I know it mentions Watson at the top of the page, but this isn't about Watson.

This is about you, me and all the other sheeple who are unable to express ourselves outside of the well-established, permitted conventions, despite the anxious cries our inner voices, warning us vulnerable white males about da niggaz and da bitches!
The cry of the sheep is always for the herd's unity.

It is what it hopes will keep the wolves at bay.

And yes a senile 80 year old genius is still head and shoulders above you in intellect.
He's senile?
And you are...what...healthy?

So far you haven't stated anything in opposition but only made a statement exposing your need to retain the status quo; a statement of need does not make for fact.

Watson offered no facts to analyze.
Watson offered no facts to analyze.

Something he later admitted.

Last night, at a book launch at the Royal Society, Dr Watson withdrew the words attributed to him. “To all those who have drawn the inference from my words that Africa, as a continent, is somehow genetically inferior, I can only apologise unreservedly,” he said.

“That is not what I meant. More importantly, there is no scientific basis for such a belief.”

He claimed to be baffled at the words attributed to him by The Sunday Times Magazine. “I cannot understand how I could have said what I am quoted as having said. I can certainly understand why people reading those words have reacted in the ways they have,” he added.
Talk about "sheeple". As soon as he sees the public reaction to his comments and with speaking tours and a book to be promoted, he admits he had no proof at all for his comments. But at least he is back in the media. As they say, bad publicity is still publicity.
Talk about "sheeple". As soon as he sees the public reaction to his comments and with speaking tours and a book to be promoted, he admits he had no proof at all for his comments. But at least he is back in the media. As they say, bad publicity is still publicity.


All the white liberals sigh with relief and look their <deleted racist phrase> in the eye again.
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All the white liberals sigh with relief and look their house niggers in the eye again.

You mean they did before?

The man made a comment that had absolutely no basis in science. It may have been a ploy to stir up interest in his new book or he let slip that he is indeed a real racist. What is amusing however is that he pandered to the media to stir up interest in his new book and you all fell for it.

That he was wrong and admitted it himself afterwards has no bearing on the racists who held up his words like it was a religious mantra. I wonder who looks like the bigger fool at the end? Watson for saying it and then admitting he had no proof whatsoever, that it has no scientific basis and that he was, in fact, wrong. Or racist supremacists, who have been yapping like excited lap dogs but have yet to realise that he was in fact pulling it out of his wrinkled backside.
Why upset the social cohesion we have already acheived .....

....LOL! Now THAT'S funny, Spider! :D

When in hell has there ever been "social cohesion" in any racially and/or culturally integrated society on Earth? Or is that what you've been taught to say? ...LOL!

Baron Max