Psychic predictions of Trump

Let's start with the granddaddy of them all-- Nostradamus.

Is there nothing worse for an empowered narcissist than being yet another particular, empirical realization of a constantly recurring archetype or motif in human history, society, thought, or invention? A shock, at least, from the standpoint of being so susceptible to falling under a non-unique categorical slot or type as the rest of us mundane folk.

He refers to a leader called "the great shameless audacious brawler"..and "the false TRUMPet concealing madness"..

Yep, and there is why the commonality of the aforementioned actually wouldn't affect Trump. In terms of mannerisms, he's cut from the crudest ranks of the proletariat. Rather than that (classic / cliche) affluent or upper class "snob-elite" template.
Let's start with the granddaddy of them all-- Nostradamus. He refers to a leader called "the great shameless audacious brawler"..and "the false TRUMPet concealing madness"..
Two things.
First Nostradamus has never predicted anything. His vague musing as are always applied to events after they happen - no predictions, just postdictions.
Secondly the verse you quote says:"the false TRUMPet concealing madness".., his madness was not concealed - it was there for all to see.
Two things.
First Nostradamus has never predicted anything. His vague musing as are always applied to events after they happen - no predictions, just postdictions.
Secondly the verse you quote says:"the false TRUMPet concealing madness".., his madness was not concealed - it was there for all to see.

“The blood of the just will be demanded of London,
Burnt by the fire in the year 66″

“The blood of the just will commit a fault at London,
burnt through lighting of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
several of the same sect will be killed.”

The Great Fire of London was a major conflagration that swept through the central parts of the English city of London, from Sunday, 2 September to Wednesday, 5 September 1666. The fire gutted the medieval City of London inside the old Roman City Wall. It threatened, but did not reach, the aristocratic district of Westminster, Charles II’s Palace of Whitehall, and most of the suburban slums. It consumed 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and most of the buildings of the City authorities. It is estimated that it destroyed the homes of 70,000 of the City’s 80,000 inhabitants.

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What is the value of the ramblings folk call prophesy.
If these fool have the power to see and relate the future could they not be specific.
Hold on... I have had a vision of the future.. this is amazing and when it comes to pass you can call me a greater man than nostradumbass...
Here goes...

When the Sun sets in the saucer of milk the cat will sing to the cuckoo clock...

I heard this when I was a teenager, so unfortunately these wise words are not mine.

But at parties I would say it to a young lady and keep a straight face.
Whilst they were trying to be polite I would then say...

Well that is very symbolic of our current world, you see the cat represents the higher strata of our society, and clearly the saucer of cream is symbolic of the wealth and boundaries of wealth with in the world. The sun setting is obviously very clear meaning the end of the era where the elite hold the wealth and so the elite plead to the masses as represented by the cuckoo clock and here we can only presume there pleas are for their lives... What do you think.

Well guess what they all proceeded to analyse the words ever more deeply.

What does it prove? Keep a straight face and folk will make furniture out of dog droppings.

Why do folk get titilated by prophesy nonsence.

"Uversa Oumbajuah, a 51-year-old psychic based in Manhattan’s Union Square Park, told us she has foreseen Trump becoming President of the United States this November.

“Oh my god, it looks like it may be Trump,” said Uversa after consulting her tarot cards.


Uversa Oumbajuah

While she predicts the vote will be very close, Uversa has foretold that surprising evidence from the Clinton Foundation will emerge before Election Day, which will compromise Hillary’s campaign and help Trump win.

After shuffling and drawing a few cards, Uversa added: “There will be concern if Hillary can actually take care of that responsibility. There will be some information that could come up that would change America’s mind of how honest she is, because of the Clinton Foundation.”

According to the Mother of the Park, as she refers to herself, these shocking new revelations will tumble out through Hillary’s emails in the next two weeks: “They’re going to dig up some information of the whole saga and make her look like she hasn’t been honest which will give [Trump] an edge.”

However, before Trump’s first term is over, she has a prophesized a future where Trump is assassinated.

“They’re going to assassinate him,” exclaimed Uversa. “He has a lot of enemies so he had better be careful while he travels. I see a lot of attempts to be made on his life. [The assassination] may be by a drug lord who was murdered because of [Trump] or his team, or someone overseas.”

Following Trump’s predicted assassination, Uversa sees Mike Pence taking over in office and the threat of America becoming a “third world country if we are not serious about really competing with the Yin.”--------
However, before Trump’s first term is over, she has a prophesized a future where Trump is assassinated.
Where is this going to happen, the date and time of day.
What is the name of the murderer how is it carried out.
Without specifics of what use is the tarot card?
I do recall my tarot card reading mate saying it causes folk to address issues they may have been putting off but mother of the park seems to be seeking attention.
It would also seem that such a reading could only be done for Mr Trump.
Anyways thanks for posting MR.
It is interesting to see the different folk out there and how they make a quid.
She is not psychic, she is just a very experienced and good reader. Very few people are actually psychic. But tarot cards are real but it also depends on the intelligence of the reader to interpret it correctly. I don't want to get into an argument about it. But it goes to show for those who know, that all info and any event that has taken place in somehow retrievable as well as the future. I don't even believe in past lives and it shows answers to that as well. Many have tried to answer how these divinations work, it's fascinating from a literal point of view and opens up a whole lot of questions as to what we think is possible from past lives to the idea of time past/present/future, where is this information coming from and how is it retrievable like this as if its just in the ether. It can literally answer any question at all, but of course you have to understand how the symbolisms work in relation.
Very few people are actually psychic.
If by "Very few" you mean "none" then I agree.
But tarot cards are real...
Well, they physically exist, so in that regard they are real, yes.
...but it also depends on the intelligence of the reader to interpret it correctly.
Or the gullibility of the person listening?
I don't want to get into an argument about it.
So we're to take your assertions of the truth of psychic's ability and of tarot cards as being the final word? Huh. Guess a discussion board is really just for making unsubstantiated claims and then refusing to support your claims. Who'd have thought it!
But it goes to show for those who know, that all info and any event that has taken place in somehow retrievable as well as the future.
Well, history books are a reasonable place to start about what happened in the past, as is evidence from the actual past.
From the future? Well, there you're just going to have to support your assertion before it gets taken seriously. This may be the woowoo section of this forum but some people do still like to adhere to standards. Do you?
I don't even believe in past lives and it shows answers to that as well.
It does? Are you saying that you don't believe while showing it to be true? In which case you are admitting you're delusional?? Personally I don't believe in past lives and I don't think this shows any answers to it. But that's just me.
Many have tried to answer how these divinations work,...
And under robust scientific scrutiny it has always shown not to work any better than guesswork.'s fascinating from a literal point of view and opens up a whole lot of questions as to what we think is possible from past lives to the idea of time past/present/future, where is this information coming from and how is it retrievable like this as if its just in the ether.
So many unsupported assumptions in this that, well, I'm not even going to start dissecting it. My comments above should just about cover it.
It can literally answer any question at all,...
Heck, I can answer every single question ever posed. The trick is not in the question being answered but in the answer being correct.
...but of course you have to understand how the symbolisms work in relation.
Of course you do: whichever way gives the right answer after the fact is the way it is supposed to be interpreted. Or one should interpret events only so as to fit them into what they have previously been told.
If by "Very few" you mean "none" then I agree.
Well, they physically exist, so in that regard they are real, yes.
Or the gullibility of the person listening?
So we're to take your assertions of the truth of psychic's ability and of tarot cards as being the final word? Huh. Guess a discussion board is really just for making unsubstantiated claims and then refusing to support your claims. Who'd have thought it!
Well, history books are a reasonable place to start about what happened in the past, as is evidence from the actual past.
From the future? Well, there you're just going to have to support your assertion before it gets taken seriously. This may be the woowoo section of this forum but some people do still like to adhere to standards. Do you?
It does? Are you saying that you don't believe while showing it to be true? In which case you are admitting you're delusional?? Personally I don't believe in past lives and I don't think this shows any answers to it. But that's just me.
And under robust scientific scrutiny it has always shown not to work any better than guesswork.
So many unsupported assumptions in this that, well, I'm not even going to start dissecting it. My comments above should just about cover it.
Heck, I can answer every single question ever posed. The trick is not in the question being answered but in the answer being correct.
Of course you do: whichever way gives the right answer after the fact is the way it is supposed to be interpreted. Or one should interpret events only so as to fit them into what they have previously been told.

This makes me laugh because you are so sure but its not true. A lot of things are true without scientific evidence. Now you have to figure out why they do and it falls outside of those parameters. In other words, cant see the forest for the trees.
But i know they work. Have you tried a reading? I dare you to. I really do. This scientific scrutiny i dont believe. I need to know what the qualifiers were. Of course it cant answer specific questions such as name or number of street, lottery numbers etc. But it can show, for example, eight of wands is representative of rapid communication or email in certain context. Its how the cards lay out in context.

What can i say? They work but no one yet knows how literally/scientifically.

For instance, three times in a row the cards showed the sun card next to ace of wands in a three card reading which is the classic indicator of a male child. I didnt believe it either but it was correct and the pregnancy was true. There are other types of predictions or knowledge it can show unexplainably. In looking back in hindsight, i did have an intuition and what i noticed is as if there was an energy coming off of them to tell you to take notice etc. The vibe was different is the best way i can explain it. Especially when the same cards come up repeatedly to relay an important message etc. Its esoteric but there is some mechanism at work. For those who arent as sensitive to notice these things it wont be real to them until much more concretely obvious. It goes to show that the seeds or clues can be accessed way before. Havent you ever known something without being able to really explain it or justify it to others?

You dont have to believe or need to as its not a requirement but be a skeptic and i dare you to have a tarot reading and ask a questions that the reader couldnt possibly know because spirit knows all and can reveal it through the cards. Also, get a past life reading but only through tarot and see what comes up. Still, like with any info, a skilled reader knows the cards never lie but it depends on how good the reader is also. There are only a certain number of cards with various symbolisms and for the context of questions how the cards unfold, what they are next to etc tell the story.

Im just as skeptical of those who dismiss something they know nothing about.
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It doesn't work. Even random guessing is sometimes correct, but that doesn't mean it wasn't random. Cold reading is an art, it's about knowing your audience, it's a kind of con game. And often they are sufficiently vague that you can always interpret it to suit your situation. If it worked they could tell lottery numbers.
It doesn't work. Even random guessing is sometimes correct, but that doesn't mean it wasn't random. Cold reading is an art, it's about knowing your audience, it's a kind of con game. And often they are sufficiently vague that you can always interpret it to suit your situation. If it worked they could tell lottery numbers.

No, it isn't. Of course anyone can con you or tell you anything but that is not the point. Some don't read cards honestly, some don't want to give bad news either. Some will tell you anything to keep you coming back but you can tell these things based on testing them. A reputable one will tell you what they see good or bad period. A reading does not just have to be about predictions. It can be any questions you have regarding a current situation, job, relationships, people etc as well as the past. You can even ask what someone is planning, thinking or their opinions that they hide as well as how they are doing etc. It's because there are no real barriers on the spiritual realm. It can be accessed. I dare anyone here to try it. Try under tarot readers and it's not necessarily the most expensive that are the good readers, pay attention to their rating system. The best readers are under three dollars a minute, sometimes even as low as a dollar a minute as they are doing it for itself not to make money off of others pain or anguish or credulity etc. Find a reputable reader, a good one as in having good reviews (five stars) and i dare anyone to try it.

Use realistic assessment as in keep track of what you ask versus what they ask you. Record it even. Tell them nothing and ask questions you are curious about (tarot reading) and then ask yourself how is it possible. It is not random because they couldn't possibly know (they dont' know, they are reading the cards) as you would know what would be random guessing to simple questions versus explaining an entire dynamic going on like peering into your life and even those predictions of that reader in the op if true before those series of events are more than just random coincidence or the odds are pretty far fetched.

All these naysayer replies are easy. We can all do them and i thought it was all bs too until i tested it out. There is definitely something to it and it's not just random coincidence.
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No, it isn't. Of course anyone can con you or tell you anything but that is not the point. Some don't read cards honestly, some don't want to give bad news either. Some will tell you anything to keep you coming back but you can tell these things based on testing them. A reputable one will tell you what they see good or bad period. A reading does not just have to be about predictions. It can be any questions you have regarding a current situation, job, relationships, people etc as well as the past. You can even ask what someone is planning, thinking or their opinions that they hide as well as how they are doing etc. It's because there are no real barriers on the spiritual realm. It can be accessed. I dare anyone here to try it. Try under tarot readers and it's not necessarily the most expensive that are the good readers, pay attention to their rating system. The best readers are under three dollars a minute, sometimes even as low as a dollar a minute as they are doing it for itself not to make money off of others pain or anguish or credulity etc. Find a reputable reader, a good one as in having good reviews (five stars) and i dare anyone to try it.

Use realistic assessment as in keep track of what you ask versus what they ask you. Record it even. Tell them nothing and ask questions you are curious about (tarot reading) and then ask yourself how is it possible. It is not random because they couldn't possibly know as you would know what would be random guessing to simple questions versus explaining an entire dynamic going on like peering into your life and even those predictions of that reader in the op if true before those series of events are more than just random coincidence or the odds are pretty far fetched.

All these naysayer replies are easy. We can all do them and i thought it was all bs too until i tested it out. There is definitely something to it and it's not just random coincidence.
She is not psychic, she is just a very experienced and good reader. Very few people are actually psychic. But tarot cards are real but it also depends on the intelligence of the reader to interpret it correctly.
Thank you for sharing your beliefs upon this matter.
My tarot card reading friend says I am psychic and that I should not ignore such a gift.
My responce was polite.
I told him that I did not want to mess around with things that I knew nothing about and that in any event humans did not need to know their future even if I could "see it".
He then said that is the mark of a true psychic they have the wisdom not to use their power.

He insisted on doing a reading and my observation was that it was rather "fluid" but I could not help but feel he was trying to guide the interpretaion in a particular way relating secifically to a certain lady who was trying to get into my life.
I wanted nothing to do with her but because I was not dismissive of her belief in astrology she seemed to really like me. My tarot card reading mate I suspect saw a future for "us" and tried to guide me to think along those lines via the cards. He breached the privacy of the reading and told her.
So I go to the city for two weeks and get back a d she has moved into my house. I stayed cool because she had built a future based on that reading and believed I would be happy to have her there.
But finally I had to tell her to leave, she was upset and confused, and went into the five stages of grief but finally I got her out.
So I have seen how they work and I think it is a case of folk can believe all sorts of things and upon acting as if those things are real bring their belief into reality.
So the cards in that case had two people believing and seeing a reality that was never going to happen yet they tried hard to make it happen.
She mistook my kindness as encouragement for a relationship I never even thought about or encouraged in any way but her belief in the cards caused her to act... very unfortunate and sad.

All these naysayer replies are easy. We can all do them and i thought it was all bs too until i tested it out. There is definitely something to it and it's not just random coincidence.
Your testing methods are less than rigorous, and not sufficient to rule out common errors of bias.
Thank you for sharing your beliefs upon this matter.
My tarot card reading friend says I am psychic and that I should not ignore such a gift.
My responce was polite.
I told him that I did not want to mess around with things that I knew nothing about and that in any event humans did not need to know their future even if I could "see it".
He then said that is the mark of a true psychic they have the wisdom not to use their power.

He insisted on doing a reading and my observation was that it was rather "fluid" but I could not help but feel he was trying to guide the interpretaion in a particular way relating secifically to a certain lady who was trying to get into my life.
I wanted nothing to do with her but because I was not dismissive of her belief in astrology she seemed to really like me. My tarot card reading mate I suspect saw a future for "us" and tried to guide me to think along those lines via the cards. He breached the privacy of the reading and told her.
So I go to the city for two weeks and get back a d she has moved into my house. I stayed cool because she had built a future based on that reading and believed I would be happy to have her there.
But finally I had to tell her to leave, she was upset and confused, and went into the five stages of grief but finally I got her out.
So I have seen how they work and I think it is a case of folk can believe all sorts of things and upon acting as if those things are real bring their belief into reality.
So the cards in that case had two people believing and seeing a reality that was never going to happen yet they tried hard to make it happen.
She mistook my kindness as encouragement for a relationship I never even thought about or encouraged in any way but her belief in the cards caused her to act... very unfortunate and sad.


I can see how this could happen but every case and context is different. I dont know why he was leading you if you had no interest or asked about her interest etc but usually people will ask about their current relationship or who they may meet in the near future etc.