Huh? Ok, here's my 2 cents. This topic is my "thang", you know, as it is why I began hanging around in this forum to begin with. Not that I've really been able to figure out jack shit, but I'm keeping an open eye on things. I think that aliens have something to do with end-times events. What, I'm not sure. But anyway...if I had to come up with a probable scenario, it would be this...
I think that Y2K will not be as devastating as many extremists think. It's not like the whole world will just come to an end on 1/1/00, but I do think that it will do some pretty major damage. Kind of like a snow-balling effect. The US is pretty prepared, but we forget that other countries that we have significant ties to globally are not. When I think about it, the effects of Y2K are really very dependent upon how far we've removed ourselves from God, and relied upon our own selves for sustanance. For most, it will be a minor inconvenience at first, but the effects of it will be great. In respect to the amount of money that it will take to correct problems, and the global capacity of it. I think that it will really drain a lot of resources that are scarce at the moment anyway. I think that it will cause the stock market to go cluppooy. I also think that the fear that is mounting in regards to it will not help either. People's reactions to it, or preparations for it will probably cause a lot of damage. Panic, I mean, is never proactive but destructive. It seems that a lot of "forces" may be just hanging around in waiting for this event to spring them into action and take ultimate advantage of it. I think that the Antichrist, and the aliens (that's why I think they are related topics) are hanging around and waiting for things to get bad enough for us to NEED them. And I think that we will seem to need something, but not them. That is the deception. False saviours. I think that the weather and global earth changes will also add to this need. Things are getting kind of strange, kind of destructive, and let's face it, it's happened before, and we would be pretty stupid to assume that it won't happen again. The Flood, the dinosaurs, Altantis? I get the impression that the outcome always depends on how much confidence we put in our own creations, and our own paper-mache systems. We do not realize how stupid and fallable we all are without God, and He never fails to show us that eventually. I think that we are coming upon a time such as this. So, anyway, I think that once we are all in a state of despair and panic, the false saviour will step up to the plate with plenty of deceptive evidence and plans to make everything nice-nice again. He will have many great ideas. Ones that we could have come up with on our own a long time ago, if we were all not so busy feeding our egos with the almighty dollar. BUT, and this is a big ol' but, he will eventually DEMAND worship for this things, and for his "power". He will claim that he is the true saviour, and will force those who want to keep their lives to denounce the true Christ. This is the mark of the beast. You know, I also believe in the rapture of the Church, and as I'm not sure when this will happen exactly, I do think that the aliens will have something to do with the "cover up", and that it will add to the worship of the Antichrist in some way. Maybe that will even be more impactive than earth changes or Y2K or anything else. After the rapture, the Holy Spirit will leave the earth with the Church, and things will get nasty, nasty. There will be those who give their lives for Christ during this time (of the Beast). And these are the true heros, for they will have to endure terrible things, but they will know that it is ultimately nothing in comparison to what lies in waiting for God's wrath. Jesus will return with his Church and defeat the Antichrist in the Battle of Armeggedon. I can't get a good picture on the logistics of this situation, as I am not well-educated on foreign affairs, and it seems that changes are taking place so quickly oversees, that I have a hard time keeping up, and trying to see the outcome. Then, the millenium. A 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. I can't wait. To be able to finally get my head out of my ass, and be able to live as I was meant to. For ignorance, to me anyway, is not bliss, it is frustrating!
God loves you and so do I!