Posts per day

I had 18/day back when I first joined. It's all the same stuff over and over again in most of the sections, so I really only enjoyed this place when I first joined. Now I use it as a digg or facebook :)
Not so clueluss after all, are you? :p

Ah shucks... you'r jus bein kind... but hell... a half-drunk monkey coud figer out the purpos of THIS thred... lol.!!!

Its the second thead he's made like that, he forgets maybe but I remember stuff like this

O well... i guess we all have our ways to "dig" at each other... its jus that i somtims nievely thank a "boss" woud set a beter esample... but Enmos (collateral damage) seems to be takin it hard... cause aparently he dont realize that you was the target :bugeye:
That's true.
But I think those indications are not restricted to people above 5 posts a day, which seems rather arbitrary anyway. And they don't have to apply at all to people above 5 posts a day either.

you got that right!
O well... i guess we all have our ways to "dig" at each other... its jus that i somtims nievely thank a "boss" woud set a beter esample...
Now you see why there is an atmosphere of "who gives a flying fuck" when the Central Commitee appoints yet another apparatchik to watch over the proceedings, or they flatulate on about yet another "Ghetto Beautification Project" which they claim will at long last make this the paradise they insist it would be minus the negative impulses the membership gives in to, whilst it is obvious that the most blatant offenders have always been among these so-called "Sentinels of Virtue".

hee !

Now you see why there is an atmosphere of "who gives a flying fuck" when the Central Commitee appoints yet another apparatchik to watch over the proceedings, or they flatulate on about yet another "Ghetto Beautification Project" which they claim will at long last make this the paradise they insist it would be minus the negative impulses the membership gives in to, whilst it is obvious that the most blatant offenders have always been among these so-called "Sentinels of Virtue".

hee !


O well... owners an administraters an moderaters are oniy human... but i thank i woud like it beter if the ones in need woud use secerete socks for when they want to "smear" sombody.!!!
O well... owners an administraters an moderaters are oniy human... but i thank i woud like it beter if the ones in need woud use secerete socks for when they want to "smear" sombody.!!!

So you would prefer anonymous people to take digs at you rather than be upfront? What would that achieve?
So you would prefer anonymous people to take digs at you rather than be upfront? What would that achieve?

Well i dont mind "digs" from anybody about somptin ive said... an even gossip type digs are ok if ther from the regular mambers... but when the "bosses" smear an spread gossip it can have a much stronger negetive impact on serous discusson... so for the beterment of this groop i prefer that the ones in charge at leas apear to be above such behavior.!!!