Posts per day

I multitask everyday of my life or wouldn't get as much done as I do.

There is no doubt you have seen much more of the world then me. Personally I wouldn't want to travel around the world by myself, that isn't for me.

I much rather have the life I have surrounded by my family (kids). Like tonight for instance we all sat out and had a fire in the backyard, making smores just relaxing and joking around with some other friends of ours. I find that much more fulfilling then traveling around the world all by myself, but to each his own.

Then you can understand that the same way you are not inclined to live my life I am not inclined to live yours. I would be bored to death cooking and cleaning as a form of personal fulfilment. I have a family at home who support what I do and those are the only people in the world whose opinion matters to me.
Just an OP reaction:

I look at posting here as preparatory for the impact of emerging technologies that will precipitate a staggering explosion of intelligent communities. These will rapidly conquer the distances and barriers between people in ways that we can scarcely imagine right now.

Post smart, and post often. Open up to an expanding diversity of minds. This is important exercise for what's ahead.
Why are you offended? You think all that was directed at you? :rolleyes:

Yes, because all that was directed at people with more than 5 posts a day.

James R said:
I'd estimate that most regular contributors average about 5 posts per day over time.

A higher post rate, I think, may indicate one or more of the following, for starters:
Just an OP reaction:

I look at posting here as preparatory for the impact of emerging technologies that will precipitate a staggering explosion of intelligent communities. These will rapidly conquer the distances and barriers between people in ways that we can scarcely imagine right now.

Post smart, and post often. Open up to an expanding diversity of minds. This is important exercise for what's ahead.

I like your optimism.

I'm thinking its more like ~ 90% of the online population will belong to the current day's "twitter", and the intelligent communities will continue to exhibit smaller memberships in various niche corners of the internet.
Just standard kvetching. :p

I also read a book a day, when is that going to be derided? I do that without other human interaction, unlike posting. I go to the gym and swim laps for 2 hours. Is that bad as well?

I swear, some people are so pathetic. And kvetching is now my new word. Thanks :D
Wow..what's wrong with not having a life? I mean, it's not like we can deduce from how many posts a day a person posts whether they have a life or not. People like to spend their time differently. Getting over 50 a day isn't exactly equalling with having no life, especially if said person is a debater-type. Okay...if said person would post over 1000 posts a day..then I'd start to wonder how they spend their time...but's just 50 posts...
Wow..what's wrong with not having a life? I mean, it's not like we can deduce from how many posts a day a person posts whether they have a life or not. People like to spend their time differently. Getting over 50 a day isn't exactly equalling with having no life, especially if said person is a debater-type. Okay...if said person would post over 1000 posts a day..then I'd start to wonder how they spend their time...but's just 50 posts...

yeah but its the consistency of those posts...each day...each week...each month...every year.

Kind of begs a question whether all is allright in the real world.
yeah but its the consistency of those posts...each day...each week...each month...every year.

Kind of begs a question whether all is allright in the real world.

Maybe instead of going to the pub and drinking themselves to sh*ts they'd rather go for a nice rant in the forums?
Maybe instead of going to the pub and drinking themselves to sh*ts they'd rather go for a nice rant in the forums?

I would go ahead and say that socializing in real life is still important, even such devious activities as going to the Pub. After all only we decide how much alcohol and booties we wield.
I would go ahead and say that socializing in real life is still important, even such devious activities as going to the Pub. After all only we decide how much alcohol and booties we wield.

Maybe they've socialised enough at work/etc.? Or are just generally fed up after work having to talk about more negligible stuff, so instead of that they rather surf the internet, and forums, and partake in debates and discussions in which they actually want to partake, and where they actually can leave at any time they want to?

Oh yeah, and before I forget...partaking in online discussions is also a form of socialising. Just saying.
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i think james R got jealous for not having enough to say to line up close to the other members :p
even such devious activities as going to the Pub.
Going to the pub is a devious activity?
How so?

After all only we decide how much alcohol and booties we wield.
Most people "wield" only a single booty...

PS, me: 11.55 posts/ day.
Maybe I should get to the pub more often.
What can we deduce from this (if anything)?

Holy cow!

I just realised I have been here since 2001 and I haven't broken the 10k post mark! I don't know whether to be proud or go on a massive posting frenzy.:bawl:

3.42 posts per day..


9,581 posts all up..


/Must not be competitive..

/Enjoys life..:p
Originally Posted by James R
“ What can we deduce from this (if anything)?

O for Christs sake... it dont take all that much deducin but i will acknowledge the white elephant in the room... the intent of this thred was for S.A.M. to receive ridicule :rolleyes:
You know what makes me sometimes facepalm, or laugh? When I accidentally stumble across some of my old posts, or threads (speaking of online forums in general)'s like.."woah..what the f*ck was I smoking that day?" or " Sheesh..I'm glad that my notions have evolved since then" haha
I'd estimate that most regular contributors average about 5 posts per day over time.

A higher post rate, I think, may indicate one or more of the following, for starters:

  • Posts are of a low quality or "knee-jerk" variety.
  • Poster thinks sciforums can be used like a Facebook status box.
  • Poster is happy to start threads on just about anything that pops into his or her mind, and lacks the ability to self-censor and reflect on whether other members may be interested.
  • Poster spends too much time on the internet.
  • Poster places too much importance on internet forums, probably at the expense of his or her "real life".
  • Poster has an unhealthy obsession with one or more topics discussed on sciforums and feels compelled to post on them to excess.
    [*]Poster is very fast at processing information, is an excellent and efficient writer, has lots of intelligent things to say and is very good at multitasking internet use with his or her real life.

You shouldn't be offended Enmos, because it wasn't directed at you. Note the highlighted words.

May, also means may not.

I didn't mean anything derogatorily, it was just a general observation on a lot of the people at the top of that list. Yourself not included, I've already told you how I feel about you and your posting style.
You shouldn't be offended Enmos, because it wasn't directed at you. Note the highlighted words.

May, also means may not.

I didn't mean anything derogatorily, it was just a general observation on a lot of the people at the top of that list. Yourself not included, I've already told you how I feel about you and your posting style.

That's true.
But I think those indications are not restricted to people above 5 posts a day, which seems rather arbitrary anyway. And they don't have to apply at all to people above 5 posts a day either.