Posts per day

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
Here are the numbers of posts per day for all members of sciforums with more than 10000 posts:

***********************************************S.A.M. 47.33
**************************Orleander 25.88
*************************draqon 25.24
*****************Enmos 17.17
**************shorty_37 14.03
**************Baron Max 13.55
*************John99 13.52
************Buffalo Roam 11.87
************spidergoat 11.70
**********cosmictraveler 9.90
*********leopold99 9.47
*********GeoffP 8.89
*********lightgigantic 8.60
********Oli 8.21
*******Avatar 6.67
*******Asguard 6.63
******James R 6.38
******superluminal 6.25
******(Q) 5.62
******Tiassa 5.53
*****Truthseeker 5.38
*****ElectricFetus 5.14
*****one_raven 5.04
*****Fraggle Rocker 4.68
****hypewaders 4.21
****Xev 3.93

What can we deduce from this (if anything)?

And who else has a posting rate greater than 10 posts per day? Post your stats here if you want.
I just realized that my posts per day have increased to 0.58. I need to slow down.
***********************************************S.A.M. 47.33
**************************Orleander 25.88
*************************draqon 25.24
*****************Enmos 17.17
**************shorty_37 14.03
**************Baron Max 13.55
*************John99 13.52
************Buffalo Roam 11.87
************spidergoat 11.70
**********cosmictraveler 9.90
*********leopold99 9.47
*********GeoffP 8.89
*********lightgigantic 8.60
********Oli 8.21
*******Avatar 6.67
*******Asguard 6.63
******James R 6.38
******superluminal 6.25
******(Q) 5.62
******Tiassa 5.53
*****Truthseeker 5.38
******cluelusshusbund 5.2
*****ElectricFetus 5.14
*****one_raven 5.04
*****Fraggle Rocker 4.68
****hypewaders 4.21
****Xev 3.93

What can we deduce from this...

That the mos mentaly healthy peopoe post aroun 5.2 posts per day.!!!
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Tiassa is only 5.53, but that stat doesn't take into consideration that every one of his posts has the volume of 50.
hey james:p
im above you (and tiassa) even though i was gone for over a year:p

I guess if you count up all the days I wasn't on the forum between 2001 and now, it might add up to a year, too. :)

Then again, probably not.
I'd think that QUALITY should be considered more than shear QUANTITY. Many of my posts are in the arts section dealing with music and other various things in which I really say little but only add a few comments or articles. So I'd think Tiassa has a better quality than many that post more then he does for what they have to say. That being said I also think that there are many here who contribute good stuff from time to time even if they don't have allot to say at other times. Everyones comments are enjoyed by myself as well as many others, no matter how much or little they post, so just keep them coming! :)
Well I have not been posting much on Sciforums lately and my rate is still up there amongst the stars. Deduction from the data: Sciforums is addiction to the above 10 post people and people below 10 posts it is a hobby.
Here are the numbers of posts per day for all members of sciforums with more than 10000 posts:

***********************************************S.A.M. 47.33
...What can we deduce from this (if anything)?

I can deduce that SAM is an extreme extravert.
Perhaps there's a difference in how people engage a discussion ?
If I reply to a post and someone else or the poster of the original post replies to that immediately I respond again. This can easily result in discussions of 20+ posts per person in one sitting. I don't see what's wrong with that.
Also, you have these threads like "Word association". Participation in such threads will definitely up your post count.
Are some people afraid of high post count ? Do they refuse to answer a reply the same day out of fear that they will be branded as someone with a high post count ?
Are some people afraid of high post count ? Do they refuse to answer a reply the same day out of fear that they will be branded as someone with a high post count ?

Probably. People are afraid of all kinds of things, which is how social conformity is enforced. When you come from a society where class and caste are both used to manipulate how people think about themselves you can recognise the signs. People are afraid of saying something because they might be wrong, people are afraid of standing up for what they believe in because its not politically correct, people are afraid of being judged and found wanting, people are afraid they are not good enough or they won't qualify for that special club, people are afraid of being outsiders.

As Dawkins says:

And I think that they are likely to be swayed by a display of naked contempt. Nobody likes to be laughed at. Nobody wants to be the butt of contempt.

So the question is, should you give other people that power over you?