Whoa people. this topic got to be the largest one here ever
I read through the post where you wrote you were here on the board to warn us.
I do not know if you are scared or not, but here it the question:
1 - How do
YOU know we are being deceived?
By that i mean How do YOU know, not your religion.
2 - Would it be possible that New Age people have the right heart and believe in God without believing in Jesus or the Bible?
3 - Is it possible that Christianity is the one religion and the group of people that is being deceived? Or is that unacceptable? ( Read Searchers post in "To the Christians".)
Why i ask these questions is that i can't for the life of me believe that there are so many people have the wrong belief.
I believe in God, but does that mean that i am wrong in my belief since i don't believe with the Bible in my hand?
Considering the little information we have of the (supposed
) aliens, how can you then know if they are Satan reincarnated so to speak?
Abductions - They are really doing the same thing as we do to the animals in the wild. Mark them, take samples and put them back to monitor them.. Are humans Satan then?
Yes. Something is coming our way, and i think i have some things that i could share with you on that. I will, but I am waiting for another thing to happen that will confirm it for me.
Polar shift - That could happen
Sun burst - very possible, leaving Earth sterile and desolate.
"It's always easier to ask questions than to give the answers. The Questions are almost always innocent, but the answer's are most often not".
Haakon T Haug ( aka H-kon)