Proof that God does not exist.

Thank you for taking the time to present your belief upon the purpose of life.

Some of us were just pursuing partners and also materials to build a nest and focused on breeding and making sure our offspring were equiped to survive so they also could one day breed.

And material objects were desirable because they were thought to attract a mate, or useful to make a nest for the mate or to provide benefit to the off spring.

Although we can call the objects artificial we seek to acquire their benefit offerred support to the main purpose which is to find a mate and breed.

The bibles confused approach to all matters sexual probably causes theists to forget that mating and breeding is the fundamental purpose if you must have a purpose.

Thank you for explaining things in a way that helps me understand how you view the situation.

And it is good to look for the treasure I suppose.

I looked for the treasure, you believe can be found, for years but I finally I decided that there was no treasure but only a treasure map and that the map was drawn by folk who had not ever seen any treasure and did not realise the treasure of a family.

In most cases it was the torment of their lonliness and dispair that something in their life was absent, namely family, that no doubt caused them to fantisize and write that there was something else ...and to invent even another chance at life so maybe they could be happy the next time ... they needed a next time and a friend and perhaps their lonliness and failure at the basics of life caused them to invent an invisable friend. But why they had to drag others into their fantasies I am not sure as their behaviour was never understandable if you enjoyed a real life.

I gave up hunting for non existent treasure ...and by giving up that fruitless search I could see that what was important was to find a mate, build a nest and breed...raise a sucessful family.

The treasure was my mate, my nest and my offspring.

All real, all tangible and all consistent with life and living in the existing world.

Maybe if you thought that a purpose of breeding was more honorable you would not consider many of the things you seek materially are false.

If you want a house and a car to help find a mate and start a family I dont see working to acquire such possessions as somehow usless or pointless as you seem to suggest...rather honorable I suggest.

It seems that you seek an unrealistic treasure and ignore the true treasure life has to offer.

I think the only value in seeking treasure, say if you find a treasure map, is to get the desire to search out of your system, and realise if someone has hidden treasure they will never make a map for someone else to find it...think about it why make a map? ...who could not remember where they hide their treasure?...its not like..Oh where did I put my keys?...

So if you find a treasure map it is sure to be something drawn up to have folk participating in a wild goose chase.

I searched for the treasure that you still hunt but finally realised...there was no treasure and those who drew the map were uninformed at best and dishonest at worst.
But shame on me for not realising these teachers were uninformed and often incorrect...if they were wrong on many things why would they be right on all things...well you cant trust reality to be decribed by someone who gets so many things wrong.

I simply realised that if everything was due to God and we are here because of God it would be clear and in no way hidden in books half full of errors and me it made sense that if God was real there would be no doubt or confusion or denominations or varience of belief from one place to another... for knowledge of God would be universal ..the knowledge would be as basic and as standard as how humans breed and reproduce...there would be no mystery needed... so to find a mystery I find it inconsistent with life and observation of all that is in the world or indeed the universe.

Would you raise a child and determine the best way to help them understand and respect you was to leave and never see them or to ever help them learn to read or dress themselves.

The lack of input suggests an obvious conclusion for me.

Nevertheless I thank you again for explaining your view I do appreciate you doing so...I responded because you made me think of how I viewed things and not to discredit anything you have fact I think you went a long way to helping me understand your view of the way it is for you.

But I suggest this...if you do no more than find a partner and raise a family with kindness and respect for each of them and aquire goods to support your family, I think that would make any God happy and have him believe that he had not created a Universe that life did not enjoy and flourish within.
Would he want praise?
I dont know but as a father I seek no praise or worship from my children so even the aspect of suggesting a God would require praise seems strange and probably unrealistic...however such a requirement would suit folk who experienced insecurity and that insecurity could reflect in the authorship of say a religious text.


Alex ; to your last response , brilliant !!!!
I would NEVER abandon , my wife nor my children .

For any religion .

You are a good man river.

I suppose however a religious belief has split some families.

And when you see some of the extremes...honor killing of a girl who left the house with out the required company and murdered by her brothers.

What were they thinking?

And when someone asks what harm does religion do perhaps they could consider honor killings.

You are a good man river.

I suppose however a religious belief has split some families.

And when you see some of the extremes...honor killing of a girl who left the house with out the required company by her brothers.
What were they thinking?

Tradition , man is superior to the female .

Ever seen the consequence in India where females have acid , splashed on their face , by males ? It is beyond comprehension .

Everytime I see this , it brings me to tears .
Tradition , man is superior to the female .

Ever seen the consequence in India where females have acid , splashed on their face , by males ? It is beyond comprehension .

Everytime I see this , it brings me to tears .

Oh yes so horrible.
These sort of things make me an atheist.
I dont believe a God could let such happen therefore there is none...or...if there is a God and he (could not be a she cause would not be so stupidly cruel) allowed such things I would still proyest even though he could crisp me in a blink. I would never support what appears to be a cruel uncaring God.

Man if I was God I would work on fixing a few things real fast.

Did you read the link I posted you will like it.

Oh yes so horrible.
These sort of things make me an atheist.
I dont believe a God could let such happen therefore there is none...or...if there is a God and he (could not be a she cause would not be so stupidly cruel) allowed such things I would still proyest even though he could crisp me in a blink. I would never support what appears to be a cruel uncaring God.

Man if I was God I would work on fixing a few things real fast.

Did you read the link I posted you will like it.


No , to be honest I didn't know you had a link .
Thank you for taking the time to present your belief upon the purpose of life.

Some of us were just pursuing partners and also materials to build a nest and focused on breeding and making sure our offspring were equiped to survive so they also could one day breed.

And material objects were desirable because they were thought to attract a mate, or useful to make a nest for the mate or to provide benefit to the off spring.

Although we can call the objects artificial we seek to acquire their benefit offerred support to the main purpose which is to find a mate and breed.

The bibles confused approach to all matters sexual probably causes theists to forget that mating and breeding is the fundamental purpose if you must have a purpose.

Thank you for explaining things in a way that helps me understand how you view the situation.

And it is good to look for the treasure I suppose.

I looked for the treasure, you believe can be found, for years but I finally I decided that there was no treasure but only a treasure map and that the map was drawn by folk who had not ever seen any treasure and did not realise the treasure of a family.

In most cases it was the torment of their lonliness and dispair that something in their life was absent, namely family, that no doubt caused them to fantisize and write that there was something else ...and to invent even another chance at life so maybe they could be happy the next time ... they needed a next time and a friend and perhaps their lonliness and failure at the basics of life caused them to invent an invisable friend. But why they had to drag others into their fantasies I am not sure as their behaviour was never understandable if you enjoyed a real life.

I gave up hunting for non existent treasure ...and by giving up that fruitless search I could see that what was important was to find a mate, build a nest and breed...raise a sucessful family.

The treasure was my mate, my nest and my offspring.

All real, all tangible and all consistent with life and living in the existing world.

Maybe if you thought that a purpose of breeding was more honorable you would not consider many of the things you seek materially are false.

If you want a house and a car to help find a mate and start a family I dont see working to acquire such possessions as somehow usless or pointless as you seem to suggest...rather honorable I suggest.

It seems that you seek an unrealistic treasure and ignore the true treasure life has to offer.

I think the only value in seeking treasure, say if you find a treasure map, is to get the desire to search out of your system, and realise if someone has hidden treasure they will never make a map for someone else to find it...think about it why make a map? ...who could not remember where they hide their treasure?...its not like..Oh where did I put my keys?...

So if you find a treasure map it is sure to be something drawn up to have folk participating in a wild goose chase.

I searched for the treasure that you still hunt but finally realised...there was no treasure and those who drew the map were uninformed at best and dishonest at worst.
But shame on me for not realising these teachers were uninformed and often incorrect...if they were wrong on many things why would they be right on all things...well you cant trust reality to be decribed by someone who gets so many things wrong.

I simply realised that if everything was due to God and we are here because of God it would be clear and in no way hidden in books half full of errors and me it made sense that if God was real there would be no doubt or confusion or denominations or varience of belief from one place to another... for knowledge of God would be universal ..the knowledge would be as basic and as standard as how humans breed and reproduce...there would be no mystery needed... so to find a mystery I find it inconsistent with life and observation of all that is in the world or indeed the universe.

Would you raise a child and determine the best way to help them understand and respect you was to leave and never see them or to ever help them learn to read or dress themselves.

The lack of input suggests an obvious conclusion for me.

Nevertheless I thank you again for explaining your view I do appreciate you doing so...I responded because you made me think of how I viewed things and not to discredit anything you have fact I think you went a long way to helping me understand your view of the way it is for you.

But I suggest this...if you do no more than find a partner and raise a family with kindness and respect for each of them and aquire goods to support your family, I think that would make any God happy and have him believe that he had not created a Universe that life did not enjoy and flourish within.
Would he want praise?
I dont know but as a father I seek no praise or worship from my children so even the aspect of suggesting a God would require praise seems strange and probably unrealistic...however such a requirement would suit folk who experienced insecurity and that insecurity could reflect in the authorship of say a religious text.


So, the question is why we procreate, rather why procreation is purpose of our life? You don't seem to have any answer for that. When I say finding the treasure (God) is the purpose of life, then I can be excused because I am making a faith based statement, a statement which an atheist can outrightly ridicule, but when you make a statement claiming yourself as scientifically oriented rationalist atheist (SORA) then don't you think you should substantiate your claim?

And by the way, what would be the purpose of life (or remaining life) of a mule, a transgender, an impotent, women beyond menopause, a sterilized person, those who have self imposed break on procreation etc?
So, the question is why we procreate, rather why procreation is purpose of our life? You don't seem to have any answer for that. When I say finding the treasure (God) is the purpose of life, then I can be excused because I am making a faith based statement, a statement which an atheist can outrightly ridicule, but when you make a statement claiming yourself as scientifically oriented rationalist atheist (SORA) then don't you think you should substantiate your claim?

And by the way, what would be the purpose of life (or remaining life) of a mule, a transgender, an impotent, women beyond menopause, a sterilized person, those who have self imposed break on procreation etc?
Reproduction is not our purpose. I don't excuse statements because they are faith-based, which is the worst possible reason for anything.
Lack of an objective purpose makes you uncomfortable, so you invented a father figure that knows what it's all about. You don't even seem to be able to define what god is, so any rational person may dismiss the notion out of hand.

Very true because this purpose is based on the premises of belief in the existence of that fatherly figure. And why blame me for not able to supply you any definition which will suit your rational approach, I never claimed that the definition or characteristics of God will be rational as per our understanding of what is rational or not.

By the way may I ask you what is the objective purpose of our life?
There is no objective purpose of life. There are subjective ones, like the one you have chosen already laid out in a religion.

And if you admit faith isn't rational, we are done here. Proof is by definition a rational process. I don't have to prove something doesn't exist when you've already stated you have no rational reason for believing it in the first place.
We have two atheists here, one (Alex) claiming reproduction as purpose of life and another you contradicting him!
Alex is wrong. We do have a strong biological impulse to reproduce, but I don't feel that's the same thing as a purpose. Purpose requires an agent dictating that purpose, even one's self, and a universal purpose would require a universal agent, for which there is no legitimate evidence.
There is no objective purpose of life.

It could be your ignorance. You are making a statement that your life is purposeless. I have no problem with that.

And if you admit faith isn't rational, we are done here. Proof is by definition a rational process. I don't have to prove something doesn't exist when you've already stated you have no rational reason for believing it in the first place.

No one is seeking any proof from you on the context, you just refer to a dictionary and find out the meaning of "faith", that would suffice.
Alex is wrong. We do have a strong biological impulse to reproduce, but I don't feel that's the same thing as a purpose. Purpose requires an agent dictating that purpose, even one's self, and a universal purpose would require a universal agent, for which there is no legitimate evidence.

Good one, but the lack of proof does not rule out his existence (his = universal agent = God?)
It could be your ignorance. You are making a statement that your life is purposeless. I have no problem with that.
Iron rusts, we too are a chemical process.

No one is seeking any proof from you on the context, you just refer to a dictionary and find out the meaning of "faith", that would suffice.
Are you just saying you have personally rationalised your thoughts so as to believe in a god or gods (Eastern)?