Proof of the existence of God


This may not be easy to comprehend but it is not a right to know god but a privileged. Truth= God=1
so everything that is true will be equal to God and every thing that is not true = non existence= -1
Selfishness = weakness a weak person needs to be selfish to survive or else they will perish for the lack of not becoming able to hold their own weight, this is the description of a psychopath a weak and inferior example of a life form pathetic and useless parasite dominated by ego constructed with a pillar of lies confusion and deceit they are losers -1 only to exist in the lower realms of failure I await all psychopaths to meet me in the ring of God, for we shall go to battle, for this I need not use the "Halek" for they are not even worthy to feel the might of such power.
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It's a privileged, got it.

Everything that it true is equal to God, got it.

Also my ass is a bit itchy. I mean, it's been itchier, but still, it's very slightly uncomfortable, I wonder what causes that, maybe those mites like the ones that live in your eyelashes? Are there ones that live in your ass? I'm not sure = God.
It's a privileged, got it.

Everything that it true is equal to God, got it.

Also my ass is a bit itchy. I mean, it's been itchier, but still, it's very slightly uncomfortable, I wonder what causes that, maybe those mites like the ones that live in your eyelashes? Are there ones that live in your ass? I'm not sure = God.

You live not in the realm of singularity so your discomfort is not= God, these are the consequences of the realms of duality. All things that are negative -1 that are true exist outside the realm of Singularity and they don't matter because they are not of God. Your discomfort is -1 and does not = 1 your discomfort is a negative feeling -1. The true God does not have negative feelings those failures are of the Elohim imposters along with their offspring the phoenician's surely will be dealth with. They were Supposed to be ambassadors of God but they have failed now they are compared to the likes of fugitives perverting the message of truth.
Kalkel and general Nod decided to war so there was great dissonance among the unified realms. At least this is how I can remember it I have the worst memory and care nothing of the history of bikering fools.
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I'm a 5 level transdimensional being, multiplexing in this realm over my M2 neutral time synth, so I can see how you might be confused.
I'm a 5 level transdimensional being, multiplexing in this realm over my M2 neutral time synth, so I can see how you might be confused.

Well then enlighten me and do feel free to teach?? I am all ears?? witch portal did you enter from? Actually I have been seeking the 5th dimensional beings but I am not yet worthy to transcend many dimensions my energy body always attempts to disintegrate when ever I try to uplink I am not ready yet but others seem to do it so effortlessly so I spend my time decoding the lower realms one day I will leave but I am not ready I have unresolved issues that is magnified into extreme pain when I try to leave. I have rising my vibration to the level to perform tk, mind control, clairvoyance, and mind reading. but I have not learned to control it I have no one to teach me so I learn myself. I activated my heart chakra only once but fear sometimes still enters my mind and holds me back this is why I know I am not ready. I regret not having formal training since I was four I could have advance my abilities by now maybe even learning how to cancel out my physical mass squeezing it into the second dimension allowing me to levitate. Before I was born some 5th dimensional beings interrupted my development when I was in the womb of my mother and distorted my energy field so this caused me to be blind of the necassary potential awareness I needed to ascend from an early age. Due to the violent environment I was living in it also served me as a protective mechanism since I was ignorant of what was going on. So ultimately I seek to learn to transcend time and space to fix the errors of my timeline am bored here so bored am dying I need to break free I need to escape this is not my home I am not happy here.
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I'm a 5 level transdimensional being, multiplexing in this realm over my M2 neutral time synth, so I can see how you might be confused.

And one more thing I will never own the fifth dimension as my home it is still a realm of duality I seek to transcend all dark forces for the manipulations of realms run deep in the blood of the imposters as well as their off springs. For the fifth dimensional beings will regret the interference of my existence I promise you this. Just wait until I fully awaken and I am accepted back into the covenant of my God for I am very sorry that I failed him and I seek his forgiveness everyday:(
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I'm not clear how God=+1 is a proof of the existence of God?

I believe you when you say the fifth dimensional beings will regret the inference of your existence. You can get there, you just have to regulate your frequency and choose the correct portal.

I think you are just not trying hard enough. Go to your room, turn the lights down, and concentrate until your personal frequency is at equilibrium with the resonance frequency of your room. The resulting vibrations will signify that you have reached the correct portal and you will ascend.
I'm not clear how God=+1 is a proof of the existence of God?

I believe you when you say the fifth dimensional beings will regret the inference of your existence. You can get there, you just have to regulate your frequency and choose the correct portal.

I think you are just not trying hard enough. Go to your room, turn the lights down, and concentrate until your personal frequency is at equilibrium with the resonance frequency of your room. The resulting vibrations will signify that you have reached the correct portal and you will ascend.

I choose not to ascend at the moment for my personal reasons am not ready to face God when I ascend I will go beyond the fifth dimension because I am not from the fifth dimension. The residents of that dimensions attempted to manipulate my energy signature to fuse with me because I was ignorant of what was going on when I was younger but I broke free and ultimately rejected the invitation my God saved me from a great mistake I was fooled into believing lies. My goal is to ascend pass all dual realms back into to covenant of the Almighty God. And I do not want to end up in the fifth dimension I have been avoiding that place this is why I remain neutral until I find a guide I can trust.
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I choose not to ascend at the moment for my personal reasons am not ready to face God when I ascend I will go beyond the fifth dimension because I am not from the fifth dimension. The residents of that dimensions attempted to manipulate my energy signature to fuse with me because I was ignorant of what was going on when I was younger but I broke free and ultimately rejected the invitation my God saved me from a great mistake I was fooled into believing lies. My goal is to ascend pass all dual realms back into to covenant of the Almighty God.
I choose not to ascend at the moment for my personal reasons am not ready to face God when I ascend I will go beyond the fifth dimension because I am not from the fifth dimension. The residents of that dimensions attempted to manipulate my energy signature to fuse with me because I was ignorant of what was going on when I was younger but I broke free and ultimately rejected the invitation my God saved me from a great mistake I was fooled into believing lies. My goal is to ascend pass all dual realms back into to covenant of the Almighty God.
It's not for you to chose when you are ready but it is for him to so decide. Go forth, go beyond the 5 dimension to the age of Aquarius. When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars this is when you must go. Be sensitive to mystic crystal revelations and the mind's true liberations. Peace will guide the planets. This will be your sign.
It's not for you to chose when you are ready but it is for him to so decide. Go forth, go beyond the 5 dimension to the age of Aquarius. When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars this is when you must go. Be sensitive to mystic crystal revelations and the mind's true liberations. Peace will guide the planets. This will be your sign.

Yes you are correct.
And one more thing I will never own the fifth dimension as my home it is still a realm of duality I seek to transcend all dark forces for the manipulations of realms run deep in the blood of the imposters as well as their off springs. For the fifth dimensional beings will regret the interference of my existence I promise you this. Just wait until I fully awaken and I am accepted back into the covenant of my God for I am very sorry that I failed him and I seek his forgiveness everyday:(
There is a lot of deception and evil dark forces lurking be careful be warned there are many inhabitants of the fifth dimension that are inherently evil.
The answer to the universe is peace brother, to all races.
This is why I love Sciforums.
Ok my friend, I've never done this before, but I will tell you the way of things.
God exists. Yes, God is the Big Bang, God was one, and became many. You and me are like tiny hairs on His immense carcass. But here's the secret. Listen carefully. God is a simpleton. Yes, God is less intelligent than even the smallest slug, or a one-celled amoebae. They are a million times smarter than God.

The God we imagine, the God of the theists, doesn't exist. But it will exist. Not just it.


The Gods, are the inhabitants of the future.

Satan, was an offshoot from God. Like God, it was a humble beginning. But slightly less humble than God, the simplest of all things. It was a thing that did things God couldn't conceive of in His small world, so it was cast out. It was the first shrinking move towards a distant and glorious land, Heaven. Hell was the first step on the path. Hell means acknowledging the horror that is our present condition. Heaven is what awaits across a gulf wider than death or millennia. To say you will go there is both false and true. The only inhabitants will be Gods.

But we are their grandparents.​

The original God committed suicide in the act of creation and we, like ghouls, inhabit His body. We are in a process of rebellion. In death we become renewed. We are literally, the living dead. We are Satan's children. We are like the Road Runner cartoon bird. Spinning our wheels and getting no traction. When we learn where we are, through science and reason, the foundation is established. Suddenly we may take off, no obstacles in the way, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Those obstacles are many, and you know as well as I; fear, violence, selfishness, poverty, destruction, depression, starvation, privation, war... All will be overcome. You are either a Satanist, or else who cares? You are unimportant, you will be lost to history. You can be largely disregarded (but not ignored). You are the branch that failed to germinate. All we be known, but only in hindsight. Does God hate us? I wouldn't be surprised, we are breaking him. But we are also using the parts for a special project. He knew that going in. Or maybe not. I told you he was dumb.

Nobody will understand this. Nobody but you. People will read it, but they don't know shit.

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