Psychosis ~What is it?

Metakron, don't you get bored repeating the same thing over and over again?

Do you have a sort of Word doc file that you just simply copy and paste from? Or are all your repeats originals?

Do you have anytihing more to say other than what you have been repeatedly saying in this thread?

I am not saying that you should stop posting. Not at all. Though obviously I see no point reading the same thing over and over again....
Quantum Quack said:
Metakron, don't you get bored repeating the same thing over and over again?

Do you have a sort of Word doc file that you just simply copy and paste from? Or are all your repeats originals?

Do you have anytihing more to say other than what you have been repeatedly saying in this thread?

I am not saying that you should stop posting. Not at all. Though obviously I see no point reading the same thing over and over again....
QQ, what you are seeing in all this repetition is a snippet of how he runs his life. Apparently it, too, has been nothing but repeating the same complaints over and over and over again.

While in the beginning it's true that his problems started externally (not his fault) that was no longer true for a very long time. He's just fallen in the rut of blaming everyone else for his troubles. It's nothing but a crutch to keep from acknowledging that he actually needs to make some effort himself in order to improve his life. It's far, far easier to do what he's doing - just present himself as the perpetual victim of the whole world - and do nothing about it.

Naturally, he will deny all of this. But the evidence of it is plainly in front of everyone.
Naturally, he will deny all of this. But the evidence of it is plainly in front of everyone.
:D Light... Dude, I have already presented the evidence eariler, man. No duhhhh right.

Of course that doesn't matter: What your saying does not come through to him---even if it is the truth. It simply doesn't matter what your saying. That's all. It is truth and I have tried to present it. It is truth that he won't acknowledge what we say to him. All you guys say bad about him is useless. I have said the same thing>>> point: he is an irrelevency; he doesn't acknowledge.

What we say about him is true, but he won't acknowledge. ....
Quantum Quack said:
Metakron, don't you get bored repeating the same thing over and over again?

Do you have a sort of Word doc file that you just simply copy and paste from? Or are all your repeats originals?

Do you have anytihing more to say other than what you have been repeatedly saying in this thread?

I am not saying that you should stop posting. Not at all. Though obviously I see no point reading the same thing over and over again....

Why should I read your lack of understanding over and over again?

You are useless to me because you just aren't listening. The only thing that I need from you is that you understand the nature of the problem and stop trying to wish it away without taking responsibility for acting on correct information.

You can't understand the one very vital flaw in your philosophy. Even if the wounding can be healed doing so drains human energy and potential, and a lot of the person's life is wasted. It's a lot like shooting an enemy soldier to wound because it takes at least two others to carry him to medical evac. Somewhere along the way we had better find a way to stop so many from being wounded. The ones who do it are almost never stopped within the first 20 or so years of doing it, and they can do it to an endless number of people.

If you actually care you need to get your head out of your ass, QQ. Until you do you've got no call to lord it over me.
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Somewhere along the way we had better find a way to stop so many from being wounded. The ones who do it are almost never stopped within the first 20 or so years of doing it, and they can do it to an endless number of people.

so whats the solution Metakron?
We know the problem, in fact we have known it for ages, all we need is a solution, any ideas?
Well Metakron I fail to see how gettnig an education would help. If you can't find a solution , no one can...
well, A 'solution' might involve people not trying to 'save' people----ie., pressure them to 'get well'

as far as i am aware, me and MetKron were communicating, and then you QQ, and that Light, barge in and begin layin into MEtaKron agin. educate yourSELF about THAT. take responsibility fo YOUR actions and not scapegoat people. that's a start dont you think?
Quantum Quack said:
Well Metakron I fail to see how gettnig an education would help. If you can't find a solution , no one can...

Education IS the solution. If you want to offer help and be credible, work on knowing the basics. Have you ever believed that you could perform any sort of task without at least knowing what you're supposed to be doing? People who want to "treat" the ill mental health of someone else seem to make a religion of doing just that, going in without knowing what they are doing, setting themselves up as the experts, and dominating the patient without actually doing anything useful.
Quantum Quack said:
so......what now?
so what now?
understand through your OWN research that the mental illness scam is a myth

that's first

then you want to speakout aboutnit, and allowpeople who come up against temental health movemnt to have informed consent, rather than as isnthenorm, UNinformed consent

THE te power is in teir hands whether having been told they can either take the 'meds' or not....tis is the attitude for poeple represented here at where tey do not condemn pople for taking 'medication' if they choose to do so, but tey also encourage and actually confrint the mental health movement abouut their myth....even such dramatic protests as hungerstrikes!

meanwhile there has to a RADCIAl change throughout society as to how te individual is understood

dosn'tmatter hpw 'little' you do, it all adds up. but if you atick with te mental illness myth you stick with it and cause further confusion.
duendy said:
so what now?
understand through your OWN research that the mental illness scam is a myth

that's first

then you want to speakout aboutnit, and allowpeople who come up against temental health movemnt to have informed consent, rather than as isnthenorm, UNinformed consent

THE te power is in teir hands whether having been told they can either take the 'meds' or not....tis is the attitude for poeple represented here at where tey do not condemn pople for taking 'medication' if they choose to do so, but tey also encourage and actually confrint the mental health movement abouut their myth....even such dramatic protests as hungerstrikes!

meanwhile there has to a RADCIAl change throughout society as to how te individual is understood

dosn'tmatter hpw 'little' you do, it all adds up. but if you atick with te mental illness myth you stick with it and cause further confusion.
ANd thats Why Your Here Duendy :) Keep us in Perspective :) that's what I like about you
OH wow.. Ok Duendy... You make a lot more sense Now after reading that web site. hhmm... Makes you think ;) but.. It lacks "solution"
Quantum Quack said:
so......what now?

So find out what you are doing. Take charge of what you know and don't let the psychobabble tell you what is what. Find out about petty tyrants, what they do to people, and the way they talk around the truth.

This stuff is really real. Face it.