Purpose of the universe and our existence..

You get offended because it's true.
So you missed the word "attempted". I'm not offended, I'm amused by your assumptions.

I am not a little boy, I am 21 years old, however you can call me a young adult/adult.
Then I suggest you stop acting like a little boy and address the points rather than throw a tantrum every time you fail to back up your assertions.
I'll address you as an adult when you perform like one.
Do you believe that there exists an ultimate purpose for the universe and our existance,and that purpose shall one day be revealed to us?

REPLY: Perhaps our purpose is to create Artificial Intelligence. Truly godlike entities that will either help us solve our problems or put us out of our misery for ever, annililate us. Who knows, and many of us may live to see the POST HUMAN ERA. ...TRAVELER
There's many theories (but of course Christians don't have theory, they have truth). Many Buddhists, Hindus, and Native Americans would agree that the purpose of mankind is to ascend in spirituality into a state of "Enlightenment" achieved through meditation, contemplation, concentration, dedication to a god/goddess, and leading a spiritual life. I would like to agree with this, save the fact that the Messiah guaranteed Heaven to the righteous and a burning lake of fire located somewhere in the abyssal realm of the netherworld for the wicked.

Humanists would say, of course, that their own power would guarantee them positive vibrations and some type of peace here on earth and possibly a peace afterwards. Same thing for New Age guys.

Whichever you believe, one thing's for sure: technology is the enemy of mankind, viz. artificial intelligence, nuclear warfare, microchipping, cyborg humans, cloning and human hybridization, and human mutations.
There's many theories (but of course Christians don't have theory, they have truth).
Please learn the difference between claiming to have the truth and actually having it.

Whichever you believe, one thing's for sure: technology is the enemy of mankind, viz. artificial intelligence, nuclear warfare, microchipping, cyborg humans, cloning and human hybridization, and human mutations.
More nonsense.
Technology is a tool of mankind: it's the uses we ourselves put it to that make it dangerous or not.