Purpose of the universe and our existence..

“ or is this game between good and evil in which we , Humans , are caught in the middle , we are the pawns ”

The only high drama of our existence, from god's perspective, is that we are temporarily habituated to nonsense. Material existence deals with that issue effectively.

you didn't answer my quote
“ Originally Posted by thinking
that this god puts himself first above Humanity

I'm not sure what you mean here.

Do you mean that a constitutional great divide exists between god and the living entity in terms of quantity and potency?


that god punishes those that don't follow his advice

Eve and Adam for example

Eve took the bite of the apple of knowledge and then god condemed all of Humanity for it , sounds like a Human reaction , an immature , controlling attitude , than a god

that god punishes those that don't follow his advice

Eve and Adam for example

Eve took the bite of the apple of knowledge and then god condemed all of Humanity for it , sounds like a Human reaction , an immature , controlling attitude , than a god
So its not so much that we have a god that punishes but that we have a god that is out to lunch on ethics (or the application of punishment)?

Personally I have never really accepted the adam and eve story on face value... and IMHO is exemplary of the plethora of text critical issues that surround the bible.
“ Originally Posted by thinking

that god punishes those that don't follow his advice

Eve and Adam for example

Eve took the bite of the apple of knowledge and then god condemed all of Humanity for it , sounds like a Human reaction , an immature , controlling attitude , than a god

So its not so much that we have a god that punishes but that we have a god that is out to lunch on ethics (or the application of punishment)?

from the begining

Personally I have never really accepted the adam and eve story on face value... and IMHO is exemplary of the plethora of text critical issues that surround the bible.

of course not , no surprise
Then why not use the same methodology in dealing with your wife?

I did.
My point in that example was that values can (and do) arise when it could come into conflict with what one is attempting to accomplish.

And you're not?

Not at all.
From the beginning, when I made use of the term "value" I was always making use of it in the classical philosophical sense.

Actually the question was whether the values we assign things exist within a greater context of purpose - IOW whether "we" is the final last word in purpose in the universe.

You equated that it was rational not to think so.
I suggested that this was your values speaking, since the argument that there is a designer works out of premises that are mot necessarily disharmonious with values of rationality, detachment, etc but certainly disharmonious with an atheist viewpoint.

And I maintain that it is irrational.
To support anything beyond "we" is irrational, and has nothing whatsoever to do with any value set, regardless of what you'd like to think. While a non-atheist POV may not necessarily be incongruent with rationality in general, when faced with a more efficient POV lacking such an entity as a designer, Ockham's reigns.

Given the reserves of energy a person usually invests in their values, its the the impasse of most discussions that involve a conflict of values

I would agree with this.
Nonetheless, that's not the topic here either. We've gone too far astray.

and do competitions take place in an environment with an established consensus?


hence there is another element at work "as words gain public usage".
Before a person lodges a vote, there is usually some sort of discussion of the values of it (except in instances of donkey voting).

I would completely disagree.
The relative value (in your hyper-extended sense of the term..) only becomes fixed once it has achieved consensus.

(Again, way offtopic here... but certainly an interesting line of thought in its own right..)

The purpose of anything can be determined by the qualities it possesses.

How very Platonic....
And thus.. right into the old ontology of qualia problem...

Similarly, taking the tact that it is irrational to assign purpose to the universe based on human experience says nothing about the purpose of an entity who's jurisdiction of prowess involves the creation,maintenance and annhilation of the universe.

Yet interestingly, moot. We have no reason whatsoever to support the notion of such an entity.

even in terms of mundane thinking, human purpose is frequently turned on its head. Such is the nature of being forced to operate in a system that places obstacles in implementing one's will.

I fully agree.
But to thereby propose that those obstacles are in some way an antagonist is, again, unreasonable.


You seem insistent that 'value' (even in your odd definition) is a pervasive element of experience. I'm fine with that, and do not disagree with that. Unlike you however, I cannot support the notion that it is a necessary element of experience. Regardless of this question of scope and efficacy, what I cannot agree with you on, in any way whatsoever, is your insistence that it is somehow reasonable to claim anything whatsoever beyond our particular realm of experience. All "value", or "purpose" I have ever known, is nothing but that invoked by a human mind.

It is this that ultimately causes the two of us to constantly find tension, regardless of the topic. Feel free to say that this is due to some 'value' of mine, call it reason, or logic,or what you will. In any case, all I can say is that there is no 'value' that I hold to, that could possibly cause me to see the utility in anything that is necessarily defined as being outside the scope of human experience. To me, that would be the height of folly.
I did.
My point in that example was that values can (and do) arise when it could come into conflict with what one is attempting to accomplish.
hence we choose different values in accordance with our objectives

Not at all.
From the beginning, when I made use of the term "value" I was always making use of it in the classical philosophical sense.
there is no overarching classical philosophical sense of being active bereft of value (although you could spout a few mechanistic flavours that like to consider themselves there)

And I maintain that it is irrational.
To support anything beyond "we" is irrational, and has nothing whatsoever to do with any value set, regardless of what you'd like to think.
Given that the atheistic mindset prohibits such a venture, it only becomes irrational when one keeps such values to the fore.

I mean, do you suppose that an atheist could sincerely apply themselves to a theistic practice (a theistic practice capable of establishing something of god's nature) or do you think that it requires an ideological crisis to be surmounted?

While a non-atheist POV may not necessarily be incongruent with rationality in general, when faced with a more efficient POV lacking such an entity as a designer, Ockham's reigns.
Once again, the moment you start talking about a POV being more efficient (because it doesn't have a designer) is the moment, once again, when your values have taken the floor.

I always thought that competition was the process that established a consensus ...

How very Platonic....
And thus.. right into the old ontology of qualia problem...
trying to utilize the sharp edges of a microphone to cut a potato also poses problems

Yet interestingly, moot. We have no reason whatsoever to support the notion of such an entity.
so your values dictate ...

IOW comfort in a universe perceived to be godless is probably not the best location for an investigation of the claim.

I fully agree.
But to thereby propose that those obstacles are in some way an antagonist is, again, unreasonable.
well yes, if you don't perceive any overarching direction of the universe it would be rational to interpret such reversals as arising from chance.

You seem insistent that 'value' (even in your odd definition) is a pervasive element of experience. I'm fine with that, and do not disagree with that. Unlike you however, I cannot support the notion that it is a necessary element of experience. Regardless of this question of scope and efficacy, what I cannot agree with you on, in any way whatsoever, is your insistence that it is somehow reasonable to claim anything whatsoever beyond our particular realm of experience. All "value", or "purpose" I have ever known, is nothing but that invoked by a human mind.
Its not so much beyond our realm of experience, but beyond the realm of experience of persons who neglect the requirements. Kind of like just because deep sea diving is beyond the realm of experience of persons who don't use deep sea diving suits says nothing about the experiences of persons who do.

And furthermore, the reason why some people take advantage of theistic processes and others don't is one of values.
It is this that ultimately causes the two of us to constantly find tension, regardless of the topic. Feel free to say that this is due to some 'value' of mine, call it reason, or logic,or what you will.
as mentioned numerous times already, logic and reason are completely subservient to the values and experiences it departs from. Hence you can have two people offering rational viewpoints that are both diametrically opposed since they both have different experiences and values.

That's why the real topic of discussion is which values or experiences are more encompassing than others.

In any case, all I can say is that there is no 'value' that I hold to, that could possibly cause me to see the utility in anything that is necessarily defined as being outside the scope of human experience. To me, that would be the height of folly.
sure there is.

A mechanistic view point is underpinned by a host of values that make venturing into such an area extremely problematic and difficult.
hence we choose different values in accordance with our objectives

Or, we do our best to eliminate them.

there is no overarching classical philosophical sense of being active bereft of value (although you could spout a few mechanistic flavours that like to consider themselves there)

I never said there was. What I said was that there is a standard usage of the term "value" within philosophy (that differs vastly form yours..).

Given that the atheistic mindset prohibits such a venture, it only becomes irrational when one keeps such values to the fore.


I mean, do you suppose that an atheist could sincerely apply themselves to a theistic practice (a theistic practice capable of establishing something of god's nature) or do you think that it requires an ideological crisis to be surmounted?

Sincerely? No. (though I would argue that even theists cannot "sincerely" apply themselves to such practice...)
However, anyone, regardless of ideology, can in principle entertain the idea, so as to explore it.

Once again, the moment you start talking about a POV being more efficient (because it doesn't have a designer) is the moment, once again, when your values have taken the floor.

Nope; more equivocation.
I don't regard a methodology as being 'value-laden'.

I always thought that competition was the process that established a consensus ...

It is. Within and amongst a context of constant competition.

so your values dictate ...


Its not so much beyond our realm of experience, but beyond the realm of experience of persons who neglect the requirements. Kind of like just because deep sea diving is beyond the realm of experience of persons who don't use deep sea diving suits says nothing about the experiences of persons who do.

I disagree. One need not dive to know what it is like.

as mentioned numerous times already, logic and reason are completely subservient to the values and experiences it departs from. Hence you can have two people offering rational viewpoints that are both diametrically opposed since they both have different experiences and values.

As I've said, I agree with this. However, just because one begins from a value doesn't mean that this value 'cascades' through the process. More often than not, the value is used to establish the objective, and from there it is left inert.

That's why the real topic of discussion is which values or experiences are more encompassing than others.

I fail to see how this relates to the concept of purpose.

sure there is.

A mechanistic view point is underpinned by a host of values that make venturing into such an area extremely problematic and difficult.

And yet, so much more fruitful than any competing POV....
Mod Hat,

This thread has become destabilized.

There have been a number of posters (myself included) who have gone off on tangents that have yet to return to the topic at hand. A number of these tangents in and of themselves are interesting, and worthy perhaps of threads in their own right.

For those of you who would like to pursue any of these investigations, please do feel free to start a new thread. With respect to this thread however, I kindly implore everyone to do your best to keep to the topic. Feel free to follow lines of thought that go askew, but do remember to bring it back on topic, or at the very least, note their relevance and/or significance to the topic at hand.

Thanks all.
I think as far as I would stretch the OP is to say maybe some other intelligent beings have a purpose for us, and maybe they will show us one day (maybe 2012 :-O ) But I still won't give a **** because my own purpose is far more important.
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Do you believe that there exists an ultimate purpose for the universe and our existance,and that purpose shall one day be revealed to us?


we are alive

we can choose

how that works and what it means is what 'understanding' is purely about

ie.... 'what makes me alive and why?" most everything else is practically irrelevant, when observing 'what knowledge is for'

think of 'your' purpose as 'to continue' (life; purposed to continue)

think of the evolution of knowledge and progressing towards understanding

think of the total of mankinds knowledge (learned ideas; recorded and transcending) as 'existence' could be 'defining itself'

like rocks trying to figure out how to make more rocks;

pretty basic
As has been pointed out every time you make this statement, it is incorrect.
Life is not "purposed" to continue.

tap the surface of a pond, does the wave continue?

can you stop it from existing once started?

does the instinct of most any life, in all history, share the same 'intent' (to continue)?

the problem is, you just using antiquated understanding to retain your bias within ignorance (and by choice; your own intent)

it seems you have nothing but others opinions to harass with, as you never since day one, have been able to discount that argument YET, with comprehensible debate.

i claim, life once started will continue by it's own intent (purposeD to continue)

mirror it to the idea of entropy (intent to equilibrate) but in reality the opposite is true:

life: purposed to continue

ie.... autonomous (the first breath)

D, your problem is you do not comprehend how life exists upon mass

been the same problem since i came here; you ignorant of life

so no wonder you have no idea of purpose, what purpose is, or why the heck you even wake up in the morning.
i claim, life once started will continue by it's own intent (purposeD to continue)

mirror it to the idea of entropy (intent to equilibrate) but in reality the opposite is true:

life: purposed to continue

ie.... autonomous (the first breath)

D, your problem is you do not comprehend how life exists upon mass

been the same problem since i came here; you ignorant of life

so no wonder you have no idea of purpose, what purpose is, or why the heck you even wake up in the morning.
It sounds to me like you're confusing purpose with function. Purpose implies intent which implies intelligence, neither of which are required for life. What life does is propagate itself but this does not mean there is any intention or intelligence behind the function anymore than there is intent in a ripple moving across the surface of a pond or a fire burning across of field. Life is merely a complicated chemical reaction.

That being said, some forms of life have a lesser or greater ability for self determination. In which case these beings can have purpose.
