planets orbit like their stars vibrate ?

What size and structure of matter is this matter ?

I do not know, but BH s are detected because some matter is able through enough velocity to stay for some time at a safe distance, and it is that area that is affected by the inner pulsations. so, we see GH because what happens outside of them, and here we have 2 of them showing in their outsides that the inside pulses.

Which in the end becomes , non-existent .

our planet too is half way through it's life span, Nevertheless, in the mean time, our orbits seem to align in wavelength with the 5 minute solar "heartbeat". logically a larger body like that BH, witha grater and larger mass would have a longer Eigenschwingung, 12 times longer
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Here, from a Guardian article a quote that shows solar activity in the time range of the 5 minute pulse, "flickering" of many sources. Correlation is not causation, but standing wave patterns can emerge from many sources. magnetism in this case
"reveals flickering beacons, each spanning just a few hundred kilometres across and lasting minutes, before fizzling out again."
Hannah Devlin Science
Closest ever images of sun reveal it is covered in miniature flares.
" Or maybe RU Lup is interacting with another star. Another possibility is that the disk is interacting with its environment, accreting interstellar material along the spiral arms."

"None of these scenarios completely explain what we have observed, said team-member Sean Andrews of CfA. "There might be unknown processes happening during planet formation that we have not yet accounted for in our models. bold added. cited from:
ScienceDaily, 3 August 2020. <>.
Jane Huang, Sean M. Andrews, Karin I. Öberg, Megan Ansdell, Myriam Benisty, John M. Carpenter, Andrea Isella, Laura M. Pérez, Luca Ricci, Jonathan P. Williams, David J. Wilner, Zhaohuan Zhu. Large-scale CO Spiral Arms and Complex Kinematics Associated with the T Tauri Star RU Lup. The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 898 (2): 140 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aba1e1

Spiral arms are quasi-standing waves. standing waves are often created by resonances. so: not just ring shaped, concentric but traverse spoke shaped waves in proto - planetary disks?
"interacting with the environment" , possibly the pulsations, frequencies of the newly fired up star?
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" Or maybe RU Lup is interacting with another star. Another possibility is that the disk is interacting with its environment, accreting interstellar material along the spiral arms."

"None of these scenarios completely explain what we have observed, said team-member Sean Andrews of CfA. "There might be unknown processes happening during planet formation that we have not yet accounted for in our models. bold added. cited from:
ScienceDaily, 3 August 2020. <>.
Jane Huang, Sean M. Andrews, Karin I. Öberg, Megan Ansdell, Myriam Benisty, John M. Carpenter, Andrea Isella, Laura M. Pérez, Luca Ricci, Jonathan P. Williams, David J. Wilner, Zhaohuan Zhu. Large-scale CO Spiral Arms and Complex Kinematics Associated with the T Tauri Star RU Lup. The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 898 (2): 140 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aba1e1

Spiral arms are quasi-standing waves. standing waves are often created by resonances. so: not just ring shaped, concentric but traverse spoke shaped waves in proto - planetary disks?
"interacting with the environment" , possibly the pulsations, frequencies of the newly fired up star?

Or maybe planets were ejected from the Sun .
Or maybe planets were ejected from the Sun .
We have observational evidence from other stellar systems, in various process of formation, of planets being formed under gravity in accretion disks.
We have no reason to believe ours is any different.
Why would gaseious planets exist . In our solar system .
???:? Why wouldn't or shouldn't gaseous planets exist in our solar system?
C'mon river, here's your chance to show how "knowledgable" you are....I asked you why our solar system would not have formed like the many others that we have observed. Please stop ducking and weaving and answer. If you are just being contrary or are ignorant, then you will probably keep on ignoring my request asking you why.
???:? Why wouldn't or shouldn't gaseous planets exist in our solar system?
C'mon river, here's your chance to show how "knowledgable" you are....I asked you why our solar system would not have formed like the many others that we have observed. Please stop ducking and weaving and answer. If you are just being contrary or are ignorant, then you will probably keep on ignoring my request asking you why.

Just not though gravity . Planets don't form because of gravity .
Just not though gravity . Planets don't form because of gravity .
Is this just "your thoughts" again?
Even though we have observational evidence, of forming through "clumping"gravity, at various formation stages?
Would you like me to dig up some actual photos river?
But then again, you would probably ignore as you have in the past.
And this one river...why would it be different? Again a detailed explanation would be great.
Can I preempt your thoughts here, on what you have already inferred? You believe planets are ejected by Stars, correct?
While that is wrong, according to what we have already observed, my next question would be, how do stars form river? :D
You see river, stars and planets are observed to form from the same collapsing conglomeration of gas and other stellar remnants, in which the accretion disk, where planets form from.
And river, surprise, surprise!!! all under gravity.
Or maybe planets were ejected from the Sun .
(11 p0sts ago)
Planetary material might be made in suns, but the stuff of our planets, rocks , iron, was not forget in our star, but in long dead past generations of suns. .
The fact that there is such a concentration of the lightest element, helium in the center of the solar system might be due to a quirk of of the gravitational field force.
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